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py-apache-arrow: Update to 16.1.0

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Matthew Danielson <>
Pushed By:	matthewd
Date:		Sat Jun 1 18:00:10 2024 -0700
Changeset:	1e44dd19a9e552b3771e084ba4b9305854b47c85

Modified Files:

Log Message:
py-apache-arrow: Update to 16.1.0

* Note - this now builds on NetBSD 10

Apache Arrow 16.1.0 (2024-05-14 07:00:00)
Bug Fixes

    GH-40069 - [C++] Make scalar scratch space immutable after initialization (#40237)
    GH-40407 - [JS] Fix string coercion in MapRowProxyHandler.ownKeys (#40408)
    GH-40563 - [Go] Unable to JSON marshal float64 arrays which contain a NaN value (#41109)
    GH-41133 - [Benchmarking] Build benchmarks in benchmarks.env (#40925)
    GH-41137 - [C#] Fix DenseUnionArray IsNull/Valid (#41138)
    GH-41140 - [C#] Account for offset and length in union arrays (#41165)
    GH-41238 - [Release] Use UTF-8 as the default encoding to upload binary (#41242)
    GH-41280 - [Release][Java] Make Maven version detection more robust (#41281)
    GH-41302 - [C#][Integration] Fix writing list and binary arrays with zero length offsets to IPC format (#41303)
    GH-41333 - [C++][CMake] Prefer protobuf-config.cmake to FindProtobuf.cmake (#41360)
    GH-41369 - [CI][GLib] Don’t use /usr/local on macOS (#41387)
    GH-41370 - [CI][MATLAB] MATLAB macOS CI workflow fails because of macos-latest change to macos-14 (#41384)
    GH-41398 - [R][CI] Windows job failing after R 4.4 release (#41409)
    GH-41407 - [C++] Use static method to fill scalar scratch space to prevent ub (#41421)
    GH-41431 - [C++][Parquet][Dataset] Fix repeated scan on encrypted dataset (#41550)
    GH-41462 - [CI] Temporary pin azurite to v3.29.0 (#41501)
    GH-41463 - [C++] Skip TestConcurrentFillFromScalar for platforms without threading support (#41461)
    GH-41562 - [C++][Parquet] Decoding: Fix num_value handling in ByteStreamSplitDecoder (#41565)
    GH-41566 - [CI][Packaging] macOS wheel for Catalina fails to build on macOS arm64 (#41567)
    GH-41577 - [Java][Packaging] Add org.apache.arrow.memory.core to –add-opens=java.base/java.nio
    GH-41594 - [Go] Support reading date64 type & properly validate list-like types (#41595)

New Features and Improvements

    GH-39131 - [JS] Add at() for array like types (#40730)
    GH-39482 - [JS] Refactor imports (#39483)
    GH-39664 - [C++][Acero] Ensure Acero benchmarks present a metric for identifying throughput (#40884)
    GH-40517 - [C#] Fix writing sliced arrays to IPC format (#41197)
    GH-40959 - [JS] Store Timestamps in 64 bits (#40960)
    GH-40989 - [JS] Update dependencies (#40990)
    GH-41136 - [C#] Recompute null count for sliced arrays on demand (#41144)
    GH-41225 - [C#] Slice value buffers when writing sliced list or binary arrays in IPC format (#41230)
    GH-41231 - [C#] Slice values array when writing a sliced list view array to IPC format (#41255)
    GH-41247 - [Release] Use LC_ALL in binary upload scripts (#41248)
    GH-41353 - [C++] Define bit_width and byte_width of ExtensionType in terms of the storage type (#41354)
    GH-41402 - [CI][R] Update our backwards compatibility CI any other R 4.4 cleanups (#41403)
    GH-41405 - [Release][Docs][GLib] Use Sphinx based GLib front page (#41406)

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=1e44dd19a9e552b3771e084ba4b9305854b47c85

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 py-apache-arrow/Makefile | 14 +++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/py-apache-arrow/Makefile b/py-apache-arrow/Makefile
index 95cb5835f7..4091ec7590 100644
--- a/py-apache-arrow/Makefile
+++ b/py-apache-arrow/Makefile
@@ -9,26 +9,31 @@ HOMEPAGE=
 COMMENT=	Python Bindings for Apache-Arrow
 LICENSE=	apache-2.0
 DISTINFO_FILE=	${.CURDIR}/../../wip/apache-arrow/distinfo
+PATCHDIR=	${.CURDIR}/../../wip/apache-arrow/patches
 .include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../wip/apache-arrow/"
 .include "../../wip/apache-arrow/"
-TOOL_DEPENDS+=	cmake-[0-9]*:../../devel/cmake
 TOOL_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-setuptools_scm>=0:../../devel/py-setuptools_scm
 TOOL_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-wheel>=0:../../devel/py-wheel
 DEPENDS+=	apache-arrow>=${APACHE_ARROW_VERSION}:../../wip/apache-arrow
 TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-test>=3.8:../../devel/py-test
 TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-runner>=6.0.0:../../devel/py-test-runner
 TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-lazy-fixture>=0.6.3:../../devel/py-test-lazy-fixture
 TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-hypothesis-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-hypothesis
-USE_TOOLS=	cmake gmake pkg-config
+TEST_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-pandas>=2.0.0:../../math/py-pandas
+USE_TOOLS=	gmake pkg-config
-WHEELFILE?=	${WRKSRC}/python/dist/pyarrow-${APACHE_ARROW_VERSION}-cp${_PYTHON_VERSION}-cp${_PYTHON_VERSION}-linux_x86_64.whl
+WHEELFILE?=	${WRKSRC}/python/dist/*whl
 # ORIGIN Doesn't get passed through correclty
 SUBST_CLASSES+=		origin
@@ -36,7 +41,6 @@ SUBST_STAGE.origin=	pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.origin=	python/CMakeLists.txt
 SUBST_SED.origin=	-e 's|\\$$ORIGIN|${PREFIX}/lib/python${PYVERSSUFFIX}/site-packages/pyarrow|g'
 	${RM} -rf ${WRKSRC}/python/.eggs

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