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bzip3: removed; imported to base

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Adam Ciarciński <>
Pushed By:	adam
Date:		Wed Nov 29 09:22:50 2023 +0100
Changeset:	7582aa58075758d80f028d95221ecc2b66df3c95

Modified Files:
Removed Files:

Log Message:
bzip3: removed; imported to base

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=7582aa58075758d80f028d95221ecc2b66df3c95

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 Makefile                              |   1 -
 bzip3/DESCR                           |   3 -
 bzip3/Makefile                        |  37 ----
 bzip3/PLIST                           |  20 --
 bzip3/TODO                            |  10 -
 bzip3/distinfo                        |   7 -
 bzip3/patches/patch-include_common.h  |  89 ---------
 bzip3/patches/patch-include_libsais.h | 334 ----------------------------------
 8 files changed, 501 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index cc0720f5b3..fc47293310 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@ SUBDIR+=	bup-git
 SUBDIR+=	busybox
 SUBDIR+=	bwa
 SUBDIR+=	byzanz
-SUBDIR+=	bzip3
 SUBDIR+=	c-graph
 SUBDIR+=	c-news
 SUBDIR+=	c2go
diff --git a/bzip3/DESCR b/bzip3/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f56a7708d..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-A better, faster and stronger spiritual successor to BZip2.
-Features higher compression ratios and better performance.
-Like its ancestor, BZip3 excels at compressing text or code.
diff --git a/bzip3/Makefile b/bzip3/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f99a45ff8a..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME=	bzip3-1.2.2
-CATEGORIES=	archivers
-MASTER_SITES=	${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=kspalaiologos/bzip3/releases/download/${PKGVERSION_NOREV}/}
-EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.xz
-COMMENT=	Spiritual successor to BZip2
-LICENSE=	gnu-lgpl-v3 AND apache-2.0
-USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config # configure looks for pkg-comfig
-DEPENDS+=	most-[0-9]*:../../misc/most
-REPLACE_SH+=	bunzip3
-REPLACE_SH+=	bz3cat
-REPLACE_SH+=	bz3grep
-REPLACE_SH+=	bz3less
-REPLACE_SH+=	bz3more
-REPLACE_SH+=	bz3most
-# needed in order to comply with the apache license
-# and binary redistribution
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGBASE}
-		${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGBASE}
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/bzip3/PLIST b/bzip3/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed706b341..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD$
diff --git a/bzip3/TODO b/bzip3/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b15ace874..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Does not run correctly on big-endian systems.
-crc32 calculation is not correct on be systems
-when trying to decompress a bzip3 file and 
-when trying to compress a file it crashes on
-line 108 in libbzip3.c claiming it can't read
-the in_end variable. This is all happening
-on NetBSD sparc under qemu.
-This package has known vulnerabilities, please investigate and fix if possible:
-  CVE-2023-29415, CVE-2023-29416, CVE-2023-29418, CVE-2023-29419, CVE-2023-29420, CVE-2023-29421
diff --git a/bzip3/distinfo b/bzip3/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d5aaf23ec..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-BLAKE2s (bzip3-1.2.2.tar.xz) = 30f6cf255467f3f325c33cef4ed51e59a9ff87b5626e47e89bc890c122ce0abc
-SHA512 (bzip3-1.2.2.tar.xz) = 476876f3949ac285e86625a9a83741308910ddce5b9449c0ca02b41d9c336f759b9702f2ce6b61243f1fde59a9ef8cf926fb2e94911828d5f39e207319bf522d
-Size (bzip3-1.2.2.tar.xz) = 275872 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-include_common.h) = c336c316caa51a51077daa27b7f8ad8f705a7192
-SHA1 (patch-include_libsais.h) = af71664a332de9728cb3f58cdf8611a7f15e07fb
diff --git a/bzip3/patches/patch-include_common.h b/bzip3/patches/patch-include_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6421fc028a..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/patches/patch-include_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-* Replace the bswap16 funtion with posix htons,
-  the bwap16 function only swaped on little endian
-  systems making it a htons.
-  Fixes build on illumos with gcc 12 and removes
-  bswap16 redefinition warning on NetBSD.
-* Remove non-standard #warning directive, we expect c99
-  so restrict is to be available
-* Support compilers without prefetch instructions.
-  prefetch is just for cache optimization so it is safe
-  define prefetch and prefetchw to nothing, tested and
-  the same output files as with it.
---- include/common.h.orig	2023-01-10 14:45:22.000000000 +0000
-+++ include/common.h
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include <inttypes.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
-+#include <arpa/inet.h>
- typedef uint8_t u8;
- typedef uint16_t u16;
-@@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ static void write_neutral_s32(u8 * data,
-     #define RESTRICT __restrict
- #else
-     #define RESTRICT restrict
--    #warning Your compiler, configuration or platform might not be supported.
- #endif
- #if defined(__has_builtin)
-@@ -63,14 +63,6 @@ static void write_neutral_s32(u8 * data,
- #endif
--#if defined(__has_builtin)
--    #if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16)
--        #define HAS_BUILTIN_BSWAP16
--    #endif
--#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (((__GNUC__ == 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) || (__GNUC__ >= 5))
--    #define HAS_BUILTIN_BSWAP16
-     #define prefetch(address) __builtin_prefetch((const void *)(address), 0, 0)
-     #define prefetchw(address) __builtin_prefetch((const void *)(address), 1, 0)
-@@ -89,37 +81,8 @@ static void write_neutral_s32(u8 * data,
-     #define prefetch(address) __prefetch2((const void *)(address), 1)
-     #define prefetchw(address) __prefetch2((const void *)(address), 17)
- #else
--    #error Your compiler, configuration or platform is not supported.
--#if !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
--    #if defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN) || (defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN) || \
--        (defined(_BYTE_ORDER) && defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && _BYTE_ORDER == _LITTLE_ENDIAN) ||                        \
--        (defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN) ||                    \
--        (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
--        #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
--    #elif defined(_BIG_ENDIAN) || (defined(BYTE_ORDER) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN) && BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN) || \
--        (defined(_BYTE_ORDER) && defined(_BIG_ENDIAN) && _BYTE_ORDER == _BIG_ENDIAN) ||                       \
--        (defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN) && __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) ||                   \
--        (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
--        #define __BIG_ENDIAN__
--    #elif defined(_WIN32)
--        #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
--    #endif
--#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
--    #if defined(HAS_BUILTIN_BSWAP16)
--        #define bswap16(x) (__builtin_bswap16(x))
--    #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
--        #define bswap16(x) (_byteswap_ushort(x))
--    #else
--        #define bswap16(x) ((u16)(x >> 8) | (u16)(x << 8))
--    #endif
--#elif !defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) && defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
--    #define bswap16(x) (x)
--    #error Your compiler, configuration or platform is not supported.
-+    #define prefetch(address)
-+    #define prefetchw(address)
- #endif
- #endif
diff --git a/bzip3/patches/patch-include_libsais.h b/bzip3/patches/patch-include_libsais.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0b34e6e8..0000000000
--- a/bzip3/patches/patch-include_libsais.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-* Replace the bswap16 funtion with posix htons,
-  the bwap16 function only swaped on little endian
-  systems making it a htons.
-  Fixes build on illumos with gcc 12 and removes
-  bswap16 redefinition warning on NetBSD.
---- include/libsais.h.orig	2023-01-15 12:07:11.797011115 +0000
-+++ include/libsais.h
-@@ -4629,7 +4629,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_1(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4651,7 +4651,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_2(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4659,7 +4659,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_2(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4683,7 +4683,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_3(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4691,7 +4691,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_3(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -4699,7 +4699,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_3(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4725,7 +4725,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_4(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4733,7 +4733,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_4(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -4741,7 +4741,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_4(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-         u16 c3 = fastbits[p3 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c3] <= p3) {
-             do {
-@@ -4749,7 +4749,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_4(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c3] <= p3);
-         }
-         p3 = P[p3];
--        U3[i] = bswap16(c3);
-+        U3[i] = htons(c3);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4778,7 +4778,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_5(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4786,7 +4786,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_5(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -4794,7 +4794,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_5(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-         u16 c3 = fastbits[p3 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c3] <= p3) {
-             do {
-@@ -4802,7 +4802,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_5(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c3] <= p3);
-         }
-         p3 = P[p3];
--        U3[i] = bswap16(c3);
-+        U3[i] = htons(c3);
-         u16 c4 = fastbits[p4 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c4] <= p4) {
-             do {
-@@ -4810,7 +4810,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_5(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c4] <= p4);
-         }
-         p4 = P[p4];
--        U4[i] = bswap16(c4);
-+        U4[i] = htons(c4);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4841,7 +4841,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4849,7 +4849,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -4857,7 +4857,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-         u16 c3 = fastbits[p3 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c3] <= p3) {
-             do {
-@@ -4865,7 +4865,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c3] <= p3);
-         }
-         p3 = P[p3];
--        U3[i] = bswap16(c3);
-+        U3[i] = htons(c3);
-         u16 c4 = fastbits[p4 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c4] <= p4) {
-             do {
-@@ -4873,7 +4873,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c4] <= p4);
-         }
-         p4 = P[p4];
--        U4[i] = bswap16(c4);
-+        U4[i] = htons(c4);
-         u16 c5 = fastbits[p5 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c5] <= p5) {
-             do {
-@@ -4881,7 +4881,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_6(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c5] <= p5);
-         }
-         p5 = P[p5];
--        U5[i] = bswap16(c5);
-+        U5[i] = htons(c5);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4914,7 +4914,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -4922,7 +4922,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -4930,7 +4930,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-         u16 c3 = fastbits[p3 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c3] <= p3) {
-             do {
-@@ -4938,7 +4938,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c3] <= p3);
-         }
-         p3 = P[p3];
--        U3[i] = bswap16(c3);
-+        U3[i] = htons(c3);
-         u16 c4 = fastbits[p4 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c4] <= p4) {
-             do {
-@@ -4946,7 +4946,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c4] <= p4);
-         }
-         p4 = P[p4];
--        U4[i] = bswap16(c4);
-+        U4[i] = htons(c4);
-         u16 c5 = fastbits[p5 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c5] <= p5) {
-             do {
-@@ -4954,7 +4954,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c5] <= p5);
-         }
-         p5 = P[p5];
--        U5[i] = bswap16(c5);
-+        U5[i] = htons(c5);
-         u16 c6 = fastbits[p6 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c6] <= p6) {
-             do {
-@@ -4962,7 +4962,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_7(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c6] <= p6);
-         }
-         p6 = P[p6];
--        U6[i] = bswap16(c6);
-+        U6[i] = htons(c6);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;
-@@ -4997,7 +4997,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c0] <= p0);
-         }
-         p0 = P[p0];
--        U0[i] = bswap16(c0);
-+        U0[i] = htons(c0);
-         u16 c1 = fastbits[p1 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c1] <= p1) {
-             do {
-@@ -5005,7 +5005,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c1] <= p1);
-         }
-         p1 = P[p1];
--        U1[i] = bswap16(c1);
-+        U1[i] = htons(c1);
-         u16 c2 = fastbits[p2 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c2] <= p2) {
-             do {
-@@ -5013,7 +5013,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c2] <= p2);
-         }
-         p2 = P[p2];
--        U2[i] = bswap16(c2);
-+        U2[i] = htons(c2);
-         u16 c3 = fastbits[p3 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c3] <= p3) {
-             do {
-@@ -5021,7 +5021,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c3] <= p3);
-         }
-         p3 = P[p3];
--        U3[i] = bswap16(c3);
-+        U3[i] = htons(c3);
-         u16 c4 = fastbits[p4 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c4] <= p4) {
-             do {
-@@ -5029,7 +5029,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c4] <= p4);
-         }
-         p4 = P[p4];
--        U4[i] = bswap16(c4);
-+        U4[i] = htons(c4);
-         u16 c5 = fastbits[p5 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c5] <= p5) {
-             do {
-@@ -5037,7 +5037,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c5] <= p5);
-         }
-         p5 = P[p5];
--        U5[i] = bswap16(c5);
-+        U5[i] = htons(c5);
-         u16 c6 = fastbits[p6 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c6] <= p6) {
-             do {
-@@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c6] <= p6);
-         }
-         p6 = P[p6];
--        U6[i] = bswap16(c6);
-+        U6[i] = htons(c6);
-         u16 c7 = fastbits[p7 >> shift];
-         if (bucket2[c7] <= p7) {
-             do {
-@@ -5053,7 +5053,7 @@ static void libsais_unbwt_decode_8(u8 * 
-             } while (bucket2[c7] <= p7);
-         }
-         p7 = P[p7];
--        U7[i] = bswap16(c7);
-+        U7[i] = htons(c7);
-     }
-     *i0 = p0;

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