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Add open-simh (version 2022-05-31).

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Olaf Seibert <>
Pushed By:	rhialto
Date:		Sat Jun 4 14:37:03 2022 +0200
Changeset:	ec60914f5cb171c2bb023182962473e2cefad433

Added Files:

Log Message:
Add open-simh (version 2022-05-31).

Subject: [simh] Announcing the Open SIMH project
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 15:52:08 -0400

Announcing the Open SIMH project

SIMH is a framework and family of computer simulators, initiated by Bob
Supnik and continued with contributions (large and small) from many
others, with the primary goal of enabling the preservation of knowledge
contained in, and providing the ability to execute/experience,
old/historic software via simulation of the hardware on which it ran.
This goal has been successfully achieved and has for these years created
a diverse community of users and developers.

This has mapped to some core operational principles:

First, preserve the ability to run old/historically significant
software. This means functionally accurate, sometimes bug-compatible,
but not cycle-accurate, simulation.

Second, make it reasonably easy to add new simulators for other hardware
while leveraging common functions between the simulators.

Third, exploit the software nature of simulation and make SIMH
convenient for debugging a simulated system, by adding non-historical
features to the environment.

Fourth, make it convenient for users to explore old system environments,
with as close to historical interfaces, by mapping them to new features
that modern host operating systems provide.

Fifth, be inclusive of people and new technology. It's serious work, but
it should be fun.

Previously, we unfortunately never spent the time to codify how we would
deliver on these concepts. Rather, we have relied on an informal use of
traditional free and open-source principles.

Recently a situation has arisen that compromises some of these
principles and thus the entire status of the project, creating
consternation among many users and contributors.

For this reason, a number of us have stepped up to create a new
organizational structure, which we call "The Open SIMH Project", to be
the keeper and provide formal governance for the SIMH ecosystem going
forward.  While details of the structure and how it operates are likely
to be refined over time, what will not change is our commitment to
maintaining SIMH as a free and open-source project, licensed under an
MIT-style license as shown on the "simh" repository page.

It is our desire that all of the past users and contributors will come
to recognize that the new organizational structure is in the best
interests of the community at large and that they will join us in it.
However, this iproject as defined, is where we intend to contribute our
expertise and time going forward.  At this point, we have in place the
following, although we foresee other resources being added in the future
as we identify the need and execute against them:

A Github "organization" for the project at

A Git repository for the simulators themselves at

The license for the SIMH simulator code base, found in LICENSE.txt in
the top level of the "simh" repository.

The "SIMH related tools" in This
is also licensed under MIT style or BSD style open source licenses
(which are comparable apart from some minor wording differences).

A "SIMH Steering Group" -- project maintainers and guides.

The conventional git style process is used for code contributions, via
pull request to the project repository. The Steering Group members have
approval authority; this list is likely to change and grow over time.

By formalizing the underlying structure, our operational principles and
guidance can best benefit the community. These are being developed and
formalized, with a plan to publish them soon.

We have used our best judgment in setting up this structure but are open
to discussion and consideration of other ideas, and to making
improvements. Many of us have been part of different projects and
understand that past mistakes are real. We have tried to learn from
these experiences and apply the collected wisdom appropriately. We
desire to hear from the community as we update and refine the operating
structure for the Open SIMH project.

We hope for your patience and look forward to your support as we work to
refine the organization and be able to provide this wonderful resource
for anyone to use as we continue to evolve the technology provided by
the SIMH system.

     The SIMH Steering Group
        Clem Cole
        Richard Cornwell
        Paul Koning
        Timothe Litt
        Seth Morabito
        Bob Supnik

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=ec60914f5cb171c2bb023182962473e2cefad433

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 open-simh/DESCR                  |   9 ++
 open-simh/Makefile               |  99 +++++++++++++++++
 open-simh/PLIST                  | 113 +++++++++++++++++++
 open-simh/distinfo               |   6 +
 open-simh/patches/patch-makefile | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 460 insertions(+)

diff --git a/open-simh/DESCR b/open-simh/DESCR
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..757daf39cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-simh/DESCR
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Bob Supnik's historical computer simulator, including:
+	3b2 alpha altair altairz80 b5000 besm6 cdc1700 eclipse gri
+	h316 hp2100 hp3000 i1401 i1620 i650 i7000 i7094 ibm1130
+	intel-systems id16 id32 lgp nova pdp1 pdp6 pdp10 pdp11 pdp18b
+	pdp4 pdp7 pdp8 pdp9 s3 sage sds ssem tx0 vax
+See on how to
+install NetBSD/vax on simh!
diff --git a/open-simh/Makefile b/open-simh/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80fbf430a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-simh/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# $NetBSD$
+DISTNAME=	open-simh-4.0.0
+PKGNAME=	open-simh-
+CATEGORIES=	emulators
+GITHUB_TAG=	5a7a4c778edf6bad66bc688923316ccf951398be
+COMMENT=	Bob Supniks historical computer simulator
+DEPENDS+=	dejavu-ttf-[0-9]*:../../fonts/dejavu-ttf
+USE_TOOLS+=	gmake
+BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.libpcap+=	libpcap>=0.9
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
+# Doesn't seem to work with pkgsrc pcap, and dylib path is hardcoded.
+PREFER.libpcap=		native
+# Link error with the native version: _zlibVersion
+PREFER.zlib=		pkgsrc
+BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+=	rm:-fwhole-program
+.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "arm")
+# Needed for PDP11/pdp11_dc.c on gcc 4.1.3
+.if (${MACHINE_ARCH} == "vax")
+CFLAGS+=	-fforce-addr
+LDFLAGS.SunOS+=	-lm
+LDFLAGS.Linux+=	-lm -pthread -lrt
+INSTALLATION_DIRS=	bin share/simh share/simh/TX-0 share/doc/simh
+MAKE_FILE=		makefile
+INCLUDES=		${PREFIX:Q}/include:\
+			${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.SDL2:Q}/include/SDL2:\
+			${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.libpcap:Q}/include/pcap:\
+			${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pcre:Q}/include/pcre:\
+			${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.png:Q}/include:\
+			/usr/include
+			/usr/lib${LIBABISUFFIX}
+MAKE_ENV+=		FONTPATH=${PREFIX}/share/fonts/X11/TTF
+	(cd ${WRKSRC}/BIN && for BIN in *; do				\
+		if [ -f $$BIN ] ; then					\
+		fi ;							\
+	done)
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/TX-0/*.bin ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/simh/TX-0
+	(cd ${WRKSRC} && for TXT in *.txt */*.txt; do			\
+		${INSTALL_DATA} "$$TXT" ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/simh;		\
+	done)
+# Note: tests require shm (/var/shm is a tmpfs) for the uc15.
+# They are part of the build and can't be run separately.
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TEST_MAKE_CMD} clean
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TEST_MAKE_CMD} all
+.include "../../devel/SDL2/"
+.include "../../fonts/SDL2_ttf/"
+.include "../../devel/pcre/"
+.include "../../graphics/png/"
+.include "../../net/libpcap/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
+.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/open-simh/PLIST b/open-simh/PLIST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..054c7f66ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-simh/PLIST
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.20 2022/04/03 14:43:51 rhialto Exp $
diff --git a/open-simh/distinfo b/open-simh/distinfo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b49dc30afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-simh/distinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.39 2022/05/08 12:09:51 rhialto Exp $
+BLAKE2s (open-simh-4.0.0-5a7a4c778edf6bad66bc688923316ccf951398be.tar.gz) = 1ba6b9c9495a45f422a52ec86ff3333bea5c07e833db37cfa285eb536ae92a06
+SHA512 (open-simh-4.0.0-5a7a4c778edf6bad66bc688923316ccf951398be.tar.gz) = cef85c91a32aed6a75eeee39cd5bfaa146a1ad44e07d5334c51acd397259fb06d01028c6e8587bad7c7feee46e3762970c0ab1017d239f957468780039e6750b
+Size (open-simh-4.0.0-5a7a4c778edf6bad66bc688923316ccf951398be.tar.gz) = 31258284 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-makefile) = a532dde8a12d359cd66a2447ed95812cc0dd5dbe
diff --git a/open-simh/patches/patch-makefile b/open-simh/patches/patch-makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8af6303ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/open-simh/patches/patch-makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-makefile,v 1.7 2022/04/03 14:33:42 rhialto Exp $
+Exclude -flto for gcc 4.1.3 (used in NetBSD/vax 6)
+Exclude -flto for clang on NetBSD
+Exclude -flto for gcc 4.4.7 (Used in DragonFly 2.13 - 3.1)
+NO_LTO=1 is in effect for gcc and clang, except Darwin.
+Fix png16 detection.
+Let INCLUDES and LIBRARIES be the sole source for INCPATH and LIBPATH,
+to avoid seeing non-pkgsrc libraries (except MacOS platform).
+--- makefile.orig	2022-04-01 19:37:11.000000000 +0000
++++ makefile
+@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+       $(shell git log -1 --pretty="SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID %H$(GIT_EXTRA_FILES)%nSIM_GIT_COMMIT_TIME $(isodate)" >.git-commit-id)
+     endif
+   endif
++  LTO_EXCLUDE_VERSIONS = 4.1.3 4.4.7 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 5.3.0 5.4.0
+   PCAPLIB = pcap
+   ifeq (agcc,$(findstring agcc,${GCC})) # Android target build?
+@@ -348,16 +348,16 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+     ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE))
+       OSNAME = OSX
+       LIBEXT = dylib
+-      ifneq (include,$(findstring include,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)))
+-        INCPATH:=$(shell LANG=C; ${GCC} -x c -v -E /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -A 10 '> search starts here' | grep '^ ' | grep -v 'framework directory' | tr -d '\n')
+-      endif
++      #ifneq (include,$(findstring include,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)))
++        INCPATH+=$(shell LANG=C; ${GCC} -x c -v -E /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -A 10 '> search starts here' | grep '^ ' | grep -v 'framework directory' | tr -d '\n')
++      #endif
+       ifeq (incopt,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/local/include; then echo incopt; fi))
+-        INCPATH += /opt/local/include
+-        OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/local/include
++        # INCPATH += /opt/local/include
++        # OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/local/include
+       endif
+       ifeq (libopt,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/local/lib; then echo libopt; fi))
+-        LIBPATH += /opt/local/lib
+-        OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib
++        # LIBPATH += /opt/local/lib
++        # OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib
+       endif
+       ifeq (HomeBrew,$(or $(shell if ${TEST} -d /usr/local/Cellar; then echo HomeBrew; fi),$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/homebrew/Cellar; then echo HomeBrew; fi)))
+         ifeq (local,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/local/Cellar; then echo local; fi))
+@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+         else
+           HBPATH = /opt/homebrew
+         endif
+-        INCPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard $(HBPATH)/Cellar/*/*),$(realpath $(dir)/include))
+-        LIBPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard $(HBPATH)/Cellar/*/*),$(realpath $(dir)/lib))
++        # INCPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard $(HBPATH)/Cellar/*/*),$(realpath $(dir)/include))
++        # LIBPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard $(HBPATH)/Cellar/*/*),$(realpath $(dir)/lib))
+       endif
+     else
+       ifeq (Linux,$(OSTYPE))
+@@ -376,15 +376,15 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+         ifneq (lib,$(findstring lib,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)))
+           ifeq (Android,$(shell uname -o))
+             ifneq (,$(shell if ${TEST} -d ${PREFIX}/lib; then echo prefixlib; fi))
+-              LIBPATH += ${PREFIX}/lib
++              # LIBPATH += ${PREFIX}/lib
+             endif
+             ifneq (,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /system/lib; then echo systemlib; fi))
+-              LIBPATH += /system/lib
++              # LIBPATH += /system/lib
+             endif
+-            LIBPATH += $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
++            # LIBPATH += $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
+           endif
+           ifeq (ldconfig,$(shell if ${TEST} -e /sbin/ldconfig; then echo ldconfig; fi))
+-            LIBPATH := $(sort $(foreach lib,$(shell /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep ' => /' | sed 's/^.* => //'),$(dir $(lib))))
++            # LIBPATH := $(sort $(foreach lib,$(shell /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep ' => /' | sed 's/^.* => //'),$(dir $(lib))))
+           endif
+         endif
+         LIBSOEXT = so
+@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+         ifeq (SunOS,$(OSTYPE))
+           OSNAME = Solaris
+           ifneq (lib,$(findstring lib,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)))
+-            LIBPATH := $(shell LANG=C; crle | grep 'Default Library Path' | awk '{ print $$5 }' | sed 's/:/ /g')
++            # LIBPATH := $(shell LANG=C; crle | grep 'Default Library Path' | awk '{ print $$5 }' | sed 's/:/ /g')
+           endif
+           LIBEXT = so
+           OS_LDFLAGS += -lsocket -lnsl
+@@ -402,27 +402,27 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+             OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/sfw/include
+           endif
+           ifeq (libsfw,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/sfw/lib; then echo libsfw; fi))
+-            LIBPATH += /opt/sfw/lib
+-            OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/sfw/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib
++            # LIBPATH += /opt/sfw/lib
++            # OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/sfw/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib
+           endif
+         else
+           ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE))
+             # use 0readme_ethernet.txt documented Windows pcap build components
+-            INCPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Include
+-            LIBPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Lib
++            # INCPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Include
++            # LIBPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/Lib
+             PCAPLIB = wpcap
+             LIBEXT = a
+           else
+             ifneq (,$(findstring AIX,$(OSTYPE)))
+               OS_LDFLAGS += -lm -lrt
+               ifeq (incopt,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/freeware/include; then echo incopt; fi))
+-                INCPATH += /opt/freeware/include
+-                OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/freeware/include
++                # INCPATH += /opt/freeware/include
++                # OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/freeware/include
+               endif
+               ifeq (libopt,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /opt/freeware/lib; then echo libopt; fi))
+-                LIBPATH += /opt/freeware/lib
+-                OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/freeware/lib
++                # LIBPATH += /opt/freeware/lib
++                # OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/freeware/lib
+               endif
+             else
+               ifneq (,$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE)))
+@@ -433,9 +433,9 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+                 ifeq ($(HAIKU_ARCH),x86_gcc2)
+                   $(error Unsupported arch x86_gcc2. Run setarch x86 and retry)
+                 endif
+-                INCPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY)
+-                INCPATH += $(shell findpaths -e B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY posix)
+-                LIBPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_DEVELOP_LIB_DIRECTORY)
++                # INCPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY)
++                # INCPATH += $(shell findpaths -e B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY posix)
++                # LIBPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_DEVELOP_LIB_DIRECTORY)
+                 OS_LDFLAGS += -lnetwork
+               else
+                 ifeq (,$(findstring NetBSD,$(OSTYPE)))
+@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+                     LDSEARCH :=$(shell LANG=C; ldconfig -r | grep 'search directories' | awk '{print $$3}' | sed 's/:/ /g')
+                   endif
+                   ifneq (,$(LDSEARCH))
+-                    LIBPATH := $(LDSEARCH)
++                    # LIBPATH := $(LDSEARCH)
+                   else
+                     ifeq (,$(strip $(LPATH)))
+                       $(info *** Warning ***)
+@@ -455,22 +455,22 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+                       $(info *** Warning *** variable.)
+                       $(info *** Warning ***)
+                     else
+-                      LIBPATH = $(subst :, ,$(LPATH))
++                      # LIBPATH = $(subst :, ,$(LPATH))
+                     endif
+                   endif
+-                  OS_LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,${LIBPATH})
++                  # OS_LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,${LIBPATH})
+                 endif
+               endif
+             endif
+             ifeq (usrpkglib,$(shell if ${TEST} -d /usr/pkg/lib; then echo usrpkglib; fi))
+-              LIBPATH += /usr/pkg/lib
+-              INCPATH += /usr/pkg/include
+-              OS_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib
+-              OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/pkg/include
++              # LIBPATH += /usr/pkg/lib
++              # INCPATH += /usr/pkg/include
++              # OS_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib
++              # OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/pkg/include
+             endif
+             ifeq (/usr/local/lib,$(findstring /usr/local/lib,${LIBPATH}))
+-              INCPATH += /usr/local/include
+-              OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/local/include
++              # INCPATH += /usr/local/include
++              # OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/local/include
+             endif
+             ifneq (,$(findstring NetBSD,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring AIX,$(OSTYPE)))
+               LIBEXT = so
+@@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+     endif
+     ifeq (,$(filter /lib/,$(LIBPATH)))
+       ifeq (existlib,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /lib/; then echo existlib; fi))
+-        LIBPATH += /lib/
++        # LIBPATH += /lib/
+       endif
+     endif
+     ifeq (,$(filter /usr/lib/,$(LIBPATH)))
+       ifeq (existusrlib,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/lib/; then echo existusrlib; fi))
+-        LIBPATH += /usr/lib/
++        # LIBPATH += /usr/lib/
+       endif
+     endif
+     export CPATH = $(subst $() $(),:,$(INCPATH))
+@@ -611,9 +611,9 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+   endif
+   ifneq (,$(call find_include,png))
+-    ifneq (,$(call find_lib,png))
++    ifneq (,$(call find_lib,png16))
+-      OS_LDFLAGS += -lpng
++      OS_LDFLAGS += -lpng16
+       $(info using libpng: $(call find_lib,png) $(call find_include,png))
+       ifneq (,$(call find_include,zlib))
+         ifneq (,$(call find_lib,z))
+@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ ifeq (${WIN32},)  #*nix Environments (&&
+           NETWORK_FEATURES = - dynamic networking support using libpcap components from and locally installed libpcap.${LIBEXT}
+           $(info using libpcap: $(call find_include,pcap))
+         else
+-          LIBPATH += /usr/local/lib
++          # LIBPATH += /usr/local/lib
+           LIBEXT = a
+           ifneq (,$(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)))
+             $(info using libpcap: $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)) $(call find_include,pcap))
+@@ -1198,11 +1198,11 @@ ifneq (,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD))
+ endif
+ ifneq ($(DEBUG),)
+   CFLAGS_G = -g -ggdb -g3
+-  CFLAGS_O = -O0
++  CFLAGS_O += -O0
+   BUILD_FEATURES = - debugging support
+ else
+   ifneq (,$(findstring clang,$(COMPILER_NAME))$(findstring LLVM,$(COMPILER_NAME)))
+-    CFLAGS_O = -O2 -fno-strict-overflow
++    CFLAGS_O += -O2 -fno-strict-overflow
+     GCC_OPTIMIZERS_CMD = ${GCC} --help
+     NO_LTO = 1
+   else
+@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ else
+     ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE))
+       CFLAGS_O += -O4 -flto -fwhole-program
+     else
+-      CFLAGS_O := -O2
++      CFLAGS_O += -O2
+     endif
+   endif
+   LDFLAGS_O = 

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