pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 24 15:36:08 2025
Timezone is UTC
- auto-admin: auto-pkgsrc-setup: Drop --full, breaks,
Jason Bacon
- (editors/emacs27) New version of Emacs packaged. S,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (ham/gnuradio-core, channels) Adjusting DEPENDS in,
Makoto Fujiwara
- gnome-shell: Add reference to CVE-2020-17489,
Leonardo Taccari
- libv4l: SSP build fix from Robert Swindells,
Thomas Klausner
- libv4l: fix path to itself in,
Thomas Klausner
- telegram-desktop: add reference to CVE-2020-17448,
Leonardo Taccari
- sabnzbd: Add reference to CVE-2020-13124,
Leonardo Taccari
- chirp: Move chirp-devel to chirp,
Greg Troxel
- pam-pkcs11: Reset MAINTAINER,
Greg Troxel
- chirp: Document upstream versioning,
Greg Troxel
- auto-admin: auto-pkgsrc-setup: Add --prefer-pkgsrc,
Jason Bacon
- A successful build of www/unit-php, the php module,
Sergey A. Osokin
- Add www/unit-php, a php module for NGINX Unit. Thi,
Sergey A. Osokin
- zabbix50-frontend: Fix "no configure",
Juraj Lutter
- zabbix50-frontend: Fix Makefile.common path,
Juraj Lutter
- zabbix50-server: Fix test operator (== -> =),
Juraj Lutter
- Update to the recent version from GH.,
Sergey A. Osokin
- Fix test operator (== -> =),
Juraj Lutter
- Fix zabbix50-server's Makefile.common path,
Juraj Lutter
- (ham/gnuradio-doxygen) regen PLIST,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (ham/gnuradio-channels) Add py-yaml and py-numpy f,
Makoto Fujiwara
- Re-add spectrwm-git,
- (www/unit) regen distinfo,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (www/unit) rename patch files for standard naming,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (ham/gnuradio-core) restore ENABLE_GR_ANALOG=ON, c,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (www/unit) New package by Sergey Osokin as found: ,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (ham/gnuradio-core) convert swi2 to swig3,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (ham/gnuradio-core) Add icu/bldlk3. Restore ENABLE,
Makoto Fujiwara
- (gnuradio-core) add CFLAGS+= -pthread. Modify CMAK,
Makoto Fujiwara
- auto-admin: Bug fix and enhancement,
Jason Bacon
- Update libvips to 8.10.0,
- Remove luakit, widelands,
- openshot-qt: fix some pkglint warnings,
Roland Illig
- iosevka-*: Update to 3.4.0,
Iku Iwasa
- TODO: + iosevka-slab-ttf-3.4.0.,
Thomas Klausner
- sfeed_curses: Bump PKGVERSION and update PLIST to ,
Leonardo Taccari
- Import Zabbix 5.0 LTS as wip/zabbix50-*,
Yuuki Enomoto
- Makefile: +browserpass-native,
Iku Iwasa
- consul: Update to 1.8.2,
Iku Iwasa
- py-virtualenv20: Update to 20.0.30,
Iku Iwasa
- browserpass-native: Import browserpass-native-3.0.,
Iku Iwasa
- flnews-devel: Update to 0.18pre46,
Michael Baeuerle
- update alacritty to 0.5.0, still missing linked li,
- multimail: remove, imported in pkgsrc as news/mult,
Frederic Cambus
- montserrat: remove, imported into main,
- trader: reset MAINTAINER to pkgsrc-users@.,
Frederic Cambus
- trader: update TODO, mention why trader crashes wh,
Frederic Cambus
- routinator: add reference to CVE-2020-17366,
Leonardo Taccari
- montserrat: use mk/ framework,
- php-ast: Update to 1.0.8,
Travis Paul
- New pkg: montserrat-7.210,
- php-msgpack: Update to 2.1.1,
Travis Paul
- dnsdist: WIP: upgrade to 1.5.0,
Juraj Lutter
- go-bindata: add version 3.6.0,
Frédéric Fauberteau
- py-telegram-bot: Added missing dependency.,
Aleksej Lebedev
- py-telegram-bot: Updated to 12.8.,
Aleksej Lebedev
- threadingbuildingblocks: Update to 2020.3.,
Paul Ripke
- openvdb: Import openvdb-7.0.0 as wip/openvdb,
Paul Ripke
- gnuradio-core: switch from math/py-scipy12 to math,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio: adjust for renamed,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-*: fix assorted pkglint warnings,
Tobias Nygren
- py-qwt-qt5: close TODO item,
Tobias Nygren
- py-conan: adjusted dependencies, py-patch-ng: upda,
Aleksej Lebedev
- *: reset maintainer for sxvghd,
Thomas Klausner
- minio version bump to RELEASE.2020-07-27T18-37-02Z,
Thomas Merkel
- clipmenu: Import clipmenu-6.1.0 as wip/clipmenu,
Leonardo Taccari
- clipnotify: Import clipnotify-1.0.2 as wip/clipnot,
Leonardo Taccari
- gnuradio: update meta package,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-dtv: forgot to commit this for correct bl,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-qtgui: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gr-osmosdr: update to 0.2.0 for gnuradio-3.8,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: cleanup referenced to deleted packa,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: add missing bl3's so gr-osmosdr lin,
Tobias Nygren
- Added a new game Alien vs. Predator,
- gnuradio-atsc: remove, dropped by upstream,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-pager: remove, dropped by upstream,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-noaa: remove, dropped by upstream,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-uhd: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-doxygen: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-wxgui: remove no longer provided by offic,
Tobias Nygren
- Makefile: -gnuradio-fcd,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-fcd: remove, no longer provided by offici,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-video-sdl: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-trellis: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-channels: fix installation of blocks,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-*: must enable GRC in subpackage now to g,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-dtv: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-channels: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-pager: add TODO item,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-digital: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-vocoder: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-pager: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-companion: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: adjust bl3 for wip,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-fec: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-utils: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-wavelet: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-zeromq: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-ctrlport: catch up w/ gnuradio-core,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: try to switch to python 3. Hopefull,
Tobias Nygren
- py-qwt-qt5: skip checksum f,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: update to,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: add missing patch referenced by SUB,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: add missing dependencies,
Tobias Nygren
- gnuradio-core: sync w/ pkgsrc to use external volk,
Tobias Nygren
- py-qwt-qt5: undo unintentional PLIST change,
Tobias Nygren
- py-qwt-qt5: fix DESTDIR and rpath issues,
Tobias Nygren
- nix: fix config.nix, still needs further fixes.,
- urlwatch: update to urlwatch-2.21,
Yorick Hardy
- nix: builds (fyi: still won't work),
- commandergenius: update to Commander-Genius-2.4.6,
Yorick Hardy
- nix: update, fix some compile issues,
- py-virtualenv20: Update to 20.0.29,
Iku Iwasa
- packer: Update to 1.6.1,
Iku Iwasa
- hackgen-ttf, hackgennerd-ttf: Update to 2.1.1,
Iku Iwasa
- py-cfgv: Update to 3.2.0,
Iku Iwasa
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