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ddocent: import patches from freebsd

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Winston Weinert <>
Pushed By:	winston
Date:		Mon Jun 18 11:20:36 2018 -0500
Changeset:	12a5a2e2b3e72a5c2bbb58fb4a9f75b00156d295

Modified Files:
Added Files:

Log Message:
ddocent: import patches from freebsd

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=12a5a2e2b3e72a5c2bbb58fb4a9f75b00156d295

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 ddocent/distinfo                                   |   4 +-
 ddocent/patches/patch-dDocent                      | 251 +++++++++++++++++----
 ddocent/patches/      | 135 +++++++++++
 ddocent/patches/ | 114 ++++++++++
 4 files changed, 465 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ddocent/distinfo b/ddocent/distinfo
index 59ae261456..11dbe55c59 100644
--- a/ddocent/distinfo
+++ b/ddocent/distinfo
@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ SHA1 (dDocent-2.5.2.tar.gz) = a78fb0496cedca4d5b3ed72e06a941a17b798d4f
 RMD160 (dDocent-2.5.2.tar.gz) = 7b695470f00c0458a8e774a25f58348a34fe2967
 SHA512 (dDocent-2.5.2.tar.gz) = 8c9c756ce0ce4c2986f99eccf7d8676c588e081b21bf0a5669325ebad13305a5f3b077a449155456a7c761e13a968e39acf056a17b3ed5a94095bd732a2b7ac8
 Size (dDocent-2.5.2.tar.gz) = 341990 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-dDocent) = c3486378d46f1e08c6a8688139f1d21fed232dae
+SHA1 (patch-dDocent) = b553a89f21d47566bdcaae4f110960d14354e4a8
+SHA1 ( = db0282411930c1e150fa100a8e57f4469a0f4c7c
+SHA1 ( = 881fbe2b50e9e557013fd7e1ad4a309f0d9928d0
diff --git a/ddocent/patches/patch-dDocent b/ddocent/patches/patch-dDocent
index 98caaedf0f..3ef80eab3f 100644
--- a/ddocent/patches/patch-dDocent
+++ b/ddocent/patches/patch-dDocent
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Use pkgsrc trimmomatic path, support additional platforms
---- dDocent.orig	2018-06-11 21:47:49.000000000 +0000
+Fixes for GNU sort, awk, shuf naming. Ensure $SHELL is bash. Path cleanup.
+--- dDocent.orig	2018-06-15 14:58:07 UTC
 +++ dDocent
-@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
  #!/usr/bin/env bash
  export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
 +# GNU Parallel uses $SHELL and has issues with [t]csh
@@ -14,53 +14,89 @@ $NetBSD$
  #This script serves as an interactive bash wrapper to QC, assemble, map, and call SNPs from double digest RAD (SE or PE), ezRAD (SE or PE) data, or SE RAD data.
-@@ -27,15 +30,15 @@ do
+@@ -27,19 +31,19 @@ do
 -if find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null| grep -q 'trim' ; then
 -	TRIMMOMATIC=$(find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null | head -1)
+-	else
 +if [ -e %%JAVAJARDIR%%/trimmomatic.jar ]; then
-+       TRIMMOMATIC=%%JAVAJARDIR%%/trimmomatic.jar
- 	else
++	TRIMMOMATIC=%%JAVAJARDIR%%/trimmomatic.jar
      echo "The dependency trimmomatic is not installed or is not in your" '$PATH'"."
      NUMDEP=$((NUMDEP + 1))
- 	fi
+-	fi
 -if find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name TruSeq2-PE.fa 2> /dev/null | grep -q 'Tru' ; then
 -	ADAPTERS=$(find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name TruSeq2-PE.fa 2> /dev/null | head -1)
+-	else
 +if [ -e %%PREFIX%%/share/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa ]; then
-+       ADAPTERS=%%PREFIX%%/share/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa
- 	else
++	ADAPTERS=%%PREFIX%%/share/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa
      echo "The file listing adapters (included with trimmomatic) is not installed or is not in your" '$PATH'"."
      NUMDEP=$((NUMDEP + 1))
-@@ -87,6 +90,7 @@ SEQTK=( `seqtk 2>&1  | grep Version | cu
- 	fi
- VCFTV=$(vcftools | grep VCF | grep -oh '[0-9]*[a-z]*)$' | sed 's/[a-z)]//')
-+	echo $VCFTV
- 	if [ "$VCFTV" -lt "10" ]; then
-         	echo "The version of VCFtools installed in your" '$PATH' "is not optimized for dDocent."
-         	echo "Please install at least version 0.1.11"
-@@ -96,7 +100,7 @@ VCFTV=$(vcftools | grep VCF | grep -oh '
+-    fi
+ SAMV1=$(samtools 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep Ver | sed -e 's/Version://' | cut -f2 -d " " | sed -e 's/-.*//' | cut -c1)
+ SAMV2=$(samtools 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep Ver | sed -e 's/Version://' | cut -f2 -d " " | sed -e 's/-.*//' | cut -c3)
+@@ -96,7 +100,8 @@ VCFTV=$(vcftools | grep VCF | grep -oh '
          elif [ "$VCFTV" -ge "12" ]; then
 -BWAV=$(bwa 2>&1 | mawk '/Versi/' | sed 's/Version: //g' | sed 's/0.7.//g' | sed 's/-.*//g' | cut -c 1-2)
-+BWAV=$(bwa 2>&1 | mawk '/Versi/' | sed 's/Version: //g' | sed 's/0.7.//g' | sed 's/a*-.*//g')
++BWAV=$(bwa 2>&1 | mawk '/Versi/' | sed 's/Version: //g' | sed 's/0.7.//g' | sed
++ 's/a*-.*//g')
  	if [ "$BWAV" -lt "13" ]; then
          	echo "The version of bwa installed in your" '$PATH' "is not optimized for dDocent."
          	echo "Please install at least version 0.7.13"
-@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ BTC=$( bedtools --version | mawk '{print
+@@ -114,10 +119,16 @@ BTC=$( bedtools --version | mawk '{print
  		exit 1	
 -if ! awk --version | fgrep -v GNU &>/dev/null; then
-+if ! awk --version | fgrep GNU &>/dev/null; then
-          awk=gawk
-     else
-          awk=awk
-@@ -440,7 +444,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+-         awk=gawk
+-    else
+-         awk=awk
++if ! awk --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
++	awk=gawk
++	awk=awk
++if ! sort --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
++	sort=gsort
++	sort=sort
+ fi
+ if [ $NUMDEP -gt 0 ]; then
+@@ -391,18 +402,18 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+ 			mawk -v OFS='\t' {'print $1,$2'} reference.fasta.fai > genome.file
+ 			cat namelist | parallel -j $FB2 "bedtools coverage -b {}-RG.bam -a mapped.bed -counts -sorted -g genome.file > {}.cov.stats"
+ 		fi
+-		cat *.cov.stats | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge -i - -c 4 -o sum > cov.stats
++		cat *.cov.stats | $sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | bedtools merge -i - -c 4 -o sum > cov.stats
+ 	fi
+ 	if head -1 reference.fasta | grep -e 'dDocent' reference.fasta 1>/dev/null; then
+-		DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++		DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+ 		CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$NUMProc'"}')
+ 	else
+-		DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++		DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+ 		CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$NUMProc'"}')
+ 	fi
+-	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1} 
++	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |$sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1} 
+ 	{
+ 	len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;cov = cov + lc
+ 	if ( cov < cutoff) {x="mapped."i".bed";print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3 > x}
+@@ -440,7 +451,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
  	rm freebayes.error freebayes.log &> /dev/null
@@ -69,7 +105,24 @@ $NetBSD$
  	if [ -f "freebayes.error" ]; then
-@@ -467,7 +471,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+@@ -450,13 +461,13 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+ 		LIM=$(( $NUMProc * 2 ))
+         	if head -1 reference.fasta | grep -e 'dDocent' reference.fasta 1>/dev/null; then
+-                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+                 	CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$LIM'"}')
+         	else
+-                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+                 	CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$LIM'"}')
+         	fi
+-        	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1}
++        	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |$sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1}
+         	{ len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;cov = cov + lc
+         	if ( cov < cutoff) {x="mapped."i".bed";print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3 > x}
+         	else {i=i+1; x="mapped."i".bed"; print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3 > x; cov=0}
+@@ -467,7 +478,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
  		echo "Using FreeBayes to call SNPs again"
  		NumP=$(( $NUMProc / 4 ))
  		NumP=$(( $NumP * 3 ))
@@ -78,7 +131,24 @@ $NetBSD$
  	if [ -f "freebayes.error" ]; then
-@@ -492,7 +496,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+@@ -477,13 +488,13 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
+ 		LIM=$(( $NUMProc * 4 ))
+         	if head -1 reference.fasta | grep -e 'dDocent' reference.fasta 1>/dev/null; then
+-                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.001;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+                 	CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$LIM'"}')
+         	else
+-                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
++                	DP=$(mawk '{print $4}' cov.stats | $sort -rn | perl -e '$d=.00005;@l=<>;print $l[int($d*@l)]')
+                 	CC=$( mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats | mawk '{len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;tl=tl+lc} END {OFMT = "%.0f";print tl/"'$LIM'"}')
+         	fi
+-        	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1}
++        	mawk -v x=$DP '$4 < x' cov.stats |$sort -V -k1,1 -k2,2 | mawk -v cutoff=$CC 'BEGIN{i=1}
+         	{ len=$3-$2;lc=len*$4;cov = cov + lc
+         	if ( cov < cutoff) {x="mapped."i".bed";print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3 > x}
+         	else {i=i+1; x="mapped."i".bed"; print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3 > x; cov=0}
+@@ -492,7 +503,7 @@ if [ "$SNP" != "no" ]; then
              	NumP=$(( $NumP / 4 ))
                  NumP=$(( $NumP * 3 ))
  		echo "Using FreeBayes to call SNPs again"
@@ -87,7 +157,7 @@ $NetBSD$
  	if [ -f "freebayes.error" ]; then
-@@ -560,8 +564,8 @@ fi
+@@ -560,8 +571,8 @@ fi
  #Function for trimming reads using trimmomatic
@@ -98,15 +168,119 @@ $NetBSD$
  	if [ -f $1.R.fq.gz ]; then	
  		java -Xmx2g -jar $TRIMMOMATIC PE -threads 2 -phred33 $1.F.fq.gz $1.R.fq.gz $1.R1.fq.gz $1.unpairedF.fq.gz $1.R2.fq.gz $1.unpairedR.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:$ADAPTERS:2:30:10 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:5:10 $TW &> $1.trim.log
-@@ -1028,7 +1032,14 @@ else
+@@ -617,7 +628,7 @@ if [ -z "$CUTOFF" ]; then
+ 	do 
+ 	echo $i >> pfile
+ 	done
+-	cat pfile | parallel -j $NUMProc --no-notice "echo -n {}xxx && mawk -v x={} '\$1 >= x' uniq.seqs | wc -l" | mawk  '{gsub("xxx","\t",$0); print;}'| sort -g >
++	cat pfile | parallel -j $NUMProc --no-notice "echo -n {}xxx && mawk -v x={} '\$1 >= x' uniq.seqs | wc -l" | mawk  '{gsub("xxx","\t",$0); print;}'| $sort -g >
+ 	rm pfile
+@@ -652,7 +663,7 @@ export -f special_uniq
+ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "RPE" || "$ATYPE" == "ROL" ]]; then
+-  	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > uniqCperindv
++  	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > uniqCperindv
+ else
+ 	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' > uniqCperindv
+ fi
+@@ -670,7 +681,7 @@ if [ -z "$CUTOFF2" ]; then
+ 	echo $i >> ufile
+ 	done
+-	cat ufile | parallel -j $NUMProc --no-notice "echo -n {}xxx && mawk -v x={} '\$1 >= x' uniqCperindv | wc -l" | mawk  '{gsub("xxx","\t",$0); print;}'| sort -g >
++	cat ufile | parallel -j $NUMProc --no-notice "echo -n {}xxx && mawk -v x={} '\$1 >= x' uniqCperindv | wc -l" | mawk  '{gsub("xxx","\t",$0); print;}'| $sort -g >
+ 	rm ufile
+@@ -734,7 +745,7 @@ if [ ${NAMES[@]:(-1)}.F.fq.gz -nt ${NAME
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.F.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.forward"
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.R.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.reverse"
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" = "RPE" ]; then
+-			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | sort -k1 -S 200M > {}.fr"
++			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | $sort -k1 -S 200M > {}.fr"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "cut -f1 {}.fr | uniq -c > {}.f.uniq && cut -f2 {}.fr > {}.r"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "mawk '$AWK4' {}.f.uniq > {}.f.uniq.e" 
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste -d '-' {}.f.uniq.e {}.r | mawk '$AWK3'| sed 's/-/NNNNNNNNNN/' | sed -e '$SED1' | sed -e '$SED2'> {}.uniq.seqs"
+@@ -805,7 +816,7 @@ getAssemblyInfo
+ fi
+ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "RPE" || "$ATYPE" == "ROL" ]]; then
+-  	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > uniqCperindv
++  	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > uniqCperindv
+ else
+ 	parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' > uniqCperindv
+ fi
+@@ -817,16 +828,16 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "RPE" || "$ATYPE" == "
+   parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | sed 's/NNNNNNNNNN/-/' >  total.uniqs
+   cut -f 1 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.F
+   cut -f 2 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.R
+-  paste total.u.F total.u.R | sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
++  paste total.u.F total.u.R | $sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
+-  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
++  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
+   join -1 2 -2 1 -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 total.f.uniq | mawk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "NNNNNNNNNN" $3}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF2 '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+   rm total.uniqs total.u.* total.f.uniq* 
+ else
+ 	parallel --no-notice mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF2 '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+ fi
+-sort -k1 -r -n uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs | cut -f 2 > totaluniqseq
++$sort -k1 -r -n uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs | cut -f 2 > totaluniqseq
+ mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' totaluniqseq > uniq.full.fasta
+ LENGTH=$(mawk '!/>/' uniq.full.fasta  | mawk '(NR==1||length<shortest){shortest=length} END {print shortest}')
+ LENGTH=$(($LENGTH * 3 / 4))
+@@ -861,21 +872,21 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "PE" || "$ATYPE" == "R
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' uniq.fasta | cut -f1 > uniq.F.fasta
+ 	  	CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 	  	cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+ 	  	paste sort.contig.cluster.ids totaluniqseq > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+      	else
+-        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
++        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+   		paste sort.contig.cluster.ids <(mawk '!/>/' uniq.F.fasta) > contig.cluster.Funiq
+-  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
++  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
+   		join -t $'\t' -1 3 -2 1 contig.cluster.Funiq totaluniqseq.CN -o 2.3,1.2,2.1,2.2 > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+ 	fi	
+ 	#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+-	sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
++	$sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
+ 	rainbow div -i rcluster -o rbdiv.out -f 0.5 -K 10
+         CLUST=(`tail -1 rbdiv.out | cut -f5`)
+ 	CLUST1=$(( $CLUST / 100 + 1))
+@@ -944,9 +955,9 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "HYB" ]];then
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' | cut -f1 >
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print(max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T 0 -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
++		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
+ 		paste >
+-		sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
++		$sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
+ 		#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+ 		rainbow div -i -o -f 0.5 -K 10
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" == "PE" ]; then
+@@ -1028,7 +1039,14 @@ else
  #Tries to get number of processors, if not asks user
 -NUMProc=( `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2> /dev/null` ) 
 +if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then
-+    NUMProc=( `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2> /dev/null` ) 
++    NUMProc=( `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2> /dev/null` )
 +elif [ `uname` = FreeBSD ]; then
-+    NUMProc=( `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` ) 
++    NUMProc=( `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` )
 +    printf "Unsupported platform: `uname`\n"
 +    exit 1
@@ -114,19 +288,20 @@ $NetBSD$
  NUMProc=$(($NUMProc + 0)) 
  echo "dDocent detects $NUMProc processors available on this system."
-@@ -1045,7 +1056,15 @@ if [ $NUMProc -lt 1 ]; then
+@@ -1045,7 +1063,16 @@ if [ $NUMProc -lt 1 ]; then
  #Tries to get maximum system memory, if not asks user
 -MAXMemory=$(($(grep -Po '(?<=^MemTotal:)\s*[0-9]+' /proc/meminfo | tr -d " ") / 1048576))
 +if [ `uname` = Linux ]; then
-+	MAXMemory=$(($(grep -Po '(?<=^MemTotal:)\s*[0-9]+' /proc/meminfo | tr -d " ") / 1048576))G
++    MAXMemory=$(($(grep -Po '(?<=^MemTotal:)\s*[0-9]+' /proc/meminfo | tr -d "
++") / 1048576))G
 +elif [ `uname` = FreeBSD ]; then
-+	MAXMemory=`sysctl -n hw.realmem`
-+	MAXMemory=$((MAXMemory / 1073741824))G
++    MAXMemory=`sysctl -n hw.realmem`
++    MAXMemory=$((MAXMemory / 1073741824))G
-+	printf "Unsupported platform: `uname`\n"
-+	exit 1
++    printf "Unsupported platform: `uname`\n"
++    exit 1
  echo "dDocent detects $MAXMemory gigabytes of maximum memory available on this system."
diff --git a/ddocent/patches/ b/ddocent/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b106df3541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddocent/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Ensure $SHELL is set to bash. Fix names for GNU programs.
+--- scripts/	2018-06-15 15:50:38 UTC
++++ scripts/
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
++export SHELL=%%PREFIX%%/bin/bash
+ if [[ -z "$6" ]]; then
+ echo "Usage is sh minK1 maxK1 minK2 maxK2 Assembly_Type Number_of_Processors"
+@@ -10,12 +12,17 @@ echo -e "\nFor example, to scale between
+ exit
+ fi
+-if ! awk --version | fgrep -v GNU &>/dev/null; then
+-         awk=gawk
+-    else
+-         awk=awk
++if ! awk --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
++	awk=gawk
++	awk=awk
+ fi
++if ! sort --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
++	sort=gsort
++	sort=sort
+ if find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null| grep -q 'trim' ; then
+ 	TRIMMOMATIC=$(find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null | head -1)
+@@ -70,7 +77,7 @@ if [ ${NAMES[@]:(-1)}.F.fq.gz -nt ${NAME
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.F.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.forward"
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.R.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.reverse"
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" = "RPE" ]; then
+-			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | sort -k1 -S 100M > {}.fr"
++			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | $sort -k1 -S 100M > {}.fr"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "cut -f1 {}.fr | uniq -c > {}.f.uniq && cut -f2 {}.fr > {}.r"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "mawk '$AWK4' {}.f.uniq > {}.f.uniq.e" 
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste -d '-' {}.f.uniq.e {}.r | mawk '$AWK3'| sed 's/-/NNNNNNNNNN/' | sed -e '$SED1' | sed -e '$SED2'> {}.uniq.seqs"
+@@ -128,12 +135,12 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "RPE" || "$ATYPE" == "
+   parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | sed 's/NNNNNNNNNN/-/' >  total.uniqs
+   cut -f 1 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.F
+   cut -f 2 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.R
+-  paste total.u.F total.u.R | sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
++  paste total.u.F total.u.R | $sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
+   special_uniq(){
+     mawk -v x=$1 '$1 >= x' $2  |cut -f2 | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' | cut -f1 | uniq
+   }
+   export -f special_uniq
+-  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
++  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
+   join -1 2 -2 1 -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 total.f.uniq | mawk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "NNNNNNNNNN" $3}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF2 '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+   rm total.uniqs total.u.* total.f.uniq* 
+@@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ else
+ 	parallel --no-notice mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+ fi
+-sort -k1 -r -n --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs |cut -f2 > totaluniqseq
++$sort -k1 -r -n --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs |cut -f2 > totaluniqseq
+ mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' totaluniqseq > uniq.full.fasta
+ LENGTH=$(mawk '!/>/' uniq.full.fasta  | mawk '(NR==1||length<shortest){shortest=length} END {print shortest}')
+ LENGTH=$(($LENGTH * 3 / 4))
+@@ -176,21 +183,21 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "PE" || "$ATYPE" == "R
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' uniq.fasta | cut -f1 > uniq.F.fasta
+ 	  	CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 	  	cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+ 	  	paste sort.contig.cluster.ids totaluniqseq > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+      	else
+-        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
++        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+   		paste sort.contig.cluster.ids <(mawk '!/>/' uniq.F.fasta) > contig.cluster.Funiq
+-  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
++  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
+   		join -t $'\t' -1 3 -2 1 contig.cluster.Funiq totaluniqseq.CN -o 2.3,1.2,2.1,2.2 > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+ 	fi	
+ 	#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+-	sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
++	$sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
+ 	rainbow div -i rcluster -o rbdiv.out -f 0.5 -K 10
+         CLUST=(`tail -1 rbdiv.out | cut -f5`)
+ 	CLUST1=$(( $CLUST / 100 + 1))
+@@ -259,9 +266,9 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "HYB" ]];then
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' | cut -f1 >
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print(max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T 0 -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
++		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
+ 		paste >
+-		sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
++		$sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
+ 		#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+ 		rainbow div -i -o -f 0.5 -K 10
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" == "PE" ]; then
+@@ -330,14 +337,14 @@ for ((P = $1; P <= $2; P++))
+ done
+ cut -f4 -d " " >
+-gnuplot << \EOF
+-set terminal dumb size 120, 30
++gnuplot << EOF
++set terminal dumb size 80, 30
+ set autoscale
+ unset label
+ set title "Histogram of number of reference contigs"
+ set ylabel "Number of Occurrences"
+ set xlabel "Number of reference contigs"
+-max = `sort -g | tail -1`
++max = `$sort -g | tail -1`
+ binwidth = max/250.0
+ bin(x,width)=width*floor(x/width) + binwidth/2.0
+ #set xtics 10
+@@ -349,7 +356,7 @@ AF=$(mawk '{ sum += $1; n++ } END { if (
+ echo "Average contig number = $AF"
+ echo "The top three most common number of contigs"
+ echo -e "X\tContig number"
+-perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | sort -k1 -g -r | head -3
++perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | $sort -k1 -g -r | head -3
+ echo "The top three most common number of contigs (with values rounded)"
+ echo -e "X\tContig number"
+-while read NAME; do python -c "print(round($NAME,-2))"; done < | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | sort -g -r | head -3 | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"
++while read NAME; do python -c "print(round($NAME,-2))"; done < | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | $sort -g -r | head -3 | sed "s/^[ \t]*//"
diff --git a/ddocent/patches/ b/ddocent/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c2bb4247d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ddocent/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Ensure $SHELL is set to bash. Use proper names for GNU programs.
+--- scripts/	2018-06-15 14:35:28 UTC
++++ scripts/
+@@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
++#!/usr/bin/env bash
+ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
++export SHELL=%%PREFIX%%/bin/bash
+ if [[ -z "$5" ]]; then
+ echo "Usage is sh K1 K2 similarity% Assembly_Type Number_of_Processors"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+-if ! awk --version | fgrep -v GNU &>/dev/null; then
++if ! awk --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
+          awk=gawk
+-    else
+          awk=awk
+ fi
++if ! sort --version | fgrep -q GNU; then
++	sort=gsort
++	sort=sort
+ if find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null| grep -q 'trim' ; then
+ 	TRIMMOMATIC=$(find ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -name trimmomatic*jar 2> /dev/null | head -1)
+ 	else
+@@ -52,7 +61,7 @@ if [ ${NAMES[@]:(-1)}.F.fq.gz -nt ${NAME
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.F.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.forward"
+ 		cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "zcat {}.R.fq.gz | mawk '$AWK1' | mawk '$AWK2' > {}.reverse"
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" = "RPE" ]; then
+-			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | sort -k1 -S 100M > {}.fr"
++			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste {}.forward {}.reverse | $sort -k1 -S 100M > {}.fr"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "cut -f1 {}.fr | uniq -c > {}.f.uniq && cut -f2 {}.fr > {}.r"
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "mawk '$AWK4' {}.f.uniq > {}.f.uniq.e" 
+ 			cat namelist | parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc "paste -d '-' {}.f.uniq.e {}.r | mawk '$AWK3'| sed 's/-/NNNNNNNNNN/' | sed -e '$SED1' | sed -e '$SED2'> {}.uniq.seqs"
+@@ -88,7 +97,7 @@ if [ ${NAMES[@]:(-1)}.F.fq.gz -nt ${NAME
+       do
+       zcat $i.R.fq.gz | head -2 | tail -1 >> lengths.txt
+       done	
+-    MaxLen=$(mawk '{ print length() | "sort -rn" }' lengths.txt| head -1)
++    MaxLen=$(mawk '{ print length() | "$sort -rn" }' lengths.txt| head -1)
+     LENGTH=$(( $MaxLen / 3))
+ 		for i in "${NAMES[@]}"
+ 			do
+@@ -110,12 +119,12 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "RPE" || "$ATYPE" == "
+   parallel --no-notice -j $NUMProc mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | sed 's/NNNNNNNNNN/-/' >  total.uniqs
+   cut -f 1 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.F
+   cut -f 2 -d "-" total.uniqs > total.u.R
+-  paste total.u.F total.u.R | sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
++  paste total.u.F total.u.R | $sort -k1 --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G >
+   special_uniq(){
+     mawk -v x=$1 '$1 >= x' $2  |cut -f2 | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' | cut -f1 | uniq
+   }
+   export -f special_uniq
+-  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
++  parallel --no-notice --env special_uniq special_uniq $CUTOFF {} ::: *.uniq.seqs  | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G | uniq -c > total.f.uniq
+   join -1 2 -2 1 -o 1.1,1.2,2.2 total.f.uniq | mawk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "NNNNNNNNNN" $3}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF2 '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+   rm total.uniqs total.u.* total.f.uniq* 
+@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@ else
+ 	parallel --no-notice mawk -v x=$CUTOFF \''$1 >= x'\' ::: *.uniq.seqs | cut -f2 | perl -e 'while (<>) {chomp; $z{$_}++;} while(($k,$v) = each(%z)) {print "$v\t$k\n";}' | mawk -v x=$CUTOFF2 '$1 >= x' > uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs
+ fi
+-sort -k1 -r -n --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs |cut -f2 > totaluniqseq
++$sort -k1 -r -n --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G uniq.k.$CUTOFF.c.$CUTOFF2.seqs |cut -f2 > totaluniqseq
+ mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' totaluniqseq > uniq.full.fasta
+ LENGTH=$(mawk '!/>/' uniq.full.fasta  | mawk '(NR==1||length<shortest){shortest=length} END {print shortest}')
+ LENGTH=$(($LENGTH * 3 / 4))
+@@ -159,21 +168,21 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "PE" || "$ATYPE" == "R
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' uniq.fasta | cut -f1 > uniq.F.fasta
+ 	  	CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 	  	cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++	  	mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+ 	  	paste sort.contig.cluster.ids totaluniqseq > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+      	else
+-        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
++        	sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | cut -f1 | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -S 2G| uniq | mawk '{c= c + 1; print ">dDocent_Contig_" c "\n" $1}' > uniq.F.fasta
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print (max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i uniq.F.fasta -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T $NUMProc -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
++  		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc > sort.contig.cluster.ids
+   		paste sort.contig.cluster.ids <(mawk '!/>/' uniq.F.fasta) > contig.cluster.Funiq
+-  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
++  		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' totaluniqseq | $sort --parallel=$NUMProc -k1 -S 2G | mawk '{print $0 "\t" NR}'  > totaluniqseq.CN
+   		join -t $'\t' -1 3 -2 1 contig.cluster.Funiq totaluniqseq.CN -o 2.3,1.2,2.1,2.2 > contig.cluster.totaluniqseq
+ 	fi	
+ 	#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+-	sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
++	$sort -k2,2 -g contig.cluster.totaluniqseq -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' > rcluster
+ 	rainbow div -i rcluster -o rbdiv.out -f 0.5 -K 10
+         CLUST=(`tail -1 rbdiv.out | cut -f5`)
+ 	CLUST1=$(( $CLUST / 100 + 1))
+@@ -242,9 +251,9 @@ if [[ "$ATYPE" == "HYB" ]];then
+ 		sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' | cut -f1 >
+ 		CDHIT=$(python -c "print(max("$simC" - 0.1,0.8))")
+ 		cd-hit-est -i -o xxx -c $CDHIT -T 0 -M 0 -g 1 -d 100 &>cdhit.log
+-		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
++		mawk '{if ($1 ~ /Cl/) clus = clus + 1; else  print $3 "\t" clus}' xxx.clstr | sed 's/[>dDocent_Contig_,...]//g' | $sort -g -k1 -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc >
+ 		paste >
+-		sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
++		$sort -k2,2 -g -S 2G --parallel=$NUMProc | sed -e 's/NNNNNNNNNN/	/g' >
+ 		#CD-hit output is converted to rainbow format
+ 		rainbow div -i -o -f 0.5 -K 10
+ 		if [ "$ATYPE" == "PE" ]; then

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