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py-astropy: update to 2.0.2.

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Thomas Klausner <>
Pushed By:	wiz
Date:		Fri Sep 29 09:12:57 2017 +0200
Changeset:	d2da27302c6da0ba35bb9c308066ad7e3a0e47a9

Modified Files:

Log Message:
py-astropy: update to 2.0.2.

Add missing dependencies.

2.0.2 (2017-09-08)

Bug Fixes


- Ensure transformations via ICRS also work for coordinates that use cartesian
  representations. [#6440]

- Fixed a bug that was preventing ``SkyCoord`` objects made from lists of other
  coordinate objects from being written out to ECSV files. [#6448]

- Support the ``GZIP_2`` FITS image compression algorithm as claimed
  in docs. [#6486]

- Fixed a bug that wrote out VO table as version 1.2 instead of 1.3. [#6521]


- Fix a bug when combining unicode columns via join or vstack.  The character
  width of the output column was a factor of 4 larger than needed. [#6459]


- Fixed running the test suite using --parallel. [#6415]

- Added error handling for attempting to run tests in parallel without having
  the ``pytest-xdist`` package installed. [#6416]

- Fixed issue running doctests with pytest>=3.2. [#6423, #6430]

- Fixed issue caused by antivirus software in response to malformed compressed
  files used for testing. [#6522]

- Updated top-level config file to properly ignore top-level directories.


- Quantity._repr_latex_ now respects precision option from numpy
  printoptions. [#6412]


- For the ``deprecated_renamed_argument`` decorator, refer to the deprecation‘s
  caller instead of ``astropy.utils.decorators``, to makes it easier to find
  where the deprecation warnings comes from. [#6422]

2.0.1 (2017-07-30)

Bug Fixes


- Fixed Earth radius to be the IAU2015 value for the equatorial radius.
  The polar value had erroneously been used in 2.0. [#6400]


- Added old frame attribute classes back to top-level namespace of
  ``astropy.coordinates``. [#6357]

- Scaling an image always uses user-supplied values when given. Added
  defaults for scaling when bscale/bzero are not present (float images).
  Fixed a small bug in when to reset ``_orig_bscale``. [#5955]


- Fixed a bug in initializing compound models with units. [#6398]


- Updating to be more flexible with inputs, don't try to
  delete keywords that are missing from the header. [#6388]

- Fixed the test command that is run from ``setuptools`` to allow it to
  gracefully handle keyboard interrupts and pass them on to the ``pytest``
  subprocess. This prompts ``pytest`` to teardown and display useful traceback
  and test information [#6369]


- Ticks and tick labels are now drawn in front of, rather than behind,
  gridlines in WCS axes. This improves legibility in situations where
  tick labels may be on the interior of the axes frame, such as the right
  ascension axis of an all-sky Aitoff or Mollweide projection. [#6361]


- Fix the missing wcskey part in _read_sip_kw, this will cause error when reading sip wcs while there is no default CRPIX1 CRPIX2 keywords and only CRPIX1n CRPIX2n in header. [#6372]

2.0 (2017-07-07)

New Features


- Constants are now organized into version modules, with physical CODATA
  constants in the ``codata2010`` and ``codata2014`` sub-modules,
  and astronomical constants defined by the IAU in the ``iau2012`` and
  ``iau2015`` sub-modules. The default constants in ``astropy.constants``
  in Astropy 2.0 have been updated from ``iau2012`` to ``iau2015`` and
  from ``codata2010`` to ``codata2014``. The constants for 1.3 can be
  accessed in the ``astropyconst13`` sub-module and the constants for 2.0
  (the default in ``astropy.constants``) can also be accessed in the
  ``astropyconst20`` sub-module [#6083]

- The GM mass parameters recommended by IAU 2015 Resolution B 3 have been
  added as ``GM_sun``, ``GM_jup``, and ``GM_earth``, for the Sun,
  Jupiter and the Earth. [#6083]


- Major change in convolution behavior and keyword arguments. Additional
  details are in the API section. [#5782]

- Convolution with un-normalized and un-normalizable kernels is now possible.

- Add a new argument, ``normalization_rtol``, to ``convolve_fft``, allowing
  the user to specify the relative error tolerance in the normalization of
  the convolution kernel. [#5649, #5177]

- Models can now be convoluted using ``convolve`` or ``convolve_fft``,
  which generates a regular compound model. [#6015]


- Frame attributes set on ``SkyCoord`` are now always validated, and any
  ndarray-like operation (like slicing) will also be done on those. [#5751]

- Caching of  all possible frame attributes was implemented. This greatly
  speeds up many ``SkyCoord`` operations. [#5703, #5751]

- A class hierarchy was added to allow the representation layer to store
  differentials (i.e., finite derivatives) of coordinates.  This is intended
  to enable support for velocities in coordinate frames. [#5871]

- ``replicate_without_data`` and ``replicate`` methods were added to
  coordinate frames that allow copying an existing frame object with various
  reference or copy behaviors and possibly overriding frame attributes. [#6182]

- The representation class instances can now contain differential objects.
  This is primarily useful for internal operations that will provide support
  for transforming velocity components in coordinate frames. [#6169]

- ``EarthLocation.to_geodetic()`` (and ``EarthLocation.geodetic``) now return
  namedtuples instead of regular tuples. [#6237]

- ``EarthLocation`` now has ``lat`` and ``lon`` properties (equivalent to, but
  preferred over, the previous ``latitude`` and ``longitude``). [#6237]

- Added a ``radial_velocity_correction`` method to ``SkyCoord`` to do compute
  barycentric and heliocentric velocity corrections. [#5752]

- Added a new ``AffineTransform`` class for coordinate frame transformations.
  This class supports matrix operations with vector offsets in position or
  any differential quantities (so far, only velocity is supported). The
  matrix transform classes now subclass from the base affine transform.

- Frame objects now have experimental support for velocity components. Most
  frames default to accepting proper motion components and radial velocity,
  and the velocities transform correctly for any transformation that uses
  one of the ``AffineTransform``-type transformations.  For other
  transformations a finite-difference velocity transformation is available,
  although it is not as numerically stable as those that use
  ``AffineTransform``-type transformations. [#6219, #6226]

- Allow to specify encoding in ````, only for Python 3 and with the
  pure-Python readers. [#5448]

- Writing latex tables with only a ``tabular`` environment is now possible by
  setting ``latexdict['tabletyle']`` to ``None``. [#6205]

- Allow ECSV format to support reading and writing mixin columns like
  ``Time``, ``SkyCoord``, ``Latitude``, and ``EarthLocation``. [#6181]

- Checking available disk space before writing out file. [#5550, #4065]

- Change behavior to warn about units that are not FITS-compliant when
  writing a FITS file but not when reading. [#5675]

- Added absolute tolerance parameter when comparing FITS files. [#4729]

- New convenience function ``printdiff`` to print out diff reports. [#5759]

- Allow to instantiate a ``BinTableHDU`` directly from a ``Table`` object.

- YAML representer now also accepts numpy types. [#6077]

- New functions to unregister readers, writers, and identifiers. [#6217]


- Added ``SmoothlyBrokenPowerLaw1D`` model. [#5656]

- Add ``n_submodels`` shared method to single and compound models, which
  allows users to get the number of components of a given single (compound)
  model. [#5747]

- Added a ``name`` setter for instances of ``_CompoundModel``. [#5741]

- Added FWHM properties to Gaussian and Moffat models. [#6027]

- Added support for evaluating models and setting the results for inputs
  outside the bounding_box to a user specified ``fill_value``. This
  is controlled by a new optional boolean keyword ``with_bounding_box``. [#6081]

- Added infrastructure support for units on parameters and during
  model evaluation and fitting, added support for units on all
  functional, power-law, polynomial, and rotation models where this
  is appropriate. A new BlackBody1D model has been added. [#4855, #6183,
  #6204, #6235]


- Added an image class, ``CCDData``. [#6173]


- Added ``biweight_midcovariance`` function. [#5777]

- Added ``biweight_scale`` and ``biweight_midcorrelation``
  functions. [#5991]

- ``median_absolute_deviation`` and ``mad_std`` have ``ignore_nan`` option
  that will use ```` with nans masked out or ``np.nanmedian``
  instead of ``np.median`` when computing the median. [#5232]

- Implemented statistical estimators for Ripley's K Function. [#5712]

- Added ``SigmaClip`` class. [#6206]

- Added ``std_ddof`` keyword option to ``sigma_clipped_stats``.
  [#6066, #6207]


- Issue a warning when assigning a string value to a column and
  the string gets truncated.  This can occur because numpy string
  arrays are fixed-width and silently drop characters which do not
  fit within the fixed width. [#5624, #5819]

- Added functionality to allow ``astropy.units.Quantity`` to be written
  as a normal column to FITS files. [#5910]

- Add support for Quantity columns (within a ``QTable``) in table
  ``join()``, ``hstack()`` and ``vstack()`` operations. [#5841]

- Allow unicode strings to be stored in a Table bytestring column in
  Python 3 using UTF-8 encoding.  Allow comparison and assignment of
  Python 3 ``str`` object in a bytestring column (numpy ``'S'`` dtype).
  If comparison with ``str`` instead of ``bytes`` is a problem
  (and ``bytes`` is really more logical), please open an issue on GitHub.

- Added functionality to allow ``astropy.units.Quantity`` to be read
  from and written to a VOtable file. [#6132]

- Added support for reading and writing a table with mixin columns like
  ``Time``, ``SkyCoord``, ``Latitude``, and ``EarthLocation`` via the
  ASCII ECSV format. [#6181]


- ``enable_deprecations_as_exceptions`` function now accepts additional
  user-defined module imports and warning messages to ignore. [#6223, #6334]


- The ``astropy.units.quantity_input`` decorator will now convert the output to
  the unit specified as a return annotation under Python 3. [#5606]

- Passing a logarithmic unit to the ``Quantity`` constructor now returns the
  appropriate logarithmic quantity class if ``subok=True``. For instance,
  ``Quantity(1, u.dex(u.m), subok=True)`` yields ``<Dex 1.0 dex(m)>``. [#5928]

- The ``quantity_input`` decorator now accepts a string physical type in
  addition to of a unit object to specify the expected input ``Quantity``'s
  physical type. For example, ``@u.quantity_input(x='angle')`` is now
  functionally the same as ``@u.quantity_input(``. [#3847]

- The ``quantity_input`` decorator now also supports unit checking for
  optional keyword arguments and accepts iterables of units or physical types
  for specifying multiple valid equivalent inputs. For example,
  ``@u.quantity_input(x=['angle', 'angular speed'])`` or
  ``@u.quantity_input(x=[u.radian, u.radian/u.yr])`` would both allow either
  a ``Quantity`` angle or angular speed passed in to the argument ``x``.

- Added a new equivalence ``molar_mass_amu`` between g/mol to
  atomic mass units. [#6040, #6113]

- ``Quantity`` has gained a new ``to_value`` method which returns the value
  of the quantity in a given unit. [#6127]

- ``Quantity`` now supports the ``@`` operator for matrix multiplication that
  was introduced in Python 3.5, for all supported versions of numpy. [#6144]

- ``Quantity`` supports the new ``__array_ufunc__`` protocol introduced in
  numpy 1.13.  As a result, operations that involve unit conversion will be
  sped up considerably (by up to a factor of two for costly operations such
  as trigonometric ones). [#2583]


- Added a new ``dataurl_mirror`` configuration item in ````
  that is used to indicate a mirror for the astropy data server. [#5547]

- Added a new convenience method ``get_cached_urls`` to ````
  for getting a list of the URLs in your cache. [#6242]


- Upgraded the included wcslib to version 5.16. [#6225]

  The minimum required version of wcslib in is 5.14.

API Changes


- This entire sub-package is deprecated because blackbody has been moved to
  ``astropy.modeling.blackbody``. [#6191]


- Major change in convolution behavior and keyword arguments.
  ``astropy.convolution.convolve_fft`` replaced ``interpolate_nan`` with
  ``nan_treatment``, and ``astropy.convolution.convolve`` received a new
  ``nan_treatment`` argument. ``astropy.convolution.convolve`` also no longer
  double-interpolates interpolates over NaNs, although that is now available
  as a separate ``astropy.convolution.interpolate_replace_nans`` function. See
  :ref:`the backwards compatibility note <astropy_convolve_compat>` for more
  on how to get the old behavior (and why you probably don't want to.) [#5782]


- The ``astropy.coordinates.Galactic`` frame previously was had the cartesian
  ordering 'w', 'u', 'v' (for 'x', 'y', and 'z', respectively).  This was an
  error and against the common convention.  The 'x', 'y', and 'z' axes now
  map to 'u', 'v', and 'w', following the right-handed ('u' points to
  the Galactic center) convention. [#6330]

- Removed deprecated ``angles.rotation_matrix`` and
  ``angles.angle_axis``. Use the routines in
  ``coordinates.matrix_utilities`` instead. [#6170]

- ``EarthLocation.latitude`` and ``EarthLocation.longitude`` are now
  deprecated in favor of ```` and ``EarthLocation.lon``.
  They former will be removed in a future version. [#6237]

- The ``FrameAttribute`` class and subclasses have been renamed to just contain
  ``Attribute``. For example, ``QuantityFrameAttribute`` is now
  ``QuantityAttribute``. [#6300]


- Cosmological models do not include any contribution from neutrinos or photons
  by default -- that is, the default value of Tcmb0 is 0.  This does not affect
  built in models (such as WMAP or Planck). [#6112]

- Remove deprecated ``NumCode`` and ``ImgCode`` properties on FITS
  ``_ImageBaseHDU``.  Use module-level constants ``BITPIX2DTYPE`` and
  ``DTYPE2BITPIX`` instead. [#4993]

- ``comments`` meta key (which is ``io.ascii``'s table convention) is output
  to ``COMMENT`` instead of ``COMMENTS`` header. Similarly, ``COMMENT``
  headers are read into ``comments`` meta [#6097]

- Remove compatibility code which forced loading all HDUs on close. The old
  behavior can be used with ``lazy_load_hdus=False``. Because of this change,
  trying to access the ``.data`` attribute from an HDU which is not loaded
  now raises a ``IndexError`` instead of a ``ValueError``. [#6082]

- Deprecated ``clobber`` keyword; use ``overwrite``. [#6203]

- Add EXTVER column to the output of ````. [#6124]


- Removed deprecated ``Redshift`` model; Use ``RedshiftScaleFactor``. [#6053]

- Removed deprecated ``Pix2Sky_AZP.check_mu`` and ``Pix2Sky_SZP.check_mu``
  methods. [#6170]

- Deprecated ``GaussianAbsorption1D`` model, as it can be better represented
  by subtracting ``Gaussian1D`` from ``Const1D``. [#6200]

- Added method ``sum_of_implicit_terms`` to ``Model``, needed when performing
  a linear fit to a model that has built-in terms with no corresponding
  parameters (primarily the ``1*x`` term of ``Shift``). [#6174]


- Removed deprecated usage of parameter ``propagate_uncertainties`` as a
  positional keyword. [#6170]

- Removed deprecated ``support_correlated`` attribute. [#6170]

- Removed deprecated ``propagate_add``, ``propagate_subtract``,
  ``propagate_multiply`` and ``propagate_divide`` methods. [#6170]


- Removed the deprecated ``sig`` and ``varfunc`` keywords in the
  ``sigma_clip`` function. [#5715]

- Added ``modify_sample_size`` keyword to ``biweight_midvariance``
  function. [#5991]


- In Python 3, when getting an item from a bytestring Column it is now
  converted to ``str``.  This means comparing a single item to a ``bytes``
  object will always fail, and instead one must compare with a ``str``
  object. [#5700]

- Removed the deprecated ``data`` property of Row. [#5729]

- Removed the deprecated functions ``join``, ``hstack``, ``vstack`` and
  ``get_groups`` from np_utils. [#5729]

- Added ``name`` paramater to method ``astropy.table.Table.add_column`` and
  ``names`` parameter to method ``astropy.table.Table.add_columns``, to
  provide the flexibility to add unnamed columns, mixin objects and also to
  specify explicit names. Default names will be used if not
  specified. [#5996]

- Added optional ``axis`` parameter to ``insert`` method for ``Column`` and
  ``MaskedColumn`` classes. [#6092]


- Moved ``units.cgs.emu`` to ``units.deprecated.emu`` due to ambiguous
  definition of "emu". [#4918, #5906]

- ``jupiterMass``, ``earthMass``, ``jupiterRad``, and ``earthRad`` no longer
  have their prefixed units included in the standard units.  If needed, they
  can still  be found in ``units.deprecated``. [#5661]

- ``solLum``,``solMass``, and ``solRad`` no longer have  their prefixed units
  included in the standard units.  If needed, they can still be found in
  ``units.required_by_vounit``, and are enabled by default. [#5661]

- Removed deprecated ``Unit.get_converter``. [#6170]

- Internally, astropy replaced use of ``.to(unit).value`` with the new
  ``to_value(unit)`` method, since this is somewhat faster. Any subclasses
  that overwrote ``.to``, should also overwrite ``.to_value`` (or
  possibly just the private ``._to_value`` method.  (If you did this,
  please let us know what was lacking that made this necessary!). [#6137]


- Removed the deprecated compatibility modules for Python 2.6 (``argparse``,
  ``fractions``, ``gzip``, ``odict``, ``subprocess``) [#5975,#6157,#6164]

- Removed the deprecated ``zest.releaser`` machinery. [#6282]


- Removed the deprecated ``scale_image`` function. [#6170]


- Cone Search now issues deprecation warning because it is moved to
  Astroquery 0.3.5 and will be removed from Astropy in a future version.
  [#5558, #5904]

- The ``astropy.vo.samp`` package has been moved to ``astropy.samp``, and no
  longer supports HTTPS/SSL. [#6201, #6213]


- Removed deprecated ``wcs.rotateCD``. [#6170]

Bug Fixes


- Major change in convolution behavior and keyword arguments:
  ``astropy.convolution.convolve`` was not performing normalized convolution
  in earlier versions of astropy. [#5782]

- Direct convolution previously implemented the wrong definition of
  convolution.  This error only affects *asymmetric* kernels. [#6267]


- The ``astropy.coordinates.Galactic`` frame had an incorrect ording for the
  'u', 'v', and 'w' cartesian coordinates. [#6330]

- The ``astropy.coordinates.search_around_sky``,
  ``astropy.coordinates.search_around_3d``, and ``SkyCoord`` equivalent methods
  now correctly yield an ``astropy.coordinates.Angle`` as the third return type
  even if there are no matches (previously it returned a raw Quantity). [#6347]



- ``comments`` meta key (which is ``io.ascii``'s table convention) is output
  to ``COMMENT`` instead of ``COMMENTS`` header. Similarly, ``COMMENT``
  headers are read into ``comments`` meta [#6097]

- Use more sensible fix values for invalid NAXISj header values. [#5935]

- Close file on error to avoid creating a ``ResourceWarning`` warning
  about an unclosed file. [#6168, #6177]


- Creating a compound model where one of the submodels is
  a compound model whose parameters were changed now uses the
  updated parameters and not the parameters of the original model. [#5741]

- Allow ``Mapping`` and ``Identity`` to be fittable. [#6018]

- Gaussian models now impose positive ``stddev`` in fitting. [#6019]

- OrthoPolynomialBase (Chebyshev2D / Legendre2D) models were being evaluated
  incorrectly when part of a compound model (using the parameters from the
  original model), which in turn caused fitting to fail as a no-op. [#6085]

- Allow ``Ring2D`` to be defined using ``r_out``. [#6192]

- Make ``LinearLSQFitter`` produce correct results with fixed model
  parameters and allow ``Shift`` and ``Scale`` to be fitted with
  ``LinearLSQFitter`` and ``LevMarLSQFitter``. [#6174]


- Allow to choose which median function is used in ``mad_std`` and
  ``median_absolute_deviation``. And allow to use these functions with
  a multi-dimensional ``axis``. [#5835]

- Fixed ``biweight_midvariance`` so that by default it returns a
  variance that agrees with the standard definition. [#5991]


- Fix a problem with vstack for bytes columns in Python 3. [#5628]

- Fix QTable add/insert row for multidimensional Quantity. [#6092]


- Fixed the initial condition of ``TimeFITS`` to allow scale, FITS scale
  and FITS realization to be checked and equated properly. [#6202]


- Fixed a bug that caused the default WCS to return coordinates offset by
  one. [#6339]


- Fixed a bug in vo.samp when stopping a hub for which a lockfile was
  not created. [#6211]

Other Changes and Additions

- Numpy 1.7 and 1.8 are no longer supported. [#6006]

- Python 3.3 is no longer suppored. [#6020]

- The bundled ERFA was updated to version 1.4.0. [#6239]

- The bundled version of pytest has now been removed, but the
  astropy.tests.helper.pytest import will continue to work properly.
  Affiliated packages should nevertheless transition to importing pytest
  directly rather than from astropy.tests.helper. This also means that
  pytest is now a formal requirement for testing for both Astropy and
  for affiliated packages. [#5694]

1.3.3 (2017-05-29)

Bug Fixes


- Fixed a bug where ``StaticMatrixTransform`` erroneously copied frame
  attributes from the input coordinate to the output frame. In practice, this
  didn't actually affect any transforms in Astropy but may change behavior for
  users who explicitly used the ``StaticMatrixTransform`` in their own code.

- Fixed ``get_icrs_coordinates`` to loop through all the urls in case one
  raises an exception. [#5864]

- Fix table header not written out properly when ``fits.writeto()``
  convenience function is used. [#6042]

- Fix writing out read-only arrays. [#6036]

- Extension headers are written out properly when the ``fits.update()``
  convenience function is used. [#6058]

- Angstrom, erg, G, and barn are no more reported as deprecated FITS units.


- Fix problem with Table pprint/pformat raising an exception for
  non-UTF-8 compliant bytestring data. [#6117]


- Allow strings 'nan' and 'inf' as Quantity inputs. [#5958]

- Add support for ``positive`` and ``divmod`` ufuncs (new in numpy 1.13).
  [#5998, #6020, #6116]


- On systems that do not have ``pkg_resources`` non-numerical additions to
  version numbers like ``dev`` or ``rc1`` are stripped in ``minversion`` to
  avoid a ``TypeError`` in ``distutils.version.LooseVersion`` [#5944]

- Fix ``auto_download`` setting ignored in ``Time.ut1``. [#6033]


- Fix bug in ManualInterval which caused the limits to be returned incorrectly
  if set to zero, and fix defaults for ManualInterval in the presence of NaNs.

- Get rid of warnings that occurred when slicing a cube due to the tick
  locator trying to find ticks for the sliced axis. [#6104]

- Accept normal Matplotlib keyword arguments in set_xlabel and set_ylabel
  functions. [#5686, #5692, #6060]

- Fix a bug that caused labels to be missing from frames with labels that
  could change direction mid-axis, such as EllipticalFrame. Also ensure
  that empty tick labels do not cause any warnings. [#6063]

1.3.2 (2017-03-30)

Bug Fixes


- Ensure that checking equivalance of ``SkyCoord`` objects works with
  non-scalar attributes [#5884, #5887]

- Ensure that transformation to frames with multi-dimensional attributes
  works as expected [#5890, #5897]

- Make sure all ``BaseRepresentation`` objects can be output as strings.
  [#5889, #5897]


- Add support for ``heaviside`` ufunc (new in numpy 1.13). [#5920]


- Fix to allow the C-based _fast_iterparse() VOTable XML parser to
  relloc() its buffers instead of overflowing them. [#5824, #5869]

Other Changes and Additions

- File permissions are revised in the released source distribution. [#5912]

1.3.1 (2017-03-18)

New Features


- The ``deprecated_renamed_argument`` decorator got a new ``pending``
  parameter to suppress the deprecation warnings. [#5761]

Bug Fixes


- Changed ``SkyCoord`` so that frame attributes which are not valid for the
  current ``frame`` (but are valid for other frames) are stored on the
  ``SkyCoord`` instance instead of the underlying ``frame`` instance (e.g.,
  setting ``relative_humidity`` on an ICRS ``SkyCoord`` instance.) [#5750]

- Ensured that ``position_angle`` and ``separation`` give correct answers for
  frames with different equinox (see #5722). [#5762]

- Fix problem with padding bytes written for BinTable columns converted
  from unicode [#5280, #5287, #5288, #5296].

- Fix out-of-order TUNITn cards when writing tables to FITS. [#5720]

- Recognize PrimaryHDU when non boolean values are present for the
  'GROUPS' header keyword. [#5808]

- Fix the insertion of new keywords in compressed image headers
  (``CompImageHeader``). [#5866]


- Fixed a problem with setting ``bounding_box`` on 1D models. [#5718]

- Fixed a broadcasting problem with weighted fitting of 2D models
  with ``LevMarLSQFitter``. [#5788]

- Fixed a problem with passing kwargs to fitters, specifically ``verblevel``. [#5815]

- Changed FittingWithOutlierRemoval to reject on the residual to the fit [#5831]


- Fix the psd normalization for Lomb-Scargle periodograms in the presence
  of noise. [#5713]

- Fix bug in the autofrequency range when ``minimum_frequency`` is specified
  but ``maximum_frequency`` is not. [#5738]

- Ensure that a masked array is returned when sigma clipping fully masked
  data. [#5711]


- Fix problem where key for caching column format function was not
  sufficiently unique. [#5803]

- Handle sorting NaNs and masked values in jsviewer. [#4052, #5572]

- Ensure mixin columns can be added to a table using a scalar value for the
  right-hand side if the type supports broadcasting. E.g., for an existing
  ``QTable``, ``t['q'] = 3*u.m`` will now add a column as expected. [#5820]

- Fixes the bug of setting/getting values from rows/columns of a table using
  numpy array scalars. [#5772]


- Fixed problem where IrreducibleUnits could fail to unpickle. [#5868]


- Avoid importing ``ipython`` in ``utils.console`` until it is necessary, to
  prevent deprecation warnings when importing, e.g., ``Column``. [#5755]


- Avoid importing matplotlib.pyplot when importing
  astropy.visualization.wcsaxes. [#5680, #5684]

- Ignore Numpy warnings that happen in coordinate transforms in WCSAxes.

- Fix compatibility issues between WCSAxes and Matplotlib 2.x. [#5786]

- Fix a bug that caused WCSAxes frame visual properties to not be copied
  over when resetting the WCS. [#5791]


- Fixed a bug where PLY was overwriting its generated files. [#5728]

Other Changes and Additions

- Fixed a deprecation warning that occurred when running tests with
  astropy.test(). [#5689]

- The deprecation of the ``clobber`` argument (originally deprecated in 1.3.0)
  in the ``io.fits`` write functions was changed to a "pending" deprecation
  (without displaying warnings) for now. [#5761]

- Updated bundled astropy-helpers to v1.3.1. [#5880]

1.3 (2016-12-22)

New Features


- The ``convolve`` and ``convolve_fft`` arguments now support a ``mask`` keyword,
  which allows them to also support ``NDData`` objects as inputs. [#5554]


- Added an ``of_address`` classmethod to ``EarthLocation`` to enable fast creation of
  ``EarthLocation`` objects given an address by querying the Google maps API [#5154].

- A new routine, ``get_body_barycentric_posvel`` has been added that allows
  one to calculate positions as well as velocities for solar system bodies.
  For JPL kernels, this roughly doubles the execution time, so if one requires
  only the positions, one should use ``get_body_barycentric``. [#5231]

- Transformations between coordinate systems can use the more accurate JPL
  ephemerides. [#5273, #5436]

- Arithmetic on representations, such as addition of two representations,
  multiplication with a ``Quantity``, or calculating the norm via ``abs``,
  has now become possible. Furthermore, there are new methods ``mean``,
  ``sum``, ``dot``, and ``cross``. For all these, the representations are
  treated as vectors in cartesian space (temporarily converting to
  ``CartesianRepresentation`` if necessary).  [#5301]
  has now become possible. Furthermore, there are news methods ``mean``,
  ``sum``, ``dot``, and ``cross`` with obvious meaning. [#5301]
  multiplication with a ``Quantity`` has now become possible. Furthermore,
  there are new methods ``norm``, ``mean``, ``sum``, ``dot``, and ``cross``.
  In all operations, the representations are treated as vectors. They are
  temporarily converted to ``CartesianRepresentation`` if necessary.  [#5301]

- ``CartesianRepresentation`` can be initialized with plain arrays by passing
  in a ``unit``. Furthermore, for input with a vector array, the coordinates
  no longer have to be in the first dimension, but can be at any ``xyz_axis``.
  To complement the latter, a new ``get_xyz(xyz_axis)`` method allows one to
  get a vector array out along a given axis. [#5439]

- Files with "Fortran-style" columns (i.e. double-precision scientific notation
  with a character other than "e", like ``1.495978707D+13``) can now be parsed by
  the fast reader natively. [#5552]

- Allow round-tripping masked data tables in most formats by using an
  empty string ``''`` as the default representation of masked values
  when writing. [#5347]

- Allow reading HTML tables with unicode column values in Python 2.7. [#5410]

- Check for self-consistency of ECSV header column names. [#5463]

- Produce warnings when writing an IPAC table from an astropy table that
  contains metadata not supported by the IPAC format. [#4700]

- "Lazy" loading of HDUs now occurs - when an HDU is requested, the file is
  only read up to the point where that HDU is found.  This can mean a
  substantial speedup when accessing files that have many HDUs. [#5065]

- Added ``io.misc.yaml`` module to support serializing core astropy objects
  using the YAML protocol. [#5486]

- Added ``delay_doc_updates`` contextmanager to postpone the formatting of
  the documentation for the ``read`` and ``write`` methods of the class to
  optionally reduce the import time. [#5275]


- Added a class to combine astropy fitters and functions to remove outliers
  e. g., sigma clip. [#4760]

- Added a ``Tabular`` model. [#5105]

- Added ``Hermite1D`` and ``Hermite2D`` polynomial models [#5242]

- Added the injection of EntryPoints into astropy.modeling.fitting if
  they inherit from Fitters class. [#5241]

- Added bounding box to ``Lorentz1D`` and ``MexicanHat1D`` models. [#5393]

- Added ``Planar2D`` functional model. [#5456]

- Updated ``Gaussian2D`` to accept no arguments (will use default x/y_stddev
  and theta). [#5537]


- Added ``keep`` and ``**kwargs`` parameter to ``support_nddata``. [#5477]


- Added ``axis`` keyword to ``biweight_location`` and
  ``biweight_midvariance``. [#5127, #5158]


- Allow renaming mixin columns. [#5469]

- Support generalized value formatting for mixin columns in tables. [#5274]

- Support persistence of table indices when pickling and copying table. [#5468]


- Install both runtime and test dependencies when running the
  ./ test command. These dependencies are specified by the
  install_requires and tests_require keywords via setuptools. [#5092]

- Enable easier subclassing of the TestRunner class. [#5505]


- ``light_travel_time`` can now use more accurate JPL ephemerides. [#5273, #5436]


- Added ``pixel_scale`` and ``plate_scale`` equivalencies. [#4987]

- The ``spectral_density`` equivalency now supports transformations of
  luminosity density. [#5151]

- ``Quantity`` now accepts strings consisting of a number and unit such
  as '10 km/s'. [#5245]


- Added a new decorator: ``deprecated_renamed_argument``. This can be used to
  rename a function argument, while it still allows for the use of the older
  argument name. [#5214]


- Added a ``make_lupton_rgb`` function to generate color images from three
  greyscale images, following the algorithm of Lupton et al. (2004). [#5535]

- Added ``data`` and ``interval`` inputs to the ``ImageNormalize``
  class. [#5206]

- Added a new ``simple_norm`` convenience function. [#5206]

- Added a default stretch for the ``Normalization`` class. [#5206].

- Added a default ``vmin/vmax`` for the ``ManualInterval`` class.

- The ``wcsaxes`` subpackage has now been integrated in astropy as
  ``astropy.visualization.wcsaxes``.  This allows plotting of astronomical
  data/coordinate systems in Matplotlib. [#5496]


- Improved ``footprint_to_file``: allow to specify the coordinate system, and
  use by default the one from ``RADESYS``. Overwrite the file instead of
  appending to it. [#5494]

API Changes


- ``discretize_model`` now raises an exception if non-integer ranges are used.
  Previously it had incorrect behavior but did not raise an exception. [#5538]


- ``SkyCoord``, ``ICRS``, and other coordinate objects, as well as the
  underlying representations such as ``SphericalRepresentation`` and
  ``CartesianRepresentation`` can now be reshaped using methods named like the
  numpy ones for ``ndarray`` (``reshape``, ``swapaxes``, etc.)
  [#4123, #5254, #5482]

- The ``obsgeoloc`` and ``obsgeovel`` attributes of ``GCRS`` and
  ``PrecessedGeocentric`` frames are now stored and returned as
  ``CartesianRepresentation`` objects, rather than ``Quantity`` objects.
  Similarly, ``EarthLocation.get_gcrs_posvel`` now returns a tuple of
  ``CartesianRepresentation`` objects. [#5253]

- ``search_around_3d`` and ``search_around_sky`` now return units
  for the distance matching their input argument when no match is
  found, instead of ``dimensionless_unscaled``. [#5528]

- ASCII writers now accept an 'overwrite' argument.
  The default behavior is changed so that a warning will be
  issued when overwriting an existing file unless ``overwrite=True``.
  In a future version this will be changed from a warning to an
  exception to prevent accidentally overwriting a file. [#5007]

- The default representation of masked values when writing tables was
  changed from ``'--'`` to the empty string ``''``.  Previously any
  user-supplied ``fill_values`` parameter would overwrite the class
  default, but now the values are prepended to the class default. [#5347]

- The old ``Header`` interface, deprecated since Astropy 0.1 (PyFITS 3.1), has
  been removed entirely. See :ref:`header-transition-guide` for explanations
  on this change and help on the transition. [#5310]

- The following functions, classes and methods have been removed:
  ``CardList``, ``Card.key``, ``Card.cardimage``, ``Card.ascardimage``,
  ``create_card``, ``create_card_from_string``, ``upper_key``,
  ``Header.ascard``, ``Header.rename_key``, ``Header.get_history``,
  ``Header.get_comment``, ``Header.toTxtFile``, ``Header.fromTxtFile``,
  ``new_table``, ``tdump``, ``tcreate``, ``BinTableHDU.tdump``,

- Removed ``txtfile`` argument to the ``Header`` constructor.

- Removed usage of ``Header.update`` with ``Header.update(keyword, value,
  comment)`` arguments.

- Removed ``startColumn`` and ``endColumn`` arguments to the ``FITS_record``

- The ``clobber`` argument in FITS writers has been renamed to
  ``overwrite``. This change affects the following functions and
  methods: ``tabledump``, ``writeto``, ``Header.tofile``,
  ``Header.totextfile``, ````,
  ``_BaseHDU.overwrite``, ``BinTableHDU.dump`` and
  ``HDUList.writeto``. [#5171]

- Added an optional ``copy`` parameter to ``fits.Header`` which controls if
  a copy is made when creating an ``Header`` from another ``Header``.
  [#5005, #5326]

- ``.fts`` and ``.fts.gz`` files will be automatically identified as
  ``io.fits`` files if no explicit ``format`` is given. [#5211]

- Added an optional ``readwrite`` parameter for ``get_formats`` to filter
  formats for read or write. [#5275]


- ``Gaussian2D`` now raises an error if ``theta`` is set at the same time as
  ``cov_matrix`` (previously ``theta`` was silently ignored). [#5537]


- Setting an existing table column (e.g. ``t['a'] = [1, 2, 3]``) now defaults
  to *replacing* the column with a column corresponding to the new value
  (using ``t.replace_column()``) instead of doing an in-place update.  Any
  existing meta-data in the column (e.g. the unit) is discarded.  An
  in-place update is still done when the new value is not a valid column,
  e.g. ``t['a'] = 0``.  To force an in-place update use the pattern
  ``t['a'][:] = [1, 2, 3]``. [#5556]

- Allow ``collections.Mapping``-like ``data`` attribute when initializing a
  ``Table`` object (``dict``-like was already possible). [#5213]


- The inputs to the ``TestRunner.run_tests()`` method now must be
  keyword arguments (no positional arguments).  This applies to the
  ``astropy.test()`` function as well. [#5505]


- Renamed ``ignored`` context manager in ``compat.misc`` to ``suppress``
  to be consistent with . [#5003]


- Deprecated the ``scale_image`` function. [#5206]

- The ``mpl_normalize`` module (containing the ``ImageNormalize``
  class) is now automatically imported with the ``visualization``
  subpackage. [#5491]


- The ``clobber`` argument in ``VOSDatabase.to_json()`` has been
  renamed to ``overwrite``. [#5171]


- ``wcs.rotateCD()`` was deprecated without a replacement. [#5240]

Bug Fixes


- Transformations between CIRS and AltAz now correctly account for the
  location of the observer. [#5591]

- GCRS frames representing a location on Earth with multiple obstimes are now
  allowed. This means that the solar system routines ``get_body``,
  ``get_moon`` and ``get_sun`` now work with non-scalar times and a
  non-geocentric observer. [#5253]

- Fix issue with units or other astropy core classes stored in table meta.

- Copying a ``fits.Header`` using ``copy`` or ``deepcopy`` from the ``copy``
  module will use ``Header.copy`` to ensure that modifying the copy will
  not alter the other original Header and vice-versa. [#4990, #5323]

- ```` no longer raises ``AttributeError`` in presence of
  ``BZERO``. [#5508]

- Avoid exceptions with numpy 1.10 and up when using scaled integer data
  where ``BZERO`` has float type but integer value. [#4639, #5527]

- Converting a header card to a string now calls ``self.verify('fix+warn')``
  instead of ``self.verify('fix')`` so headers with invalid keywords will
  not raise a ``VerifyError`` on printing. [#887,#5054]

- ``FITS_Record._convert_ascii`` now converts blank fields to 0 when a
  non-blank null column value is set. [#5134, #5394]

- ``read`` now correctly raises an IOError if a file with an unknown
  extension can't be found, instead of raising IORegistryError:
  "Format could not be identified." [#4779]


- Ensure ``Time`` instances holding a single ``delta_ut1_utc`` can be copied,
  flattened, etc. [#5225]


- Operations involving ``Angle`` or ``Distance``, or any other
  ``SpecificTypeQuantity`` instance, now also keep return an instance of the
  same type if the instance was the second argument (if the resulting unit
  is consistent with the specific type). [#5327]

- Inplace operations on ``Angle`` and ``Distance`` instances now raise an
  exception if the final unit is not equivalent to radian and meter, resp.
  Similarly, views as ``Angle`` and ``Distance`` can now only be taken
  from quantities with appropriate units, and views as ``Quantity`` can only
  be taken from logarithmic quanties such as ``Magnitude`` if the physical
  unit is dimensionless. [#5070]

- Conversion from quantities to logarithmic units now correctly causes a
  logarithmic quantity such as ``Magnitude`` to be returned. [#5183]


- SIP distortion for an alternate WCS is correctly initialized now by
  looking at the "CTYPE" values matching the alternate WCS. [#5443]

Other Changes and Additions

- The bundled ERFA was updated to version 1.3.0.  This includes the
  leap second planned for 2016 Dec 31.


- Initialization of ``Angle`` has been sped up for ``Quantity`` and ``Angle``
  input. [#4970]

- The use of ``np.matrix`` instances in the transformations has been
  deprecated, since this class does not allow stacks of matrices.  As a
  result, the semi-public functions ``angles.rotation_matrix`` and
  ``angles.angle_axis`` are also deprecated, in favour of the new routines
  with the same name in ``coordinates.matrix_utilities``. [#5104]

- A new ``BaseCoordinateFrame.cache`` dictionary has been created to expose
  the internal cache. This is useful when modifying representation data
  in-place without using ``realize_frame``. Additionally, documentation for
  in-place operations on coordinates were added. [#5575]

- Coordinates and their representations are printed with a slightly different
  format, following how numpy >= 1.12 prints structured arrays. [#5423]


- The default cosmological model has been changed to Planck 2015,
  and the citation strings have been updated. [#5372]


- Updated the bundled ``six`` module to version 1.10.0. [#5521]

- Updated the astropy shipped version of ``PLY`` to version 3.9. [#5526]

- Updated the astropy shipped version of jQuery to v3.3.1, and dataTables
  to v1.10.12. [#5564]

- Performance improvements for tables with many columns. [#4985]

- Removed obsolete code that was previously needed to properly
  implement the append mode. [#4793]

- Reduced the time spent in the ``get_formats`` function. This also reduces
  the time it takes to import astropy subpackages, i.e.
  ``astropy.coordinates``. [#5262]


- The functions ``add_enabled_units``, ``set_enabled_equivalencies`` and
  ``add_enabled_equivalencies`` have been sped up by copying the current
  ``_UnitRegistry`` instead of building it from scratch. [#5306]

- To build the documentation, the ``build_sphinx`` command has been deprecated
  in favor of ``build_docs``. [#5179]

- The ``--remote-data`` option to ``python test`` can now take
  different arguments: ``--remote-data=none`` is the same as not specifying
  ``--remote-data`` (skip all tests that require the internet),
  ``--remote-data=astropy`` skips all tests that need remote data except those
  that require only data from, and ``--remote-data=any`` is
  the same as ``--remote-data`` (run all tests that use remote data). [#5506]

- The pytest ``recwarn`` fixture has been removed from the tests in favor of
  ``utils.catch_warnings``. [#5489]

- Deprecated escape sequences in strings (Python 3.6) have been removed. [#5489]

1.2.2 (2016-12-22)

Bug Fixes

- Fix a bug where the ``fill_values`` parameter was ignored when writing a
  table to HTML format. [#5379]

- Handle unicode FITS BinTable column names on Python 2 [#5204, #4805]

- Fix reading of float values from ASCII tables, that could be read as
  float32 instead of float64 (with the E and F formats). These values are now
  always read as float64. [#5362]

- Fixed memoryleak when using the compression module. [#5399, #5464]

- Able to insert and remove lower case HIERARCH keywords in a consistent
  manner [#5313, #5321]


- Fixed broadcasting in ``sigma_clip`` when using negative ``axis``. [#4988]


- Assigning a logarithmic unit to a ``QTable`` column that did not have a
  unit yet now correctly turns it into the appropriate function quantity
  subclass (such as ``Magnitude`` or ``Dex``). [#5345]

- Fix default value for ``show_row_index`` in ``Table.show_in_browser``.


- For inverse trig functions that operate on quantities, catch any warnings
  that occur from evaluating the function on the unscaled quantity value
  between __array_prepare__ and __array_wrap__. [#5153]

- Ensure ``!=`` also works for function units such as ``MagUnit`` [#5345]


- Fix use of the ``relax`` keyword in ``to_header`` when used to change the
  output precision. [#5164]

- ``wcs.to_header(relax=True)`` adds a "-SIP" suffix to ``CTYPE`` when SIP
  distortion is present in the WCS object. [#5239]

- Improved log messages in ``to_header``. [#5239]

Other Changes and Additions

- The bundled ERFA was updated to version 1.3.0.  This includes the
  leap second planned for 2016 Dec 31.


- ``poisson_conf_interval`` with ``'kraft-burrows-nousek'`` interval is now
  faster and useable with SciPy versions < 0.14. [#5064, #5290]

1.2.1 (2016-06-22)

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug that caused TFIELDS to not be in the correct position in
  compressed image HDU headers under certain circumstances, which created
  invalid FITS files. [#5118, #5125]


- Fixed an  ``ImportError`` that occurred whenever ``astropy.constants`` was
  imported before ``astropy.units``. [#5030, #5121]

- Magnitude zero points used to define ``STmag``, ``ABmag``, ``M_bol`` and
  ``m_bol`` are now collected in ``astropy.units.magnitude_zero_points``.
  They are not enabled as regular units by default, but can be included
  using ``astropy.units.magnitude_zero_points.enable()``. This makes it
  possible to round-trip magnitudes as originally intended.  [#5030]

1.2 (2016-06-19)


- Astropy now requires Numpy 1.7.0 or later. [#4784]

New Features


- Add ``L_bol0``, the luminosity corresponding to absolute bolometric
  magnitude zero. [#4262]


- ``CartesianRepresentation`` now includes a transform() method that can take
  a 3x3 matrix to transform coordinates. [#4860]

- Solar system and lunar ephemerides accessible via ``get_body``,
  ``get_body_barycentric`` and ``get_moon`` functions. [#4890]

- Added astrometric frames (i.e., a frame centered on a particular
  point/object specified in another frame). [#4909, #4941]

- Added ``SkyCoord.spherical_offsets_to`` method. [#4338]

- Recent Earth rotation (IERS) data are now auto-downloaded so that AltAz
  transformations for future dates now use the most accurate available
  rotation values. [#4436]

- Add support for heliocentric coordinate frames. [#4314]


- ``angular_diameter_distance_z1z2`` now supports the computation of
  the angular diameter distance between a scalar and an array like
  argument. [#4593] The method now supports models with negative
  Omega_k0 (positive curvature universes) [#4661] and allows z2 < z1.

- File name could be passed as ``Path`` object. [#4606]

- Check that columns in ``formats`` specifier exist in the output table
  when writing. [#4508, #4511]

- Allow trailing whitespace in the IPAC header lines. [#4758]

- Updated to filter out the default parser warning of BeautifulSoup.

- Added support for reading and writing reStructuredText simple tables.

- File name could be passed as ``Path`` object. [#4606]

- Header allows a dictionary-like cards argument during creation. [#4663]

- New function ``convenience.table_to_hdu`` to allow creating a FITS
  HDU object directly from an astropy ``Table``. [#4778]

- New optional arguments ``ignore_missing`` and ``remove_all`` are added
  to ````. [#5020]

- Added custom ``IORegistryError``. [#4833]

- File name could be passed as ``Path`` object. [#4606]


- Added the fittable=True attribute to the Scale and Shift models with tests. [#4718]

- Added example plots to docstrings for some build-in models. [#4008]


- ``UnknownUncertainty`` new subclass of ``NDUncertainty`` that can be used to
  save uncertainties that cannot be used for error propagation. [#4272]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: ``add``, ``subtract``, ``multiply`` and ``divide``
  can be used as classmethods but require that two operands are given. These
  operands don't need to be NDData instances but they must be convertible to
  NDData. This conversion is done internally. Using it on the instance does
  not require (but also allows) two operands. [#4272, #4851]

- ``NDDataRef`` new subclass that implements ``NDData`` together with all
  currently available mixins. This class does not implement additional
  attributes, methods or a numpy.ndarray-like interface like ``NDDataArray``.
  attributes, methods or a numpy.ndarray-like interface like ``NDDataArray``.


- Added ``axis`` keyword for ``mad_std`` function. [#4688, #4689]

- Added Bayesian and Akaike Information Criteria. [#4716]

- Added Bayesian upper limits for Poisson count rates. [#4622]

- Added ``circstats``; a module for computing circular statistics. [#3705, #4472]

- Added ``jackknife`` resampling method. [#3708, #4439]

- Updated ``bootstrap`` to allow bootstrapping statistics with multiple
  outputs. [#3601]

- Added ``LombScargle`` class to compute Lomb-Scargle periodograms [#4811]


- ``Table.show_in_notebook`` and ``Table.show_in_browser(jsviewer=True)`` now
  yield tables with an "idx" column, allowing easy identification of the index
  of a row even when the table is re-sorted in the browser. [#4404]

- Added ``AttributeError`` when trying to set mask on non-masked table. [#4637]

- Allow to use a tuple of keys in ``Table.sort``.  [#4671]

- Added ``itercols``; a way to iterate through columns of a table. [#3805,

- ``Table.show_in_notebook`` and the default notebook display (i.e.,
  ``Table._repr_html_``) now use consistent table styles which can be set
  using the ``astropy.table.default_notebook_table_class`` configuration
  item. [#4886]

- Added interface to create ``Table`` directly from any table-like object
  that has an ``__astropy_table__`` method.  [#4885]


- Enable test runner to obtain documentation source files from directory
  other than "docs". [#4748]


- Added caching of scale and format transformations for improved performance.

- Recent Earth rotation (IERS) data are now auto-downloaded so that UT1
  transformations for future times now work out of the box. [#4436]

- Add support for barycentric/heliocentric time corrections. [#4314]


- The option to use tuples to indicate fractional powers of units,
  deprecated in 0.3.1, has been removed. [#4449]

- Added slug to imperial units. [#4670]

- Added Earth radius (``R_earth``) and Jupiter radius (``R_jup``) to units.

- Added a ``represents`` property to allow access to the definition of a
  named unit (e.g., ``u.kpc.represents`` yields ``1000 pc``). [#4806]

- Add bolometric absolute and apparent magnitudes, ``M_bol`` and ``m_bol``.


- ``Path`` object could be passed to ``get_readable_fileobj``. [#4606]

- Implemented a generic and extensible way of merging metadata. [#4459]

- Added ``format_doc`` decorator which allows to replace and/or format the
  current docstring of an object. [#4242]

- Added a new context manager ``set_locale`` to temporarily set the
  current locale. [#4363]

- Added new IERS_Auto class to auto-download recent IERS (Earth rotation)
  data when required by coordinate or time transformations. [#4436]


- Add zscale interval based on Numdisplay's implementation. [#4776]

API changes


- The deprecated ``ConfigurationItem`` and ``ConfigAlias`` classes and the
  ``save_config``, ``get_config_items``, and ``generate_all_config_items``
  functions have now been removed. [#2767, #4446]


- Removed compatibility layer for pre-v0.4 API. [#4447]

- Added ``copy`` keyword-only argument to allow initialization without
  copying the (possibly large) input coordinate arrays. [#4883]


- Improve documentation of z validity range of cosmology objects [#4882, #4949]

- Add a way to control HTML escaping when writing a table as an HTML file. [#4423]

- Two optional boolean arguments ``ignore_missing`` and ``remove_all`` are
  added to ``Header.remove``. [#5020]


- Renamed ``Redshift`` model to ``RedshiftScaleFactor``. [#3672]

- Inputs (``coords`` and ``out``) to ``render`` function in ``Model`` are
  converted to float. [#4697]

- ``RotateNative2Celestial`` and ``RotateCelestial2Native`` are now
  implemented as subclasses of ``EulerAngleRotation``. [#4881, #4940]


- ``NDDataBase`` does not set the private uncertainty property anymore. This
  only affects you if you subclass ``NDDataBase`` directly. [#4270]

- ``NDDataBase``: the ``uncertainty``-setter is removed. A similar one is
  added in ``NDData`` so this also only affects you if you subclassed
  ``NDDataBase`` directly. [#4270]

- ``NDDataBase``: ``uncertainty``-getter returns ``None`` instead of the
  private uncertainty and is now abstract. This getter is moved to
  ``NDData`` so it only affects direct subclasses of ``NDDataBase``. [#4270]

- ``NDData`` accepts a Quantity-like data and an explicitly given unit.
  Before a ValueError was raised in this case. The final instance will use the
  explicitly given unit-attribute but doesn't check if the units are
  convertible and the data will not be scaled. [#4270]

- ``NDData`` : the given mask, explicit or implicit if the data was masked,
  will be saved by the setter. It will not be saved directly as the private
  attribute. [#4879]

- ``NDData`` accepts an additional argument ``copy`` which will copy every
  parameter before it is saved as attribute of the instance. [#4270]

- ``NDData``: added an ``uncertainty.getter`` that returns the private
  attribute. It is equivalent to the old ``NDDataBase.uncertainty``-getter.

- ``NDData``: added an ``uncertainty.setter``. It is slightly modified with
  respect to the old ``NDDataBase.uncertainty``-setter. The changes include:

- if the uncertainty has no uncertainty_type an info message is printed
  instead of a TypeError and the uncertainty is saved as
  ``UnknownUncertainty`` except the uncertainty is None. [#4270]

- the requirement that the uncertainty_type of the uncertainty needs to be a
  string was removed. [#4270]

- if the uncertainty is a subclass of NDUncertainty the parent_nddata
  attribute will be set so the uncertainty knows to which data it belongs.
  This is also a Bugfix. [#4152, #4270]

- ``NDData``: added a ``meta``-getter, which will set and return an empty
  OrderedDict if no meta was previously set. [#4509, #4469]

- ``NDData``: added an ``meta``-setter. It requires that the meta is
  dictionary-like (it also accepts Headers or ordered dictionaries and others)
  or None. [#4509, #4469, #4921]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: The operand in arithmetic methods (``add``, ...)
  doesn't need to be a subclass of ``NDData``. It is sufficient if it can be
  converted to one. This conversion is done internally. [#4272]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: The arithmetic methods allow several new arguments to
  control how or if different attributes of the class will be processed during
  the operation. [#4272]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: Giving the parameter ``propagate_uncertainties`` as
  positional keyword is deprecated and will be removed in the future. You now
  need to specify it as keyword-parameter. Besides ``True`` and ``False`` also
  ``None`` is now a valid value for this parameter. [#4272, #4851]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: The wcs attribute of the operands is not compared and
  thus raises no ValueError if they differ, except if a ``compare_wcs``
  parameter is specified. [#4272]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: The arithmetic operation was split from a general
  ``_arithmetic`` method to different specialized private methods to allow
  subclasses more control on how the attributes are processed without
  overriding ``_arithmetic``. The ``_arithmetic`` method is now used to call
  these other methods. [#4272]

- ``NDSlicingMixin``: If the attempt at slicing the mask, wcs or uncertainty
  fails with a ``TypeError`` a Warning is issued instead of the TypeError. [#4271]

- ``NDUncertainty``: ``support_correlated`` attribute is deprecated in favor of
  ``supports_correlated`` which is a property. Also affects
  ``StdDevUncertainty``. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty``: added the ``__init__`` that was previously implemented in
  ``StdDevUncertainty`` and takes an additional ``unit`` parameter. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty``: added a ``unit`` property without setter that returns the
  set unit or if not set the unit of the parent. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty``: included a ``parent_nddata`` property similar to the one
  previously implemented in StdDevUncertainty. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty``: added an ``array`` property with setter. The setter will
  convert the value to a plain numpy array if it is a list or a subclass of a
  numpy array. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty``: ``propagate_multiply`` and similar were removed. Before
  they were abstract properties and replaced by methods with the same name but
  with a leading underscore. The entry point for propagation is a method
  called ``propagate``. [#4272]

- ``NDUncertainty`` and subclasses: implement a representation (``__repr__``).

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: error propagation allows an explicitly given
  correlation factor, which may be a scalar or an array which will be taken
  into account during propagation.
  This correlation must be determined manually and is not done by the
  uncertainty! [#4272]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: the ``array`` is converted to a plain numpy array
  only if it's a list or a subclass of numpy.ndarray. Previously it was always
  cast to a numpy array but also allowed subclasses. [#4272]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: setting the ``parent_nddata`` does not compare if the
  shape of it's array is identical to the parents data shape. [#4272]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: the ``array.setter`` doesn't compare if the array has
  the same shape as the parents data. [#4272]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: deprecated ``support_correlated`` in favor of
  ``supports_correlated``. [#4272, #4828]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: deprecated ``propagate_add`` and similar methods in
  favor of ``propagate``. [#4272, #4828]

- Allow ``data`` to be a named argument in ``NDDataArray``. [#4626]


- ``operations.unique`` now has a ``keep`` parameter, which allows
  one to select whether to keep the first or last row in a set of
  duplicate rows, or to remove all rows that are duplicates. [#4632]

- ``QTable`` now behaves more consistently by making columns act as a
  ``Quantity`` even if they are assigned a unit after the table is
  created. [#4497, #4884]


- Remove deprecated ``register`` argument for Unit classes. [#4448]


- The astropy.utils.compat.argparse module has now been deprecated. Use the
  Python 'argparse' module directly instead. [#4462]

- The astropy.utils.compat.odict module has now been deprecated. Use the
  Python 'collections' module directly instead. [#4466]

- The astropy.utils.compat.gzip module has now been deprecated. Use the
  Python 'gzip' module directly instead. [#4464]

- The deprecated ``ScienceStateAlias`` class has been removed. [#2767, #4446]

- The astropy.utils.compat.subprocess module has now been deprecated. Use the
  Python 'subprocess' module instead. [#4483]

- The astropy.utils.xml.unescaper module now also unescapes ``'%2F'`` to
  ``'/'`` and ``'&&'`` to ``'&'`` in a given URL. [#4699]

- The astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData descriptor has now two optional
  parameters: doc and copy. [#4921]

- The default IERS (Earth rotation) data now is now auto-downloaded via a
  new class IERS_Auto.  When extrapolating UT1-UTC or polar motion values
  outside the available time range, the values are now clipped at the last
  available value instead of being linearly extrapolated. [#4436]


- WCS objects can now be initialized with an ImageHDU or
  PrimaryHDU object. [#4493, #4505]

- astropy.wcs now issues an INFO message when the header has SIP coefficients but
  "-SIP" is missing from CTYPE. [#4814]

Bug fixes


- Ameliorate a problem with ``get_sun`` not round-tripping due to
  approximations in the light deflection calculation. [#4952]

- Ensure that ``angle_utilities.position_angle`` accepts floats, as stated
  in the docstring. [#3800]

- Ensured that transformations for ``GCRS`` frames are correct for
  non-geocentric observers. [#4986]

- Fixed a problem with the ``Quantity._repr_latex_`` method causing errors
  when showing an ``EarthLocation`` in a Jupyter notebook. [#4542, #5068]


- Fix a problem where the fast reader (with use_fast_converter=False) can
  fail on non-US locales. [#4363]

- Fix handling of units for IPAC formatted files.
  Columns with no unit are treated as unitless not dimensionless. [#4867,

- Fix problems the header parsing in the sextractor reader. [#4603, #4910]

- ``GroupsHDU.is_image`` property is now set to ``False``. [#4742]

- Ensure scaling keywords are removed from header when unsigned integer data
  is converted to signed type. [#4974, #5053]

- Made TFORMx keyword check more flexible in test of compressed images to
  enable compatibility of the test with cfitsio 3.380. [#4646, #4653]

- The module is updated to handle division
  by zero when generating validation report. [#4699]

- KeyError when converting Table v1.2 numeric arrays fixed. [#4782]


- Refactored ``AiryDisk2D``, ``Sersic1D``, and ``Sersic2D`` models
  to be able to combine them as classes as well as instances. [#4720]

- Modified the "LevMarLSQFitter" class to use the weights in the
  calculation of the Jacobian. [#4751]


- ``NDData`` giving masked_Quantities as data-argument will use the
  implicitly passed mask, unit and value. [#4270]

- ``NDData`` using a subclass implementing ``NDData`` with
  ``NDArithmeticMixin`` now allows error propagation. [#4270]

- Fixed memory leak that happened when uncertainty of ``NDDataArray`` was
  set. [#4825, #4862]

- ``StdDevUncertainty``: During error propagation the unit of the uncertainty
  is taken into account. [#4272]

- ``NDArithmeticMixin``: ``divide`` and ``multiply`` yield correct
  uncertainties if only one uncertainty is set. [#4152, #4272]


- Fix ``sigma_clipped_stats`` to use the ``axis`` argument. [#4726, #4808]


- Fixed bug where Tables created from existing Table objects were not
  inheriting the ``primary_key`` attribute. [#4672, #4930]

- Provide more detail in the error message when reading a table fails due to a
  problem converting column string values. [#4759]


- Exponentiation using a ``Quantity`` with a unit equivalent to dimensionless
  as base and an ``array``-like exponent yields the correct result. [#4770]

- Ensured that with ``spectral_density`` equivalency one could also convert
  between ``photlam`` and ``STmag``/``ABmag``. [#5017]


- The astropy.utils.compat.fractions module has now been deprecated. Use the
  Python 'fractions' module directly instead. [#4463]

- Added ``format_doc`` decorator which allows to replace and/or format the
  current docstring of an object. [#4242]

- Attributes using the astropy.utils.metadata.MetaData descriptor are now
  included in the sphinx documentation. [#4921]


- Relaxed expected accuracy of Cone Search prediction test to reduce spurious
  failures. [#4382]


- astropy.wcs.to_header removes "-SIP" from CTYPE when SIP coefficients
  are not written out, i.e. ``relax`` is either ``False`` or ``None``.
  astropy.wcs.to_header appends "-SIP" to CTYPE when SIP coefficients
  are written out, i.e. ``relax=True``. [#4814]

- Made ``wcs.bounds_check`` call ``wcsprm_python2c``, which means it
  works even if ``wcs.set`` has not been called yet. [#4957, #4966].

- WCS objects can no longer be reverse-indexed, which was technically
  permitted but incorrectly implemented previously [#4962]

Other Changes and Additions

- Python 2.6 is no longer supported. [#4486]

- The bundled version of py.test has been updated to 2.8.3. [#4349]

- Reduce Astropy's import time (``import astropy``) by almost a factor 2. [#4649]

- Cython prerequisite for building changed to v0.19 in install.rst [#4705,
  #4710, #4719]

- All astropy.modeling functionality that was deprecated in Astropy 1.0 has
  been removed. [#4857]

- Added instructions for installing Astropy into CASA. [#4840]

- Added an example gallery to the docs demonstrating short
  snippets/examples. [#4734]

1.1.2 (2016-03-10)

New Features


- The ``astropy.wcs`` module now exposes ``WCSHDO_P*`` constants that can be
  used to allow more control over output precision when using the ``relax``
  keyword argument. [#4616]

Bug Fixes

- Fixed handling of CDS data file when no description is given and also
  included stripping out of markup for missing value from description. [#4437, #4474]

- Fixed possible segfault during error handling in FITS tile
  compression. [#4489]

- Fixed crash on pickling of binary table columns with the 'X', 'P', or
  'Q' format. [#4514]

- Fixed memory / reference leak that could occur when copying a ``FITS_rec``
  object (the ``.data`` for table HDUs). [#520]

- Fixed a memory / reference leak in ``FITS_rec`` that occurred in a wide
  range of cases, especially after writing FITS tables to a file, but in
  other cases as well. [#4539]


- Fix a bug to allow instantiation of a modeling class having a parameter
  with a custom setter that takes two parameters ``(value, model)`` [#4656]


- Fixed bug when replacing a table column with a mixin column like
  Quantity or Time. [#4601]

- Disable initial ordering in jsviewer (``show_in_browser``,
  ``show_in_notebook``) to respect the order from the Table. [#4628]


- Fixed sphinx issues on plotting quantities. [#4527]


- Fixed latex representation of function units. [#4563]

- The ``zest.releaser`` hooks included in Astropy are now injected locally to
  Astropy, rather than being global. [#4650]


- Fixed ``fits2bitmap`` script to allow ext flag to contain extension
  names or numbers. [#4468]

- Fixed ``fits2bitmap`` default output filename generation for
  compressed FITS files. [#4468]

- Fixed ``quantity_support`` to ensure its conversion returns ndarray
  instances (needed for numpy >=1.10). [#4654]


- Fixed possible exception in handling of SIP headers that was introduced in
  v1.1.1. [#4492]

- Fixed a bug that caused WCS objects with a high dynamic range of values for
  certain parameters to lose precision when converted to a header. This
  occurred for example in cases of spectral cubes, where a spectral axis in
  Hz might have a CRVAL3 value greater than 1e10 but the spatial coordinates
  would have CRVAL1/2 values 8 to 10 orders of magnitude smaller. This bug
  was present in Astropy 1.1 and 1.1.1 but not 1.0.x. This has now been fixed
  by ensuring that all WCS keywords are output with 14 significant figures by
  default. [#4616]

Other Changes and Additions

- Updated bundled astropy-helpers to v1.1.2. [#4678]

- Updated bundled copy of WCSLIB to 5.14. [#4579]

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=d2da27302c6da0ba35bb9c308066ad7e3a0e47a9

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 py-astropy/Makefile |  10 +-
 py-astropy/PLIST    | 592 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 py-astropy/distinfo |   8 +-
 3 files changed, 448 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)

diff --git a/py-astropy/Makefile b/py-astropy/Makefile
index 399f1e127a..f6edeb2e68 100644
--- a/py-astropy/Makefile
+++ b/py-astropy/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $NetBSD$
-DISTNAME=	astropy-1.1.1
+DISTNAME=	astropy-2.0.2
 CATEGORIES=	geography python
@@ -10,7 +10,13 @@ HOMEPAGE=
 COMMENT=	Community-developed python astronomy tools
 LICENSE=	modified-bsd
-WRKSRC=		${WRKDIR}/astropy-1.1.1
+DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-h5py-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-h5py
+DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-numpy-[0-9]*:../../math/py-numpy
+DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-scipy-[0-9]*:../../math/py-scipy
+DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-pandas-[0-9]*:../../math/py-pandas
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-py-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-py
 USE_TOOLS+=	pkg-config
diff --git a/py-astropy/PLIST b/py-astropy/PLIST
index 198aaff895..bb482f36b4 100644
--- a/py-astropy/PLIST
+++ b/py-astropy/PLIST
@@ -83,12 +83,30 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/conftest.pyo
@@ -104,6 +122,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/constants/tests/test_constant.pyo
@@ -135,6 +156,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/convolution/tests/test_convolve_fft.pyo
@@ -165,6 +192,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/angle_utilities.pyo
@@ -174,6 +204,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/__init__.pyo
@@ -207,6 +240,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/galactocentric.pyo
@@ -222,6 +258,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/intermediate_rotation_transforms
@@ -231,6 +273,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/builtin_frames/supergalactic_transforms.pyo
@@ -252,9 +297,15 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/funcs.pyo
@@ -267,6 +318,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/sites.pyo
@@ -310,6 +364,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_api_ape5.pyo
@@ -319,12 +376,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_distance.pyo
@@ -337,6 +400,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_intermediate_transformations.pyo
@@ -349,18 +415,36 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/coordinates/tests/test_regression.pyo
@@ -404,9 +488,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/extern/bundled/__init__.pyo
@@ -417,8 +498,8 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/extern/configobj/
@@ -436,9 +517,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/extern/ply/lex.pyo
@@ -488,6 +566,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/latex.pyo
@@ -505,6 +586,8 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/
@@ -530,6 +613,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/ipac.dat.xz
@@ -539,6 +623,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/t/no_data_with_header.dat
@@ -588,6 +673,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/ascii/tests/test_ipac_definitions.pyo
@@ -684,7 +772,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/fits/tests/data/ascii.fits
@@ -700,6 +790,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/fits/tests/test_checksum.pyo
@@ -709,6 +802,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/fits/tests/test_diff.pyo
@@ -763,6 +859,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/misc/tests/test_hdf5.pyo
@@ -807,6 +909,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/votable/tests/converter_test.pyc
@@ -862,9 +965,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/io/votable/validator/urls/cone.big.dat.gz
@@ -877,10 +977,10 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/logger.pyo
@@ -920,6 +1020,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/setup_package.pyo
@@ -936,6 +1039,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/tests/example_models.pyo
@@ -960,6 +1066,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/tests/test_mappings.pyo
@@ -969,6 +1078,21 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/tests/test_polynomial.pyo
@@ -984,6 +1108,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/modeling/utils.pyo
@@ -1014,12 +1141,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/nddata/mixins/tests/test_ndarithmetic.pyo
@@ -1029,6 +1162,10 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/nddata/setup_package.pyo
@@ -1044,12 +1181,87 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/nddata/tests/test_nddata.pyo
@@ -1059,33 +1271,112 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/stats/__init__.pyo
@@ -1124,6 +1415,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/table/pprint.pyo
@@ -1209,6 +1503,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/tests/disable_internet.pyo
@@ -1240,6 +1537,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/tests/tests/test_quantity_helpers.pyo
@@ -1252,9 +1552,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/time/__init__.pyo
@@ -1270,6 +1567,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/time/tests/test_basic.pyo
@@ -1315,6 +1615,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/core.pyo
@@ -1378,6 +1681,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/function/core.pyo
@@ -1396,6 +1702,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/quantity.pyo
@@ -1408,6 +1717,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/units/tests/__init__.pyo
@@ -1457,30 +1769,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/collections.pyo
@@ -1496,15 +1787,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/compat/futures/process.pyo
@@ -1517,15 +1811,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/compat/numpy/tests/__init__.pyo
@@ -1553,6 +1844,8 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/iers/iers.pyo
@@ -1566,9 +1859,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/metadata.pyo
@@ -1580,8 +1870,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/__init__.pyc
@@ -1594,21 +1882,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/data/unicode.txt
@@ -1621,9 +1900,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/test_data_info.pyo
@@ -1633,12 +1909,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/tests/test_metadata.pyo
@@ -1661,6 +1931,12 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/utils/xml/iterparser.pyo
@@ -1682,6 +1958,9 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/visualization/hist.pyo
@@ -1712,27 +1991,107 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/visualization/tests/test_histogram.pyo
@@ -1771,83 +2130,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/vo/client/vos_catalog.pyo
@@ -1942,6 +2224,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/wcs/tests/data/too_many_pv.hdr
@@ -2013,6 +2296,3 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/astropy/wcs/wcs.pyo
diff --git a/py-astropy/distinfo b/py-astropy/distinfo
index 72337cfa9d..85e5d13868 100644
--- a/py-astropy/distinfo
+++ b/py-astropy/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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-SHA1 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 2017eb49bae29607e8e4095fc9d918510ddcdf36
-RMD160 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 895b3d5b8bb728516ffb42ca2a851770b6d3a550
-SHA512 (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = bc3c370da32d5f0098dbfc2808dba9d4d4424d3dcfba4d7ffd84b39569387b79ad93086e10678c259237f9cfe1229725501d0dc4eba51c9d01a4cd8a72024fb4
-Size (astropy-1.1.1.tar.gz) = 8157305 bytes
+SHA1 (astropy-2.0.2.tar.gz) = 29ce40d65c4d43eab91187f2c5c83c28285d5d1d
+RMD160 (astropy-2.0.2.tar.gz) = ec4c044414c43990ad818bb7ed037f0db81fc38d
+SHA512 (astropy-2.0.2.tar.gz) = f73b21a1af8cbd7c6cb4ab18536fbeadb4285e57e40ca9742b21c9bf4f698d17b7de8c2f143742c375074cdbc3917980f71db3233f8a5d1f02c9fa89c01a917e
+Size (astropy-2.0.2.tar.gz) = 8225348 bytes

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