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lldb-netbsd: Remove more unused code

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Kamil Rytarowski <>
Pushed By:	kamil
Date:		Sun Dec 18 00:13:37 2016 +0100
Changeset:	e517bed1f6c990528b96de32d688d9e3a81c50ff

Modified Files:

Log Message:
lldb-netbsd: Remove more unused code

 - TRAP_HWBKPT redefinition -- currently Linux specific
 - kill GetSignalInfo() - reading siginfo_t from tracee not supported
 - kill remnants from PT_STEP walkaround for arm64

Sponsored by <The NetBSD Foundation>

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=e517bed1f6c990528b96de32d688d9e3a81c50ff

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 lldb-netbsd/distinfo                               |   4 +-
 ..._Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp | 619 +--------------------
 ...e_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp |  54 +-
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 673 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lldb-netbsd/distinfo b/lldb-netbsd/distinfo
index 27913f3..a946e44 100644
--- a/lldb-netbsd/distinfo
+++ b/lldb-netbsd/distinfo
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ SHA1 (patch-include_lldb_Host_netbsd_Ptrace.h) = 3ef61ded004c2acb81e132dc0e46d0a
 SHA1 (patch-source_CMakeLists.txt) = 5dacabc3f39c23bdfd432b5a4895866157b97aa0
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_CMakeLists.txt) = c0168f81da56d9896eb414e6b8bb7262de04ac33
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_CMakeLists.txt) = 8c1d8274523f6ef4bce90caa6c981160ef930cb9
-SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp) = d0cc6c3a5761e983cc3747dd05222fb473a75445
+SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp) = 6daf733dbf5715c9909daac3dfe499e8e4e13ce3
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.h) = 11641e9c3a5fdf4d9feb098c9c0bb2d9e05aa274
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeRegisterContextNetBSD.cpp) = cf569f95362538af5a2709aab9ff61770744a78d
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeRegisterContextNetBSD.h) = 558e8514b2a8f0595c0e375f308c53d8a9a6e9f1
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeRegisterContextNetBSD__x86__64.cpp) = d372b0b6d8063f88dc1a48e3e457cc12e2864e18
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeRegisterContextNetBSD__x86__64.h) = b92d756199555c2ba890afa383808ec094266cf1
-SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp) = ef75b910fd7125ce5ed79b453ef5c304282e88a5
+SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp) = 9beda569915c550be6a3369000aa3687e18ceedb
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.h) = 9ed9cd17600e661c7fc0e53a3ecb4db91fb62566
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_ProcFileReader.cpp) = dff1193e16aa79d8a577a3db4a9056521911d6f1
 SHA1 (patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_ProcFileReader.h) = c8393049c7303b466d3ce98ec5581a3155b71aff
diff --git a/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp b/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp
index c926ec4..866c7fa 100644
--- a/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp
+++ b/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ $NetBSD$
 --- source/Plugins/Process/NetBSD/NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp.orig	2016-12-17 13:23:23.782610208 +0000
 +++ source/Plugins/Process/NetBSD/NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp
-@@ -0,0 +1,2630 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,2013 @@
 +//===-- NativeProcessNetBSD.cpp -------------------------------- -*- C++ -*-===//
 +//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -63,11 +63,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +#include "lldb/Host/netbsd/Ptrace.h"
-+// Support hardware breakpoints in case it has not been defined
-+#ifndef TRAP_HWBKPT
-+#define TRAP_HWBKPT 4
 +using namespace lldb;
 +using namespace lldb_private;
 +using namespace lldb_private::process_netbsd;
@@ -564,117 +559,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +    }
 +    return;
 +  }
-+  siginfo_t info;
-+  const auto info_err = GetSignalInfo(pid, &info);
-+  auto thread_sp = GetThreadByID(pid);
-+  if (!thread_sp) {
-+    // Normally, the only situation when we cannot find the thread is if we have
-+    // just
-+    // received a new thread notification. This is indicated by GetSignalInfo()
-+    // returning
-+    // si_code == SI_USER and si_pid == 0
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s received notification about an "
-+                  "unknown tid %" PRIu64 ".",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, pid);
-+    if (info_err.Fail()) {
-+      if (log)
-+        log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s (tid %" PRIu64
-+                    ") GetSignalInfo failed (%s). Ingoring this notification.",
-+                    __FUNCTION__, pid, info_err.AsCString());
-+      return;
-+    }
-+    if (log && (info.si_code != SI_USER || info.si_pid != 0))
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s (tid %" PRIu64
-+                  ") unexpected signal info (si_code: %d, si_pid: %d). "
-+                  "Treating as a new thread notification anyway.",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, pid, info.si_code, info.si_pid);
-+    auto thread_sp = AddThread(pid);
-+    // Resume the newly created thread.
-+    ResumeThread(*thread_sp, eStateRunning, LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER);
-+    ThreadWasCreated(*thread_sp);
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  // Get details on the signal raised.
-+  if (info_err.Success()) {
-+    // We have retrieved the signal info.  Dispatch appropriately.
-+    if (info.si_signo == SIGTRAP)
-+      MonitorSIGTRAP(info, *thread_sp);
-+    else
-+      MonitorSignal(info, *thread_sp, exited);
-+  } else {
-+    if (info_err.GetError() == EINVAL) {
-+      // This is a group stop reception for this tid.
-+      // We can reach here if we reinject SIGSTOP, SIGSTP, SIGTTIN or SIGTTOU
-+      // into the
-+      // tracee, triggering the group-stop mechanism. Normally receiving these
-+      // would stop
-+      // the process, pending a SIGCONT. Simulating this state in a debugger is
-+      // hard and is
-+      // generally not needed (one use case is debugging background task being
-+      // managed by a
-+      // shell). For general use, it is sufficient to stop the process in a
-+      // signal-delivery
-+      // stop which happens before the group stop. This done by MonitorSignal
-+      // and works
-+      // correctly for all signals.
-+      if (log)
-+        log->Printf(
-+            "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s received a group stop for pid %" PRIu64
-+            " tid %" PRIu64 ". Transparent handling of group stops not "
-+                            "supported, resuming the thread.",
-+            __FUNCTION__, GetID(), pid);
-+      ResumeThread(*thread_sp, thread_sp->GetState(),
-+                   LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER);
-+    } else {
-+      // ptrace(GETSIGINFO) failed (but not due to group-stop).
-+      // A return value of ESRCH means the thread/process is no longer on the
-+      // system,
-+      // so it was killed somehow outside of our control.  Either way, we can't
-+      // do anything
-+      // with it anymore.
-+      // Stop tracking the metadata for the thread since it's entirely off the
-+      // system now.
-+      const bool thread_found = StopTrackingThread(pid);
-+      if (log)
-+        log->Printf(
-+            "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s GetSignalInfo failed: %s, tid = %" PRIu64
-+            ", signal = %d, status = %d (%s, %s, %s)",
-+            __FUNCTION__, info_err.AsCString(), pid, signal, status,
-+            info_err.GetError() == ESRCH ? "thread/process killed"
-+                                         : "unknown reason",
-+            is_main_thread ? "is main thread" : "is not main thread",
-+            thread_found ? "thread metadata removed"
-+                         : "thread metadata not found");
-+      if (is_main_thread) {
-+        // Notify the delegate - our process is not available but appears to
-+        // have been killed outside
-+        // our control.  Is eStateExited the right exit state in this case?
-+        SetExitStatus(convert_pid_status_to_exit_type(status),
-+                      convert_pid_status_to_return_code(status), nullptr, true);
-+        SetState(StateType::eStateExited, true);
-+      } else {
-+        // This thread was pulled out from underneath us.  Anything to do here?
-+        // Do we want to do an all stop?
-+        if (log)
-+          log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s pid %" PRIu64 " tid %" PRIu64
-+                      " non-main thread exit occurred, didn't tell delegate "
-+                      "anything since thread disappeared out from underneath "
-+                      "us",
-+                      __FUNCTION__, GetID(), pid);
-+      }
-+    }
-+  }
 +void NativeProcessNetBSD::WaitForNewThread(::pid_t tid) {
@@ -723,30 +607,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +    return;
 +  }
-+  siginfo_t info;
-+  Error error = GetSignalInfo(tid, &info);
-+  if (error.Fail()) {
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf(
-+          "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() GetSignalInfo for tid %" PRIu32
-+          " failed. Assuming the thread has disappeared in the meantime.",
-+          __FUNCTION__, tid);
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  if (((info.si_pid != 0) || (info.si_code != SI_USER)) && log) {
-+    // We should be getting a thread creation signal here, but we received
-+    // something
-+    // else. There isn't much we can do about it now, so we will just log that.
-+    // Since the
-+    // thread is alive and we are receiving events from it, we shall pretend
-+    // that it was
-+    // created properly.
-+    log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() GetSignalInfo for tid %" PRIu32
-+                " received unexpected signal with code %d from pid %d.",
-+                __FUNCTION__, tid, info.si_code, info.si_pid);
-+  }
 +  if (log)
 +    log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() pid = %" PRIu64
 +                ": tracking new thread tid %" PRIu32,
@@ -757,218 +617,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +  ThreadWasCreated(*new_thread_sp);
-+void NativeProcessNetBSD::MonitorSIGTRAP(const siginfo_t &info,
-+                                        NativeThreadNetBSD &thread) {
-+  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS));
-+  const bool is_main_thread = (thread.GetID() == GetID());
-+  assert(info.si_signo == SIGTRAP && "Unexpected child signal!");
-+  switch (info.si_code) {
-+  // TODO: these two cases are required if we want to support tracing of the
-+  // inferiors' children.  We'd need this to debug a monitor.
-+  // case (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_FORK << 8)):
-+  // case (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK << 8)):
-+  case (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE << 8)): {
-+    // This is the notification on the parent thread which informs us of new
-+    // thread
-+    // creation.
-+    // We don't want to do anything with the parent thread so we just resume it.
-+    // In case we
-+    // want to implement "break on thread creation" functionality, we would need
-+    // to stop
-+    // here.
-+    unsigned long event_message = 0;
-+    if (GetEventMessage(thread.GetID(), &event_message).Fail()) {
-+      if (log)
-+        log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() pid %" PRIu64
-+                    " received thread creation event but GetEventMessage "
-+                    "failed so we don't know the new tid",
-+                    __FUNCTION__, thread.GetID());
-+    } else
-+      WaitForNewThread(event_message);
-+    ResumeThread(thread, thread.GetState(), LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER);
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  case (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC << 8)): {
-+    NativeThreadNetBSDSP main_thread_sp;
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() received exec event, code = %d",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, info.si_code ^ SIGTRAP);
-+    // Exec clears any pending notifications.
-+    m_pending_notification_tid = LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID;
-+    // Remove all but the main thread here.  NetBSD fork creates a new process
-+    // which only copies the main thread.
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s exec received, stop tracking all but "
-+                  "main thread",
-+                  __FUNCTION__);
-+    for (auto thread_sp : m_threads) {
-+      const bool is_main_thread = thread_sp && thread_sp->GetID() == GetID();
-+      if (is_main_thread) {
-+        main_thread_sp = std::static_pointer_cast<NativeThreadNetBSD>(thread_sp);
-+        if (log)
-+          log->Printf(
-+              "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s found main thread with tid %" PRIu64
-+              ", keeping",
-+              __FUNCTION__, main_thread_sp->GetID());
-+      } else {
-+        if (log)
-+          log->Printf(
-+              "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s discarding non-main-thread tid %" PRIu64
-+              " due to exec",
-+              __FUNCTION__, thread_sp->GetID());
-+      }
-+    }
-+    m_threads.clear();
-+    if (main_thread_sp) {
-+      m_threads.push_back(main_thread_sp);
-+      SetCurrentThreadID(main_thread_sp->GetID());
-+      main_thread_sp->SetStoppedByExec();
-+    } else {
-+      SetCurrentThreadID(LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID);
-+      if (log)
-+        log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s pid %" PRIu64
-+                    "no main thread found, discarded all threads, we're in a "
-+                    "no-thread state!",
-+                    __FUNCTION__, GetID());
-+    }
-+    // Tell coordinator about about the "new" (since exec) stopped main thread.
-+    ThreadWasCreated(*main_thread_sp);
-+    // Let our delegate know we have just exec'd.
-+    NotifyDidExec();
-+    // If we have a main thread, indicate we are stopped.
-+    assert(main_thread_sp && "exec called during ptraced process but no main "
-+                             "thread metadata tracked");
-+    // Let the process know we're stopped.
-+    StopRunningThreads(main_thread_sp->GetID());
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  case (SIGTRAP | (PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT << 8)): {
-+    // The inferior process or one of its threads is about to exit.
-+    // We don't want to do anything with the thread so we just resume it. In
-+    // case we
-+    // want to implement "break on thread exit" functionality, we would need to
-+    // stop
-+    // here.
-+    unsigned long data = 0;
-+    if (GetEventMessage(thread.GetID(), &data).Fail())
-+      data = -1;
-+    if (log) {
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() received PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT, data = "
-+                  "%lx (WIFEXITED=%s,WIFSIGNALED=%s), pid = %" PRIu64 " (%s)",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, data, WIFEXITED(data) ? "true" : "false",
-+                  WIFSIGNALED(data) ? "true" : "false", thread.GetID(),
-+                  is_main_thread ? "is main thread" : "not main thread");
-+    }
-+    if (is_main_thread) {
-+      SetExitStatus(convert_pid_status_to_exit_type(data),
-+                    convert_pid_status_to_return_code(data), nullptr, true);
-+    }
-+    StateType state = thread.GetState();
-+    if (!StateIsRunningState(state)) {
-+      // Due to a kernel bug, we may sometimes get this stop after the inferior
-+      // gets a
-+      // SIGKILL. This confuses our state tracking logic in ResumeThread(),
-+      // since normally,
-+      // we should not be receiving any ptrace events while the inferior is
-+      // stopped. This
-+      // makes sure that the inferior is resumed and exits normally.
-+      state = eStateRunning;
-+    }
-+    ResumeThread(thread, state, LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER);
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  case 0:
-+  case TRAP_TRACE:  // We receive this on single stepping.
-+  case TRAP_HWBKPT: // We receive this on watchpoint hit
-+  {
-+    // If a watchpoint was hit, report it
-+    uint32_t wp_index;
-+    Error error = thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetWatchpointHitIndex(
-+        wp_index, (uintptr_t)info.si_addr);
-+    if (error.Fail() && log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() "
-+                  "received error while checking for watchpoint hits, "
-+                  "pid = %" PRIu64 " error = %s",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, thread.GetID(), error.AsCString());
-+    if (wp_index != LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32) {
-+      MonitorWatchpoint(thread, wp_index);
-+      break;
-+    }
-+    // Otherwise, report step over
-+    MonitorTrace(thread);
-+    break;
-+  }
-+  case SI_KERNEL:
-+#if defined __mips__
-+    // For mips there is no special signal for watchpoint
-+    // So we check for watchpoint in kernel trap
-+    {
-+      // If a watchpoint was hit, report it
-+      uint32_t wp_index;
-+      Error error = thread.GetRegisterContext()->GetWatchpointHitIndex(
-+          wp_index, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS);
-+      if (error.Fail() && log)
-+        log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() "
-+                    "received error while checking for watchpoint hits, "
-+                    "pid = %" PRIu64 " error = %s",
-+                    __FUNCTION__, thread.GetID(), error.AsCString());
-+      if (wp_index != LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32) {
-+        MonitorWatchpoint(thread, wp_index);
-+        break;
-+      }
-+    }
-+  case TRAP_BRKPT:
-+    MonitorBreakpoint(thread);
-+    break;
-+  case SIGTRAP:
-+  case (SIGTRAP | 0x80):
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() received unknown SIGTRAP system "
-+                  "call stop event, pid %" PRIu64 "tid %" PRIu64 ", resuming",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, GetID(), thread.GetID());
-+    // Ignore these signals until we know more about them.
-+    ResumeThread(thread, thread.GetState(), LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER);
-+    break;
-+  default:
-+    assert(false && "Unexpected SIGTRAP code!");
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() pid %" PRIu64 "tid %" PRIu64
-+                  " received unhandled SIGTRAP code: 0x%d",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, GetID(), thread.GetID(), info.si_code);
-+    break;
-+  }
 +void NativeProcessNetBSD::MonitorTrace(NativeThreadNetBSD &thread) {
 +  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS));
 +  if (log)
@@ -1023,118 +671,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +  StopRunningThreads(thread.GetID());
-+void NativeProcessNetBSD::MonitorSignal(const siginfo_t &info,
-+                                       NativeThreadNetBSD &thread, bool exited) {
-+  const int signo = info.si_signo;
-+  const bool is_from_llgs = info.si_pid == getpid();
-+  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS));
-+  // POSIX says that process behaviour is undefined after it ignores a SIGFPE,
-+  // SIGILL, SIGSEGV, or SIGBUS *unless* that signal was generated by a
-+  // kill(2) or raise(3).  Similarly for tgkill(2) on NetBSD.
-+  //
-+  // IOW, user generated signals never generate what we consider to be a
-+  // "crash".
-+  //
-+  // Similarly, ACK signals generated by this monitor.
-+  // Handle the signal.
-+  if (info.si_code == SI_TKILL || info.si_code == SI_USER) {
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() received signal %s (%d) with code "
-+                  "%s, (siginfo pid = %d (%s), waitpid pid = %" PRIu64 ")",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, Host::GetSignalAsCString(signo), signo,
-+                  (info.si_code == SI_TKILL ? "SI_TKILL" : "SI_USER"),
-+                  info.si_pid, is_from_llgs ? "from llgs" : "not from llgs",
-+                  thread.GetID());
-+  }
-+  // Check for thread stop notification.
-+  if (is_from_llgs && (info.si_code == SI_TKILL) && (signo == SIGSTOP)) {
-+    // This is a tgkill()-based stop.
-+    if (log)
-+      log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() pid %" PRIu64 " tid %" PRIu64
-+                  ", thread stopped",
-+                  __FUNCTION__, GetID(), thread.GetID());
-+    // Check that we're not already marked with a stop reason.
-+    // Note this thread really shouldn't already be marked as stopped - if we
-+    // were, that would imply that
-+    // the kernel signaled us with the thread stopping which we handled and
-+    // marked as stopped,
-+    // and that, without an intervening resume, we received another stop.  It is
-+    // more likely
-+    // that we are missing the marking of a run state somewhere if we find that
-+    // the thread was
-+    // marked as stopped.
-+    const StateType thread_state = thread.GetState();
-+    if (!StateIsStoppedState(thread_state, false)) {
-+      // An inferior thread has stopped because of a SIGSTOP we have sent it.
-+      // Generally, these are not important stops and we don't want to report
-+      // them as
-+      // they are just used to stop other threads when one thread (the one with
-+      // the
-+      // *real* stop reason) hits a breakpoint (watchpoint, etc...). However, in
-+      // the
-+      // case of an asynchronous Interrupt(), this *is* the real stop reason, so
-+      // we
-+      // leave the signal intact if this is the thread that was chosen as the
-+      // triggering thread.
-+      if (m_pending_notification_tid != LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID) {
-+        if (m_pending_notification_tid == thread.GetID())
-+          thread.SetStoppedBySignal(SIGSTOP, &info);
-+        else
-+          thread.SetStoppedWithNoReason();
-+        SetCurrentThreadID(thread.GetID());
-+        SignalIfAllThreadsStopped();
-+      } else {
-+        // We can end up here if stop was initiated by LLGS but by this time a
-+        // thread stop has occurred - maybe initiated by another event.
-+        Error error = ResumeThread(thread, thread.GetState(), 0);
-+        if (error.Fail() && log) {
-+          log->Printf(
-+              "NativeProcessNetBSD::%s failed to resume thread tid  %" PRIu64
-+              ": %s",
-+              __FUNCTION__, thread.GetID(), error.AsCString());
-+        }
-+      }
-+    } else {
-+      if (log) {
-+        // Retrieve the signal name if the thread was stopped by a signal.
-+        int stop_signo = 0;
-+        const bool stopped_by_signal = thread.IsStopped(&stop_signo);
-+        const char *signal_name = stopped_by_signal
-+                                      ? Host::GetSignalAsCString(stop_signo)
-+                                      : "<not stopped by signal>";
-+        if (!signal_name)
-+          signal_name = "<no-signal-name>";
-+        log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() pid %" PRIu64 " tid %" PRIu64
-+                    ", thread was already marked as a stopped state (state=%s, "
-+                    "signal=%d (%s)), leaving stop signal as is",
-+                    __FUNCTION__, GetID(), thread.GetID(),
-+                    StateAsCString(thread_state), stop_signo, signal_name);
-+      }
-+      SignalIfAllThreadsStopped();
-+    }
-+    // Done handling.
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  if (log)
-+    log->Printf("NativeProcessNetBSD::%s() received signal %s", __FUNCTION__,
-+                Host::GetSignalAsCString(signo));
-+  // This thread is stopped.
-+  thread.SetStoppedBySignal(signo, &info);
-+  // Send a stop to the debugger after we get all other threads to stop.
-+  StopRunningThreads(thread.GetID());
 +namespace {
 +struct EmulatorBaton {
@@ -1910,155 +1446,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +  }
-+#if 0
-+NativeProcessNetBSD::GetCrashReasonForSIGSEGV(const siginfo_t *info)
-+    ProcessMessage::CrashReason reason;
-+    assert(info->si_signo == SIGSEGV);
-+    reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidCrashReason;
-+    switch (info->si_code)
-+    {
-+    default:
-+        assert(false && "unexpected si_code for SIGSEGV");
-+        break;
-+    case SI_KERNEL:
-+        // NetBSD will occasionally send spurious SI_KERNEL codes.
-+        // (this is poorly documented in sigaction)
-+        // One way to get this is via unaligned SIMD loads.
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidAddress; // for lack of anything better
-+        break;
-+    case SEGV_MAPERR:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidAddress;
-+        break;
-+    case SEGV_ACCERR:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::ePrivilegedAddress;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    return reason;
-+#if 0
-+NativeProcessNetBSD::GetCrashReasonForSIGILL(const siginfo_t *info)
-+    ProcessMessage::CrashReason reason;
-+    assert(info->si_signo == SIGILL);
-+    reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidCrashReason;
-+    switch (info->si_code)
-+    {
-+    default:
-+        assert(false && "unexpected si_code for SIGILL");
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_ILLOPC:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalOpcode;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_ILLOPN:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalOperand;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_ILLADR:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalAddressingMode;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_ILLTRP:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalTrap;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_PRVOPC:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::ePrivilegedOpcode;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_PRVREG:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::ePrivilegedRegister;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_COPROC:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eCoprocessorError;
-+        break;
-+    case ILL_BADSTK:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eInternalStackError;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    return reason;
-+#if 0
-+NativeProcessNetBSD::GetCrashReasonForSIGFPE(const siginfo_t *info)
-+    ProcessMessage::CrashReason reason;
-+    assert(info->si_signo == SIGFPE);
-+    reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidCrashReason;
-+    switch (info->si_code)
-+    {
-+    default:
-+        assert(false && "unexpected si_code for SIGFPE");
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_INTDIV:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIntegerDivideByZero;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_INTOVF:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIntegerOverflow;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTDIV:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatDivideByZero;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTOVF:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatOverflow;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTUND:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatUnderflow;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTRES:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatInexactResult;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTINV:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatInvalidOperation;
-+        break;
-+    case FPE_FLTSUB:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eFloatSubscriptRange;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    return reason;
-+#if 0
-+NativeProcessNetBSD::GetCrashReasonForSIGBUS(const siginfo_t *info)
-+    ProcessMessage::CrashReason reason;
-+    assert(info->si_signo == SIGBUS);
-+    reason = ProcessMessage::eInvalidCrashReason;
-+    switch (info->si_code)
-+    {
-+    default:
-+        assert(false && "unexpected si_code for SIGBUS");
-+        break;
-+    case BUS_ADRALN:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalAlignment;
-+        break;
-+    case BUS_ADRERR:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eIllegalAddress;
-+        break;
-+    case BUS_OBJERR:
-+        reason = ProcessMessage::eHardwareError;
-+        break;
-+    }
-+    return reason;
 +Error NativeProcessNetBSD::ReadMemory(lldb::addr_t addr, void *buf, size_t size,
 +                                     size_t &bytes_read) {
 +  unsigned char *dst = static_cast<unsigned char *>(buf);
@@ -2178,10 +1565,6 @@ $NetBSD$
 +  return error;
-+Error NativeProcessNetBSD::GetSignalInfo(lldb::tid_t tid, void *siginfo) {
-+  return PtraceWrapper(PTRACE_GETSIGINFO, tid, nullptr, siginfo);
 +Error NativeProcessNetBSD::GetEventMessage(lldb::tid_t tid,
 +                                          unsigned long *message) {
 +  return PtraceWrapper(PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG, tid, nullptr, message);
diff --git a/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp b/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp
index 566cc32..40bc083 100644
--- a/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp
+++ b/lldb-netbsd/patches/patch-source_Plugins_Process_NetBSD_NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ $NetBSD$
 --- source/Plugins/Process/NetBSD/NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp.orig	2016-12-17 13:23:23.784878149 +0000
 +++ source/Plugins/Process/NetBSD/NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp
-@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
 +//===-- NativeThreadNetBSD.cpp --------------------------------- -*- C++ -*-===//
 +//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@@ -225,64 +225,12 @@ $NetBSD$
 +                                           reinterpret_cast<void *>(data));
-+void NativeThreadNetBSD::MaybePrepareSingleStepWorkaround() {
-+  if (!SingleStepWorkaroundNeeded())
-+    return;
-+  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_THREAD));
-+  if (sched_getaffinity(static_cast<::pid_t>(m_tid), sizeof m_original_cpu_set,
-+                        &m_original_cpu_set) != 0) {
-+    // This should really not fail. But, just in case...
-+    if (log) {
-+      Error error(errno, eErrorTypePOSIX);
-+      log->Printf(
-+          "NativeThreadNetBSD::%s Unable to get cpu affinity for thread %" PRIx64
-+          ": %s",
-+          __FUNCTION__, m_tid, error.AsCString());
-+    }
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  cpu_set_t set;
-+  CPU_ZERO(&set);
-+  CPU_SET(0, &set);
-+  if (sched_setaffinity(static_cast<::pid_t>(m_tid), sizeof set, &set) != 0 &&
-+      log) {
-+    // This may fail in very locked down systems, if the thread is not allowed
-+    // to run on
-+    // cpu 0. If that happens, only thing we can do is it log it and continue...
-+    Error error(errno, eErrorTypePOSIX);
-+    log->Printf(
-+        "NativeThreadNetBSD::%s Unable to set cpu affinity for thread %" PRIx64
-+        ": %s",
-+        __FUNCTION__, m_tid, error.AsCString());
-+  }
-+void NativeThreadNetBSD::MaybeCleanupSingleStepWorkaround() {
-+  if (!SingleStepWorkaroundNeeded())
-+    return;
-+  if (sched_setaffinity(static_cast<::pid_t>(m_tid), sizeof m_original_cpu_set,
-+                        &m_original_cpu_set) != 0) {
-+    Error error(errno, eErrorTypePOSIX);
-+    Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_THREAD));
-+    log->Printf(
-+        "NativeThreadNetBSD::%s Unable to reset cpu affinity for thread %" PRIx64
-+        ": %s",
-+        __FUNCTION__, m_tid, error.AsCString());
-+  }
 +Error NativeThreadNetBSD::SingleStep(uint32_t signo) {
 +  const StateType new_state = StateType::eStateStepping;
 +  MaybeLogStateChange(new_state);
 +  m_state = new_state;
 +  m_stop_info.reason = StopReason::eStopReasonNone;
-+  MaybePrepareSingleStepWorkaround();
 +  intptr_t data = 0;
 +    data = signo;

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