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corefx-git: Prototype support for cmakeargs

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Kamil Rytarowski <>
Pushed By:	kamil
Date:		Fri Mar 4 01:59:05 2016 +0100
Changeset:	bae4a6c895dcad59be5e6c3d5fe9ae7d953e4c8c

Modified Files:
Added Files:

Log Message:
corefx-git: Prototype support for cmakeargs

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=bae4a6c895dcad59be5e6c3d5fe9ae7d953e4c8c

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 corefx-git/Makefile                                |   2 +-
 corefx-git/distinfo                                |   3 +
 corefx-git/patches/                  | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../patches/patch-src_Native_configure.cmake       |  12 ++
 .../patches/ |  37 +++++
 5 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/corefx-git/Makefile b/corefx-git/Makefile
index 4772c28..d5dc40a 100644
--- a/corefx-git/Makefile
+++ b/corefx-git/Makefile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ do-configure:
 	${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \
+	${PKGSRC_SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ./ native verbose cmakeargs ${CMAKE_ARGS:Q}
 .include "../../www/curl/"
 .include "../../textproc/icu/"
diff --git a/corefx-git/distinfo b/corefx-git/distinfo
index 8f2f05f..941d1e4 100644
--- a/corefx-git/distinfo
+++ b/corefx-git/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+SHA1 ( = fb2f19bc7fece61f2a227a1670737df9dc7b21ab
 SHA1 ( = a50960196fadc4e6d7b6c6f7bbf968b46ff284b4
+SHA1 (patch-src_Native_configure.cmake) = 2f9be9b5319a386bffe326cbfb0afd3c4a15b975
+SHA1 ( = 8ea05b26ee7c25e60bb24252ec2a07714504c344
 SHA1 (patch-src_System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo_tests_System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.Tests.csproj) = 2566a3cb4e92de519569461cae2a2b9b6b6554da
 SHA1 (patch-src_System.Net.Http_tests_FunctionalTests_System.Net.Http.Functional.Tests.csproj) = b49b15fc11b7c5373d237ebea524dbeab77ac653
 SHA1 (patch-src_System.Net.NameResolution_tests_FunctionalTests_System.Net.NameResolution.Functional.Tests.csproj) = 20073552527d651b49ca54f12f38ee1d8e34e518
diff --git a/corefx-git/patches/ b/corefx-git/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca67360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corefx-git/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+---	2016-03-02 23:13:05.000000000 +0000
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ usage()
+ {
+-    echo "Usage: $0 [managed] [native] [BuildArch] [BuildType] [clean] [verbose] [clangx.y] [platform] [cross]"
++    echo "Usage: $0 [managed] [native] [BuildArch] [BuildType] [clean] [verbose] [clangx.y] [platform] [cross] [cmakeargs]"
+     echo "managed - optional argument to build the managed code"
+     echo "native - optional argument to build the native code"
+     echo "The following arguments affect native builds only:"
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ usage()
+     echo "platform can be: FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OSX, Windows"
+     echo "cross - optional argument to signify cross compilation,"
+     echo "      - will use ROOTFS_DIR environment variable if set."
++    echo "cmakeargs - user-settable additional arguments passed to CMake."
+     exit 1
+ }
+@@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ build_native_corefx()
+     cd "$__IntermediatesDir"
+     # Regenerate the CMake solution
+-    echo "Invoking cmake with arguments: \"$__nativeroot\" $__CMakeArgs"
+-    "$__nativeroot/" "$__nativeroot" $__ClangMajorVersion $__ClangMinorVersion $__BuildArch $__CMakeArgs
++    echo "Invoking cmake with arguments: \"$__nativeroot\" $__CMakeArgs $__cmakeextraargs"
++    "$__nativeroot/" "$__nativeroot" $__ClangMajorVersion $__ClangMinorVersion $__BuildArch $__CMakeArgs "$__cmakeextraargs"
+     # Check that the makefiles were created.
+@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@ esac
+ __BuildOS=$__HostOS
+ __BuildType=Debug
+ __CMakeArgs=DEBUG
+@@ -258,20 +260,26 @@ __VerboseBuild=false
+ __ClangMajorVersion=3
+ __ClangMinorVersion=5
+-for i in "$@"
+-    do
+-        lowerI="$(echo $i | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
+-        case $lowerI in
++while :; do
++    if [ $# -le 0 ]; then
++        break
++    fi
++    lowerI="$(echo $1 | awk '{print tolower($0)}')"
++    case $lowerI in
+         -?|-h|--help)
+             usage
+             exit 1
+             ;;
+         managed)
+             __buildmanaged=true
+             ;;
+         native)
+             __buildnative=true
+             ;;
+         x86)
+             __BuildArch=x86
+             ;;
+@@ -291,32 +299,40 @@ for i in "$@"
+         debug)
+             __BuildType=Debug
+             ;;
+         release)
+             __BuildType=Release
+             __CMakeArgs=RELEASE
+             ;;
+         clean)
+             __CleanBuild=1
+             ;;
+         verbose)
+             __VerboseBuild=1
+             ;;
+         clang3.5)
+             __ClangMajorVersion=3
+             __ClangMinorVersion=5
+             ;;
+         clang3.6)
+             __ClangMajorVersion=3
+             __ClangMinorVersion=6
+             ;;
+         clang3.7)
+             __ClangMajorVersion=3
+             __ClangMinorVersion=7
+             ;;
+         freebsd)
+             __BuildOS=FreeBSD
+             __TestNugetRuntimeId=osx.10.10-x64
+             ;;
+         linux)
+             __BuildOS=Linux
+             # If the Host OS is also Linux, then use the RID of the host.
+@@ -325,24 +341,41 @@ for i in "$@"
+                 __TestNugetRuntimeId=ubuntu.14.04-x64
+             fi
+             ;;
+         netbsd)
+             __BuildOS=NetBSD
+             __TestNugetRuntimeId=osx.10.10-x64
+             ;;
+         osx)
+             __BuildOS=OSX
+             __TestNugetRuntimeId=osx.10.10-x64
+             ;;
+         windows)
+             __BuildOS=Windows_NT
+             __TestNugetRuntimeId=win7-x64
+             ;;
+         cross)
+             __CrossBuild=1
+             ;;
++        cmakeargs)
++            if [ -n "$2" ]; then
++                __cmakeargs="$2"
++                shift
++            else
++                echo "ERROR: 'cmakeargs' requires a non-empty option argument"
++                exit 1
++            fi
++            ;;
+         *)
+-          __UnprocessedBuildArgs="$__UnprocessedBuildArgs $i"
++          __UnprocessedBuildArgs="$__UnprocessedBuildArgs $1"
+     esac
++    shift
+ done
+ # If neither managed nor native are passed as arguments, default to building both
diff --git a/corefx-git/patches/patch-src_Native_configure.cmake b/corefx-git/patches/patch-src_Native_configure.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b53774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corefx-git/patches/patch-src_Native_configure.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- src/Native/configure.cmake.orig	2016-03-01 04:32:05.000000000 +0000
++++ src/Native/configure.cmake
+@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL FreeB
+     include_directories(SYSTEM /usr/local/include)
+     set(PAL_UNIX_NAME \"NETBSD\")
+-    include_directories(SYSTEM /usr/pkg/include)
+ else ()
+     message(FATAL_ERROR "Unknown platform.  Cannot define PAL_UNIX_NAME, used by RuntimeInformation.")
+ endif ()
diff --git a/corefx-git/patches/ b/corefx-git/patches/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48b048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corefx-git/patches/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+--- src/Native/	2016-03-02 23:13:05.000000000 +0000
++++ src/Native/
+@@ -3,14 +3,15 @@
+ # This file invokes cmake and generates the build system for Clang.
+ #
+-if [ $# -lt 4 -o $# -gt 5 ]
++if [ $# -lt 4 -o $# -gt 6 ]
+ then
+   echo "Usage..."
+-  echo " <path to top level CMakeLists.txt> <ClangMajorVersion> <ClangMinorVersion> <Architecture> [build flavor]"
++  echo " <path to top level CMakeLists.txt> <ClangMajorVersion> <ClangMinorVersion> <Architecture> [build flavor] [cmakeargs]"
+   echo "Specify the path to the top level CMake file - <corefx>/src/Native"
+   echo "Specify the clang version to use, split into major and minor version"
+   echo "Specify the target architecture." 
+   echo "Optionally specify the build configuration (flavor.) Defaults to DEBUG." 
++  echo "Optionally pass additional arguments to CMake call." 
+   exit 1
+ fi
+@@ -63,4 +64,13 @@ if [[ -n "$CROSSCOMPILE" ]]; then
+     cmake_extra_defines="$cmake_extra_defines -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$project_root/cross/$build_arch/toolchain.cmake"
+ fi
+-cmake $cmake_extra_defines $1
++if [ -z "$6" ]; then
++    echo "No CMake extra Args specified"
++    __UnprocessedCMakeArgs="$6"
++cmake $cmake_extra_defines \
++    $__UnprocessedCMakeArgs
++    $1

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