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Re: Audio player for .m4a files?

On Sat, 15 Mar 2025, Paul Goyette wrote:

Anyone got a recommendation on how to play all my .m4a files (from

With lots of help on- and off-list I managed to get my music playing
through speakers attached via my display using hdafg0/hdaudio0/audio2 (yeah, I found the little audio jack.)

audiocfg(1) now says

	# audiocfg list | grep '^[0-9]*:'
	0: [*] audio2 @ hdafg0: NVIDIA product 0051
	1: [ ] audio0 @ uaudio0: USB audio
	2: [ ] audio1 @ uaudio1: USB audio
	3: [ ] audio3 @ hdafg1: ATI R6xx HDMI

However, neither xterm(1) (when displaying ^G) nor xbiff(1) (when new
mail arrives) makes any sound.  Both of these worked when I was using
an add-on uaudio0/audio0 (while uaudio1/uaudio1 is the motherboard's
built-in audio while hdafg1/hdaudio1/audio3 is associated with the
internal video/HDMI).

Any clue on what Xresources (or other mechanism) to set to make xbiff
and xterm play nice with audio2?

| Paul Goyette (.sig) | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:    |
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