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nia <> writes:

> Should it be bumped? 15 has been in pkgsrc for two years.

I think it should be increased.

It is work for users to dump/restore or upgrade (just did 12->14 on 2
systems), so I wonder if we should instead of 15 move to the highest
version about which we are 100% confident.  To me that feels like 16,
since it's been out long enough with multiple micros, that we'd have
noticed trouble.  17 feels slightly new for people that are being super
conservative, but I can't say anything bad about it.

I have been running 16 on my main computer (netbsd-10 amd64) since

  2024-09-03 18:40:12.529 EDT [27055] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 16.4 on x86_64--netbsd, compiled by gcc (nb2 20230710) 10.5.0, 64-bit

including with postgis, and have had no issues.   Probably I did that
because 11 was removed, or I was on 10 and noticed 10 was gone.

So I would say

  Let's change the default to 16, soonish, assuming no negative info
  about 16, rationale for stepping through every version, or a case that
  17 is totally safe.

Do you think  we should move to 15 instead of 16?

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