tl;dr: If you depend on proj with any software that isn't actively
maintained, please test wip/proj and let me know what you are using.
(I don't think I do; how do I verify?)
qgis is now at 3.34, ...
Great! The main feature missing I would like in the pkgsrc version is enabling get-tagged PDF export. Our gdal support is lacking this, from my view.
There's some chance qgis will end up tracking every release instead of
LTR; please let me know if you have an opinion ...
I am running QGis on several platforms, where newer or older versions are supported. Windows has the newest, and I have installed 3.32 and 3.36. The Raspian OS on Pi's can produce geotagged PDFs, but is still stuck at "QGIS 3.10.14-A Coruña 'A Coruña' (exported)". For me, having more than one version would be a plus, though not required for the complexity of my mapping projects.