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Updating lang/LuaJIT2

Hi all,

lang/LuaJIT2 is stuck on version 2.0.5 of 7 years ago and while there
hasn't been much active development on the 2.0 branch, there have been
some ~200 commits since then so I think it's probably time to update.

Upstream switched to a rolling release model, which means

- v2.0.5 is the last tagged release and there won't be any new ones
- the current version is now v2.0.X, where X is the unix timestamp of
  the latest commit in the v2.0 branch (this timestamp is automatically
  placed in a file .relver in the root of the source archive.)

I've created wip/LuaJIT2 (based on -current lang/LuaJIT2) with a
proposal for how to update.  Discussion / feedback would be most
welcome!  The essence of the proposed change is this:

-DISTNAME=      LuaJIT-2.0.5
+DISTNAME=      LuaJIT-2.0.1710087801   # see .relver
 CATEGORIES=    lang lua
+GITHUB_PROJECT=        ${DISTNAME:C/-[^-]*$//}
+GITHUB_TAG=    cae361187e7e1e3545353fb560c032cdace32d5f

There is also a v2.1 branch which follows the same rolling release model
and adds support for aarch64 and mips64 architectures. *If* we updated
lang/LuaJIT2 to v2.1, based on that would
mean i386 now requires SSE2. I'm not sure if that is acceptable or we
would rather have an additional package lang/LuaJIT21 for the new

Malte Dehling

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