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Yasr port finished

Hi, I just pushed to wip my last update of the yasr port. I'm pretty
happy with it.  It can be improved but that's beyond a port, that
should be done upstream or in a fork.  If you are familiar with
yasr read the comments on the patches. If you are not and want to
use it, you have to take into consideration the way programs maintain
the screen. For example vi would output several character to redraw
portions of a line just after receiving a cursor key. Yasr can't
distinguish this output from other so these characters are going
to be spoken. This can be mitigated (to a certain level) through
configuration of applications and yasr key bindings. Line oriented
programs like ed, mailx, etc are the best option for yasr.

Could someone with pkgsrc access import this port?


PS. I contacted upstream, but I don't expect any development there.

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