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Re: devel/got-portable: build failure on Darwin, if ossp-uuid is linked

Am Mittwoch 5 Juli 2023 um 13:37:34 +0000, schrieb Paolo Vincenzo Olivo 4,3K:
> Sorry for having not replied timely. It's been busy weeks and I didn't
> have the occasion to check my mailbox.  

No worries :-)
> upstream recommends the very old ossp-uuid in place of libuuid on macOS
> for reasons I didn't investigate. 
> In his private message, Manuel wrote me that the build stops at configure
> stage as it fails to find a functional uuid library.
> How does `HAVE_BSD_UUID' break the BSD API on Darwin (possibly a good
> question for the developers)? 
> Does the package work fine (beside compiling successfully) on Darwin
> when linked against libuuid?

As far as I'm concerned, got can clone, checkout, send. Just tested,
linked against devel/libuuid.

> Regardless, the configure script searches for uuid/uuid.h on macOS. 
> By comparing PLISTs for devel/libuuid and devel/ossp-uuid, I noticed
> that while libuuid installs a ${PREFIX}/include/uuid/uuid.h header,
> ossp-uuid installs a ${PREFIX}/include/uuid.h header, and that's
> probably why the configure script doesn't find it.
> So either stick to libuuid on macOS too or patch the program to point to
> the correct include path when ossp-uuid is used.


> Having somebody with macOS access do this would be preferable in my
> opinion, but if Manuel can provide feedback and testing that would be
> fine too.

I'm willing to give feedback and do testing.

> P.S.: I updated got-portable to the latest version a couple of days ago,
> better to use that if you aren't already. 

Much appreciated!

Kind regards.

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