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Promote wip packages

Hello pkgsrc committers,

I have three packages in pkgsrc-wip that I would like to get into the main CVS tree:

* wip/aslc86k - Macro assembler that can assemble programs of the Visual Memory System
* wip/lcdis - Disassembler for the Sega VMU/VMS
* wip/softvms - Emulator capable of running some VMS games

These packages provide a user with the tools necessary to compile, disassemble, and test LC86k assembly programs which can run on the SEGA Dreamcast VMU.

All pass pkglint and have been built and tested on the following platforms against 2018Q1:
- NetBSD 7.1.2 (amd64)
- SmartOS 18.1.0 (softvms not applicable due to lack of X11)
- CentOS 7.5 (x86_64)
- MacOS 10.13.4

If there is anything I can do to improve these packages or help get them into the main source tree, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,
Travis Paul

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