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Re: Errors building new package

On Jan 22, 2017, at 1:20 PM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:

> Robert Nestor <> writes:
> The guide is probably not good enough.  However, to first order, all the
> people that know how to fix it know how to build packages so they don't
> notice the trouble.  So pointing out specific issues is very useful.
>> Need some help/guidance here.  Trying to build a new package that
>> doesn’t exist in pkgsrc or wip-pkg.  This is on an amd64 system
>> running Generic 7.0.1.  I think I’ve followed the directions I found
>> in the pkgsrc guide — installed url2pkg and pkglint.  Selected a
>> category and created a new package sub-directory that I changed to.
>> Then I ran url2pkg and supplied the URL of the source tar for the new
>> package I’d like to get working under pkgsrc.  It built the basic
>> Makefile and proceeded to download the source and run to completion
>> where it displayed the message “Remember to correct CATEGORIES …”.  No
>> errors up to this point.
> You can look in work/ to see if it actually built.
>> I then ran pkglint and it didn’t report any problems.  I followed this
>> with a “bmake” and it displays a bunch of errors of “missing
>> dependency operator” on blank lines and the COMMENT line.  I’ve made
> There are two make programs in the world (plus others that no longer
> matter):
>  GNU make ('make' on Linux and Mac, and 'gmake' on BSD)
>  BSD make ('make on BSD', and 'bmake' elsewhere)
> The point is that for pkgsrc, you have to use BSD make.  If you are
> using NetBSD 7, then just 'make is fine'.  If you want to send in a
> patch to the guide to clarify, I can look at it.
> What I would recommend is that you skim most of the guide about making
> packages, and then read the Makefile that has been created.  url2pkg
> helps speed things up a lot, but it doesn't 100% automatically work.
> packages tend to have ".include ../../mk/blah" so if you have not put
> your package in the pkgsrc tree is is unlikely to work.
> A good place to work on packakges is in pkgsrc-wip.  That is a directory
> that can be checked out (git) as a subdirectory of pkgsrc, and commit
> access to pkgsrc-wip is readily available.  Then others can see what
> you've done, help, and eventually migrate packages to pkgsrc proper.
> Otherwise, if you put your pkg directory someplace others can look,
> someone can skim it and give you quick commnts.

Seems I got things working, although I’m not exactly sure what I did to
make it work.  The error I was seeing was confusing me because I 
incorrectly assumed it was coming BEFORE attempting to build the
application when it fact it was coming FROM the build attempt.

Thanks for all the help!  It did get me pointed in a different direction.

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