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django/python missing sqlite

Hi all-

Part 1:

I have installed:


and not much else... per discussion on Django list

it would seem, I have: "incomplete Python package, or your source
build produced an incomplete result"

"You've got the Python part of sqlite, but you're missing
the dynamic library.  On my (Ubuntu) machine
this is found in /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload. This is
generally provided/built as part of Python 2.5, so your
Python build/installation seems to be a bit broken."

it seems sqlite is an option in pkgsrc py25-django, and
default upstream... I'm not suggesting it should be one way
or another, but why does the pkgsrc version have different
default options than the source?

Part 2:

even with PKG_OPTIONS.django=sqlite, the expected file is not there:

# find /usr/pkg -iname \*sqlite\*

So, given _sqlite3 is expected packaged with python 2.4 and up;
what is necessary to build py25-django so it can find it?


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