Subject: Re: Anyone has issue with mail/clamav 0.9 ?
To: NetBSD/pkgsrc users <>
From: George Georgalis <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 02/21/2007 11:40:08
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 04:41:09PM +0100, Joel CARNAT wrote:
>I upgrade my mail/clamav installation to 0.9 (on NetBSD 4.0_BETA/sparc64) and the clamscan seems to core very often. I had to remove it from amavisd-new because it filled its working directory with 50Mo of core file.
>I read on the Clamav ML that many people seem to have issue with this version, but I know only trouble are raised :)
>I was just wondering how long it was tested because I try to go back to pkgsrc-2006Q4 and 0.9 is already inside.
>How many happy 0.9 users ?
>How many in /sparc|/sparc64 ?

the problem seems only on some arch. I installed it from source
the day before pkgsrc 0.90 was released, so.... anyway if you have
the problem, just don't "--enable-experimental" and you should be
okay (modify Makefile ; make clean update).

it would be nice if the specific conditions that have the problems
where identified so pkgsrc could know to enable it or not.

I don't need the load benefits, so I didn't use experimental from
the get go.

// George

George Georgalis, systems architect, administrator <IXOYE><