Subject: Re: proofreading pkgsrc flyers
To: Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher <>
From: Phil Pereira <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 02/16/2007 17:26:42
Hi Stefan,

In the english version:

Any reason NetBSD is not listed as a supported OS?

"all this tasks" should be "all these tasks"

"configuration files of the base OS and the packages" may be more clear as
"configuration files for the base OS with those of the packages"

"all dependencies can be build" should be "all dependencies can be built"

Hope that makes sense and is helpful


On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 06:07:51PM +0100, Stefan 'Kaishakunin' Schumacher wrote:
> I've created two flyers to advocate pkgsrc, one in German and another
> in English. Contents are the same. However, I would prefer if someone
> would proofread them.
> Send updates via mail.
> -- 
> Jeder wird als Faust geboren, um alles zu erfassen, alles zu erproben, alles 
> auszudr?cken. Da? Faust Gelehrter wurde, daf?r sorgten die Fehler seiner 
> Vorg?nger und seiner Zeitgenossen. -- Boris Pasternak, Doktor Schiwago