Subject: Re: new package pkg_rolling-replace
To: Blair Sadewitz <>
From: Peter Schuller <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 12/06/2006 20:33:26
> This sounds very similar to wip/pkgmanager, which is impressive,
> especially given the speed at which it calculates dependencies.
> Currently the author is rewriting it in Chicken to make it more
> portable.  If anyone here knows LISP, you could possibly modify it to
> use this framework and have the best of both worlds ...

The current clisp version of pkgmanager doesn't really have much of a 
framework as such; it's all intermingled.

For the re-write, I am however trying to "libify" the package database / 
package origin handling stuff, along with generalizing it to support e.g. 
FreeBSD ports aswell. That is, if I get off my butt and finish it.

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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