Subject: Please test emulators/suse100_*
To: None <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 06/09/2006 18:54:01
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since there are now two[*] sets of SUSE packages in pkgsrc for
COMPAT_LINUX use and SUSE 9.1 is becoming unsupported, the plan is to
make the SUSE 10.0 packages the default.

before this can happen we need to make sure they work on netbsd-2
branches.  if you can, please test pkgsrc-HEAD on any of the netbsd-2
branches and report problems back either (ideally) via send-pr(1), or
directly on this list.  please share success stories here, too, so we
know it works for you.

also please report any other issues you encountered on netbsd-3 or HEAD,
which doesn't happen with the SUSE 9.1 packages.

there is still one package missing, compared to the 9.1 set,
suse100_vmware.  if you care about it, please provide an updated


[*] SUSE 7.3 packages are going to be removed before 2006Q2 is cut, they
    are seriously obsolete, unsupported for a very long time, notoriously
    vulnerable and nobody should really be using them anyway.  the only
    reason they were kept so long is netbsd-1-6 support, which has been
    EOL'ed recently.


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org>   --

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