Subject: Re: Removing pkgviews?
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: pkgsrc-users
Date: 03/24/2006 08:34:16
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Johnny C. Lam wrote:

> I hope this is not *too* controversial, but I am thinking of removing the
> existing pkgviews implementation in pkgsrc after the 2006Q1 branch.  The
> existing code is complicating development of some new infrastructure
> components that I'm pursuing.  I'd like to get a sense of the number of users
> that this might impact.

I was planning to start implementing it on some of my Linux systems, but I 
have not used it actively in over a year.

Tells us about your new infrastructure -- will it provide the 
pkgviews/depot-style installation?

 Jeremy C. Reed

echo '9,J8HD,fDGG8B@?:536FC5=8@I;C5?@H5B0D@5GBIELD54DL>@8L?:5GDEJ8LDG1' |\
sed ss,s50EBsg | tr 0-M 'p.wBt SgiIlxmLhan:o,erDsduv/cyP'