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CVS commit: pkgsrc/geography/R-sf
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: mef
Date: Mon Jun 5 23:03:07 UTC 2023
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/geography/R-sf: Makefile distinfo
Log Message:
(geography/R-sf) Updated 1.0.2 to 1.0.13
# version 1.0-13
* `gdal_utils()` adds `"ogrinfo"` utility (requires GDAL >= 3.7.0); #2160
* `st_as_sf()` catches errors when setting invalid crs values, raised by Jon Skøien
* add `rename_with.sf()` method; #1472
* use GEOS' overlayNG routines for (GEOS) Intersection, Difference,
Union and SymDifference; #2143
* added `duplicated.sf()`; #2138, #2140, thanks to @bart1
* `select.sf()` allows selecting the same column twice under different names; #1886
* `st_as_sf.ppplist()` is deprecated; #1926
* `st_cast()` handles empty geometries; #1961
* don't repeat longlat messages in `summarise.sf()`; #1519
* fix random sampling on the sphere; #2133
# version 1.0-12
* update NAMESPACE to `useDynLib(sf, .registration=TRUE)`; #2127 thanks to @eddelbuettel
* fix call in `gdal_addo()`; #2124
* fix issues that came up with older GDAL version, use `GDAL_VERSION_NUM` consistently; #2123 #2121 #2119
# version 1.0-11
* `st_make_grid()` also accepts area units for `cellsize`, for square and hexagonal grids; #1505
* add `st_concave_hull()`, for concave hulls, if GEOS >= 3.11.0; #1964
* add `st_triangulate_constrained()`, for constrained Delaunay triangulation, if GEOS >= 3.10.0; #1964
* clean up the retrieval of length or angle units from WKT
* conversion to GEOS uses the `GEOS_PREC_VALID_OUTPUT` flag, which
makes sure that the "[o]utput is always valid. Collapsed geometry
elements (including both polygons and lines) are removed."
# version 1.0-10
* `gdal_utils()` has a `config_options` argument to set further GDAL
options, just like `st_write()`; #2003
* fix slow writing of logical vectors in `st_write()`; #1409; #1689
* `st_drivers()` has an argument `regex` to filter on driver (long) name; #2090
* drop C++11 as a system requirement
* `c.sfc()` (and, consequently, `dplyr::bind_rows()`) gives an error
if components have different CRS; #1884
* data imported from `maps` are associated with the Clark 1866 ellipsoid; #2080
* fix importing legacy `SpatialPolygon` objects without comments;
#2063, #2069,
* `st_read()` no longer errors on mixes of `XY` and `XYZ` geometries; #2046 #1592
* in `plot.sf()`, when numeric `breaks` are given a legend key is always plotted; #2065
* `st_crs()$axes` returns a `data.frame` with axes properties (name,
orientation, conversion factor) when GDAL >= 3.0.0
* clean up unit handling for geometry measures (length, area, distance) and crs;
* `st_crs(x)$ud_unit` returns `NULL` if units are unknown; #2049
* `st_write()` substitutes an `NA` crs with `ENGCRS["Undefined
Cartesian SRS with unknown unit"]`; #2049, #2054
* `st_can_transform()` checks whether a transformation between two crs
exists; see; #2049
* the matrix returned by `st_coordinates()` has no row names, to reduce output size
# version 1.0-9
* adjust for changes how R-devel handles `POSIXlt`; #2028
* add `st_break_antimeridian()`; #1983, #1991 by Roger Bivand
* add `Fibonacci` as a spatial sampling type in `st_sample()`
* use the global `options("sf_use_s2")` to determine whether to use
s2, rather than a value in a local environment; #1977
* fix utils `mdiminfo` and `mdimtranslate` in `gdal_utils()`
* extend arguments of `gdal_read_mdim()` needed by
`stars::read_mdim()` if `stars` >= 0.5-7; add `gdal_write_mdim()`
* add `drop_na()` method for `sf` objects; #1975
# version 1.0-8
* `st_drop_geometry.default()` returns `x` unmodified;
* `sf_project()` accepts 3- or 4-column matrices, containing z and t values;
* optimizations for `st_sfc()` by @paleolimbot; #1938, #1925
* `[<-.sfc()` recomputes the bounding box; `st_sfc()` gets parameter `compute_bbox`; #1965
* add new algorithm and drop option to `st_make_valid()` when using GEOS and GEOS >= 3.10.1; #1655
* add `st_minimum_rotated_rectangle()`, available when GEOS >= 3.9.0; #1953
* fix `st_sample()` with `type = "hexagonal"` for corner case (n=1),
add a `progress` argument for a progress bar; #1945
* add package `pbapply` to Suggests; #1945
* add pdf driver to windows build; #1942
* clarify `pipeline` argument in `st_transform()` when axis order is ambiguous; #1934
* handle argument `xpd` in calls to `plot.sfc_POLYGON()` and `plot.sfc_MULTIPOLYGON()`
* add `pivot_wider()` method, by Henning Teickner; #1915
* add `gdal_addo()` to add or remove overviews from raster images; #1921
* `st_layers()` returns `crs` of each layer in a `crs` list of `crs` objects
* restore `st_graticule()` behaviour to pre-sf 1.0-0;
* `gdal_metadata()` sets metadata item names properly
* `st_read()` gains an argument `optional` passed on to
`` to avoid changing column names; #1916
* GPX files are autodetected by `st_read()`; #1917
* unnecessary coordinate names are not returned in `st_sample()`,
making the output size smaller; #1879
# version 1.0-7
* `st_drop_geometry()` is a generic; #1914
* `st_crs(x)$ud_unit` returns the unit of the coordinate reference system of `x`
* geometric predicates return `sgbp` objects omitting
self-intersections etc. by passing `remove_self = TRUE` and unique
symmetric relationship by passing `retain_unique = TRUE` (to `...`
if needed); this simplifies identifying (and removing) duplicated
geometries; duplicates are identified by e.g. by `st_equals(x,
retain_unique = TRUE) |> unlist() |> unique()`; #1893
* fix compile issue against GDAL < 2.5.0 introduced in 1.0-6; #1899
# version 1.0-6
* adapt to new `spatstat.random` package; #1892
* `st_geometry<-()` also allows to rename a geometry column in an `sf` object; #1890
* for `sf` objects, the `st_as_sfc()` method is an alias for `st_geometry()`; #1882
* `st_make_grid()` speeded up; #1579 thanks to Krzysztof Dyba
* remove direct and indirect dependencies on `rgeos` and `rgdal`; #1869
* use `stats::dist` rather than GEOS for symmetric point-point Euclidian distance computation; #1874
# version 1.0-5
* package startup message reports status of `sf_use_s2()`; #1782
* `sf_use_s2()` uses `message()` to report a change; #1782
* `st_sample()` using regular sampling for ellipsoidal coordinates
"works" as if coordinates were Cartesian; #1837
# version 1.0-4
* new function `st_delete()` deletes a data source, or layer(s) within
a data source; #1828
* fix memory leak in `WKT1_ESRI` retrieval; #1690
# version 1.0-3
* cope with how GEOS >= 3.10.0 handles illegal geometries (e.g., non-closed rings); #1807
* `crs` objects have a `$srid` method to extract the SRID (as authority "name:code"); #1804
* `st_as_grob()` methods for `sfc_*` objects correctly handle empty
geometries; #1789 with help from Hiroaki Yutani
* when writing objects with `NA` as CRS to GeoPackage, assign "Unknown
Cartesian CRS" first - this is in line with using Cartesian geometry
operations for objects with `NA` as CRS; #1776
* add coerce method from `sgbp` to `sparseMatrix`; #1750
* fix `st_cast()` for `GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONS` containing empty geometries; #1767
* fix `st_is_valid()` for bogus polygons and projected coordinates; #1666, #1760; #1761
To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.18 -r1.19 pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.5 -r1.6 pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo
Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.
Modified files:
Index: pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile:1.18 pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile:1.19
--- pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile:1.18 Wed Apr 19 08:10:13 2023
+++ pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/Makefile Mon Jun 5 23:03:07 2023
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2023/04/19 08:10:13 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2023/06/05 23:03:07 mef Exp $
-R_PKGVER= 1.0-2
+R_PKGVER= 1.0-13
CATEGORIES= geography
Index: pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo:1.5 pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo:1.6
--- pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo:1.5 Tue Oct 26 10:45:07 2021
+++ pkgsrc/geography/R-sf/distinfo Mon Jun 5 23:03:07 2023
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2021/10/26 10:45:07 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2023/06/05 23:03:07 mef Exp $
-BLAKE2s (R/sf_1.0-2.tar.gz) = 25662fbc9612afeabd12aee2e48fa8c344255e1d73352773a340a312f8230197
-SHA512 (R/sf_1.0-2.tar.gz) = f032cf325b765b410fda461d7d639d462e74a039c365c226174a9d81025e82a3a1c2dcb2e842db649cca7581f49c70250ccf1ddb9e2c7e1492a0d4cecce55404
-Size (R/sf_1.0-2.tar.gz) = 3645982 bytes
+BLAKE2s (R/sf_1.0-13.tar.gz) = 90f3a1f0401a49f19efb4e8a49d6212a94d0ad32447f4ce4f83dfc53f015d626
+SHA512 (R/sf_1.0-13.tar.gz) = 4df61d284baefd6ae0fb1d34b0c6bfd26e9f891aa9f8a4548d0c4092c2da8850af96408b9886d7929b0b43b64582d7bb2ad1611d314a1fcee08319843b9c1f16
+Size (R/sf_1.0-13.tar.gz) = 3488093 bytes
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