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CVS commit: pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: mef
Date: Mon May 2 12:26:27 UTC 2022
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir: Makefile distinfo
Log Message:
(geography/R-deldir) Updated 0.1.28 to 1.0.6, make test passed
Version 1.0-6 23/10/2021
Fixed a bug that kept deldir() from working when "x" is a
point pattern.
Version 1.0-5 10/10/2021
Changed the protocol for "digging out" x and y, and
"digging out" z. The rule now is: if the specified argument
is found (located in the global environment, or given explicitly)
then *use* it! Only if it is *not* found elsewhere should it be
sought in the "x" argument. (This change was implemented after
Duncan Murdoch convinced me to see the error of my previous ways.)
Adjusted/corrected the processing of generic lists, as the x
argument, in deldir()
Re-wrote the discussion of the argument processing protocol in
deldir.Rd, so as to make it properly reflect the current behaviour
of the function. It is also hoped that the clarity of the
discussion has been improved.
Fixed various glitches and typos in the code and the help files.
Version 1.0-4 06/10/2021
Fixed more bugs in deldir() w.r.t. argument processing, again
pointed out to me by Duncan Murdoch.
Fixed a bug in triang.list(); it crashed if there were not
any actual triangles in the "triangulation"!
Made an adjustment to plot.triang.list() (added an argument to
specify a colour for the enclosing rectangle.
Version 1.0-3 06/10/2021
Fixed bug in deldir() (more explicitly in digOutz()) that
was pointed out to me by Duncan Murdoch.
Version 1.0-2 05/10/2021
Adjusted plot.deldir() so that it no longer insists that cmpnt_lty
be numeric, but also allows (as it should) the text strings "solid",
"dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", and "twodash".
Version 1.0-1 30/09/2021
Modified deldir() so that if argument "x" is a data frame it is
*NOT* required to have columns named "x" and "y". If there is no
column named "x", the x-coordinates are taken to be the *first*
column named neither "y" nor "z". Likewise if there is no column
named "y", the y-coordinates are taken to be the *first* column
that is named neither "x" nor "z" and is not equal to the column
previously selected to be the x-coordinates.
Also modified deldir() so that the "x" argument is allowed to be
a matrix. The same convention that was used when "x" is a data
frame is applied.
This modification was made in response to an observation made by
Jakob Bossek and makes use of a suggestion from Duncan Murdoch.
Version 1.0-0 27/09/2021
Removed/eliminated all traces of the (basically useless) facility
for incorporating dummy points into the triangulation/tessellation.
This facility was a historical artefact that had hung around much
too long.
Made an adjustment to plot.tile.list(); it no longer throws an
error if the border argument is of length greater than 1; it now
simply uses the first entry.
Ran the *.Rd files through ispell and found and corrected an
embarrassing number of errors. Did not increment the version
Version 0.2-13 26/09/2021
Made some adjustments to the syntax of deldir() to accommodate
problems encountered with finding the "z" argument.
Changed the position of "z" in the argument list (to follow "x"
and "y").
Got rid of the message being issued on the first call, and the
suppressMessage argument.
Version 0.2-12 28/05/2021
Adjusted the application of "\dontrun{...}" in the help files,
eliminating its unnecessary application in some instances, and
replacinng it by "\donttest{...}" in one instance.
Version 0.2-11 12/05/2021
Changed the terminology in the help and code comments so as to
refer to the entries of the "z" argument as "tags" and not
as "weights". The latter term is misleading.
Adjusted divchain() so as not to insist that the "z" argument
be a factor. It may now be a factor or a vector of any mode.
If is not a factor then it is coerced into one.
Added a "tags" component to the list returned by lawSummary().
(This was instigated by an enquiry from Art Stock.)
Version 0.2-10 09/02/2021
Added the cvt() (Centroidal Voronoi Tiles) function at the
request of MichaƩl Aupetit.
Amended deldir() so that the returned object has attributes
"round" (TRUE if argument "round" was TRUE) and "digits"
(equal to the value of argument "digits" if "round" is TRUE,
equal to NA otherwise.)
Made some adjustments to the help for deldir() and plot.tile.list().
Changed the name of Vol.Tri.Points to volTriPoints, so as to make
it more consistent with my usual naming conventions.
Added the "\version" macro.
Made some adjustments to the help for cvt().
Submitted to CRAN
Version 0.2-9 16/01/2021
Fixed (???) a bug in doClip() revealed by reverse-dependent package
visualFields. My logic (using almost.match()) was completely out
to luntch. Got rid of almost.match() and introduced a new function
findNewInOld() which I *think* does things right.
Adjusted tile.list() so that when it clipps tiles it checks for
the availability of the polyclip package (and throws an error if
this package is not available).
Adjusted the help for plot.tile.list(), doing the same
re-arrangement of plotting colours in one of the examples, as is
used in the help for tilePerim(). The re-arrangement serves to
produce better contrasts between contiguous tiles.
To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile
cvs rdiff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo
Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.
Modified files:
Index: pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile
diff -u pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile:1.3 pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile:1.4
--- pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile:1.3 Mon Aug 10 08:54:59 2020
+++ pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/Makefile Mon May 2 12:26:27 2022
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2020/08/10 08:54:59 mef Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2022/05/02 12:26:27 mef Exp $
CATEGORIES= geography
@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ COMMENT= Delaunay Triangulation and Diri
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 OR gnu-gpl-v3
R_PKGNAME= deldir
-R_PKGVER= 0.1-28
+R_PKGVER= 1.0-6
+TEST_DEPENDS+= R-polyclip-[0-9]*:../../graphics/R-polyclip
+TEST_DEPENDS+= tex-cm-super-[0-9]*:../../fonts/tex-cm-super
USE_LANGUAGES+= c fortran
Index: pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo
diff -u pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo:1.4 pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo:1.5
--- pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo:1.4 Tue Oct 26 10:45:05 2021
+++ pkgsrc/geography/R-deldir/distinfo Mon May 2 12:26:27 2022
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2021/10/26 10:45:05 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2022/05/02 12:26:27 mef Exp $
-BLAKE2s (R/deldir_0.1-28.tar.gz) = 9ae94f7633af697c41ace52aa66ac47e4823863374f9658a2635a199c369372e
-SHA512 (R/deldir_0.1-28.tar.gz) = 8028dec24604b37aed873d43d8e61760f8f5c6c5cbcc0f815cf9433936cabe0d34ce7ce767a217be4199cc80f40ae5e40950c24b6fdc4f551587b53a7104c5ea
-Size (R/deldir_0.1-28.tar.gz) = 105886 bytes
+BLAKE2s (R/deldir_1.0-6.tar.gz) = a763d2aed482307f6a8cf5f5401cf2aeb56491c45b3847ace30703bb522b8544
+SHA512 (R/deldir_1.0-6.tar.gz) = 669e25af073ca5acfadad8cf21bafcff7c4f501dde9654678d763d4c7e19f2b26e0055d3156989f9079dd675cf795cbfbebb2d8f5f50850b23788ff756f4486c
+Size (R/deldir_1.0-6.tar.gz) = 120947 bytes
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