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CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/py-twisted

Module Name:    pkgsrc
Committed By:   wiz
Date:           Thu May 28 07:15:53 UTC 2015

Modified Files:
        pkgsrc/net/py-twisted: Makefile.common PLIST distinfo

Log Message:
Update to 15.2.0:

Twisted Core 15.2.0 (2015-05-18)

 - twisted.internet.process has now been ported to Python 3. (#5987)
 - twisted.cred.credentials is now ported to Python 3. (#6176)
 - twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase's assertEqual, assertTrue, and
   assertFalse methods now pass through the standard library's more
   informative failure messages. (#6306)
 - The new package twisted.logger provides a new, fully tested, and
   feature-rich logging framework. The old module twisted.python.log
   is now implemented using the new framework. The new logger HOWTO
   documents the new framework. (#6750)
 - twisted.python.modules is now ported to Python 3. (#7804)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now supports Unicode (text) paths.
   Like the os module, instantiating it with a Unicode path will
   return a Unicode-mode FilePath, instantiating with a bytes path
   will return a bytes-mode FilePath. (#7805)
 - twisted.internet.kqreactor is now ported to Python 3 (#7823)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.ProcessEndpoint is now ported to Python
   3. (#7824)
 - twisted.python.filepath.FilePath now has asBytesMode and asTextMode
   methods which return a FilePath in the requested mode. (#7830)
 - twisted.python.components.proxyForInterface now creates method
   proxies that can be used with functools.wraps. (#7832)
 - The tls optional dependency will now also install the idna package
   to validate idna2008 names. (#7853)

 - Don't raise an exception if `DefaultLogObserver.emit()` gets an
   event with a message that raises when `repr()` is called on it.
   Specifically: use `textFromEventDict()` instead of a separate (and
   inferior) message rendering implementation. (#6569)
 - twisted.cred.credentials.DigestedCredentials incorrectly handled
   md5-sess hashing according to the RFC, which has now been fixed.
 - Fixed an issue with twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall.withCount
   where sometimes the passed callable would be invoked with "0" when
   we got close to tricky floating point boundary conditions. (#7836)
 - twisted.internet.defer now properly works with the new logging
   system. (#7851)
 - Change `messages` key to `log_io` for events generated by
   `LoggingFile`. (#7852)
 - twisted.logger had literal characters in docstrings that are now
   quoted. (#7854)
 - twisted.logger now correctly formats a log event with a key named
   `message` when passed to a legacy log observer. (#7855)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.HostnameEndpoint now uses getaddrinfo
   properly on Python 3.4 and above. (#7886)

Improved Documentation
 - Fix a typo in narrative documentation for logger (#7875)

Deprecations and Removals
 - tkunzip and tapconvert in twisted.scripts were deprecated in 11.0
   and 12.1 respectively, and are now removed. (#6747)
 - twisted.protocols.gps is deprecated in preference to
   twisted.positioning. (#6810)
 - twisted.scripts.tap2deb and twisted.scripts.tap2rpm are now
   deprecated. (#7682)
 - twisted.trial.reporter.TestResult and
   twisted.trial.reporter.Reporter contained deprecated methods (since
   8.0) which have now been removed. (#7815)

 - #6027, #7287, #7701, #7727, #7758, #7776, #7786, #7812, #7819,
   #7831, #7838, #7865, #7866, #7869, #7872, #7877, #7878, #7885

Twisted Conch 15.2.0 (2015-05-18)

 - twisted.conch.ssh.forwarding now supports local->remote forwarding
   of IPv6 (#7751)

Twisted Mail 15.2.0 (2015-05-18)

 - twisted.mail.smtp.sendmail now uses ESMTP. It will
   opportunistically enable encryption and allow the use of
   authentication. (#7257)

Twisted Web 15.2.0 (2015-05-18)

 - twisted.web.static is now ported to Python 3. (#6177)
 - twisted.web.server.Site accepts requestFactory as constructor
   argument. (#7016)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.web.util had some HTML generation functions deprecated
   since 12.1 that have now been removed. (#7828)

 - #6927, #7797, #7802, #7846

Twisted Words 15.2.0 (2015-05-18)

 - The resumeOffset argument to
   twisted.words.protocol.irc.DccFileReceive now works as it is
   documented. (#7775)

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.20 -r1.21 pkgsrc/net/py-twisted/Makefile.common
cvs rdiff -u -r1.16 -r1.17 pkgsrc/net/py-twisted/PLIST
cvs rdiff -u -r1.18 -r1.19 pkgsrc/net/py-twisted/distinfo

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

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