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Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server

On Sep 25,  2:28pm, John Nemeth wrote:
} Module Name:  pkgsrc
} Committed By: jnemeth
} Date:         Tue Jun 10 02:20:42 UTC 2008
} Update of /cvsroot/pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server
} In directory
} Log Message:
} Status:
} Vendor Tag:   TNF
} Release Tags: pkgsrc-base
} N pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server/DESCR
} N pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server/Makefile
} N pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server/PLIST
} N pkgsrc/sysutils/wbm-virtual-server/distinfo
} No conflicts created by this import

     The log message should say:

This is the "Virtualmin" module for Webmin.

It is a Webmin module for managing multiple virtual hosts through a
single interface, like Plesk or Cpanel. It supports the creation and
management of Apache virtual hosts, BIND DNS domains, MySQL databases,
and mailboxes and aliases with Sendmail or Postfix. It makes use of the
existing Webmin modules for these servers, and so should work with any
existing system configuration, rather than needing it's own mail server,
web server and so on.

Virtualmin can also create a Webmin user for each virtual server, who is
restricted to managing just his domain and its files. Webmin's existing
module access control features are used, and are set up automatically to
limit the user appropriately. These server administrators can also manage
the mailboxes and mail aliases in their domain, via a web interface that
is part of the module.

}-- End of excerpt from John Nemeth

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