Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/libtecla
To: None <>
From: Krister Walfridsson <>
List: pkgsrc-changes
Date: 12/31/2003 00:05:20
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: kristerw
Date: Wed Dec 31 00:05:20 UTC 2003
Update of /cvsroot/pkgsrc/devel/libtecla
In directory
Log Message:
Initial import of libtecla version 1.5.0.
The tecla library provides UNIX and LINUX programs with interactive
command line editing facilities, similar to those of the UNIX tcsh
shell. In addition to simple command-line editing, it supports recall
of previously entered command lines, TAB completion of file names or
other tokens, and in-line wild-card expansion of filenames. The
internal functions which perform file-name completion and wild-card
expansion are also available externally for optional use by programs.
Vendor Tag: TNF
Release Tags: pkgsrc-base
N pkgsrc/devel/libtecla/Makefile
N pkgsrc/devel/libtecla/DESCR
N pkgsrc/devel/libtecla/distinfo
N pkgsrc/devel/libtecla/PLIST
N pkgsrc/devel/libtecla/
No conflicts created by this import