Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Dr. Rene Hexel <>
List: pkgsrc-changes
Date: 06/24/2002 08:20:38
On Monday, June 24, 2002, at 02:47 AM, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>> Simply adding mirror sites to Makefile or anywhere doesn't
>> provide flexibility to user. Per-package based
>> customisability is not so bad thing to have, I guess.
> Actually, it does add flexibility to the user. It allows MASTER_SORT
> and MASTER_SORT_REGEX to work correctly. At the single package level,
> there's no more flexible way than to download the distfile into
> ${_DISTDIR} yourself. What MASTER_SORT does, is provide that
> flexibility *without* *continued* *supervision*.
To second this: if you have something like MASTER_SITE_MOZILLA just to
customise download locations, you require the _user_ to know about
possible mirror sites in the vicinity for each and every such package.
Whereas if you use MASTER_SORT*, all that is required is for the
maintainer to add a sensible list of sites. The user then only has to
set her/his preferences right in one place.