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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/lang lang/php73: update to 7.3.24

branches:  trunk
changeset: 441233:fdd2907eb249
user:      taca <>
date:      Fri Oct 30 07:12:37 2020 +0000

lang/php73: update to 7.3.24

PHP                                                                        NEWS
29 Oct 2020, PHP 7.3.24

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #79423 (copy command is limited to size of file it can copy).

- Calendar:
  . Fixed bug #80185 (jdtounix() fails after 2037). (cmb)

  . Fixed bug #80213 (imap_mail_compose() segfaults on certain $bodies). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80215 (imap_mail_compose() may modify by-val parameters). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80220 (imap_mail_compose() may leak memory). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80223 (imap_mail_compose() leaks envelope on malformed bodies).
  . Fixed bug #80216 (imap_mail_compose() does not validate types/encodings).
  . Fixed bug #80226 (imap_sort() leaks sortpgm memory). (cmb)

- MySQLnd:
  . Fixed bug #80115 (mysqlnd.debug doesn't recognize absolute paths with
    slashes). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80107 (mysqli_query() fails for ~16 MB long query when
    compression is enabled). (Nikita)

  . Fixed bug #78470 (odbc_specialcolumns() no longer accepts $nullable). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80147 (BINARY strings may not be properly zero-terminated).
  . Fixed bug #80150 (Failure to fetch error message). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #80152 (odbc_execute() moves internal pointer of $params). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #46050 (odbc_next_result corrupts prepared resource). (cmb)

- OPcache:
  . Fixed bug #80083 (Optimizer pass 6 removes variables used for ibm_db2 data
    binding). (Nikita)

  . Fixed bug #67465 (NULL Pointer dereference in odbc_handle_preparer). (cmb)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #80114 (parse_url does not accept URLs with port 0). (cmb, twosee)
  . Fixed bug #76943 (Inconsistent stream_wrapper_restore() errors). (cmb)
  . Fixed bug #76735 (Incorrect message in fopen on invalid mode). (cmb)

- Tidy:
  . Fixed bug #77040 (tidyNode::isHtml() is completely broken). (cmb)


 lang/php/ |   4 ++--
 lang/php73/distinfo    |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diffs (36 lines):

diff -r 0b7ebaf6942b -r fdd2907eb249 lang/php/
--- a/lang/php/    Thu Oct 29 23:58:07 2020 +0000
+++ b/lang/php/    Fri Oct 30 07:12:37 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.311 2020/10/04 03:14:53 taca Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.312 2020/10/30 07:12:37 taca Exp $
 # This file selects a PHP version, based on the user's preferences and
 # the installed packages. It does not add a dependency on the PHP
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 # Define each PHP's version.
 PHP56_VERSION= 5.6.40
 PHP72_VERSION= 7.2.34
-PHP73_VERSION= 7.3.23
+PHP73_VERSION= 7.3.24
 PHP74_VERSION= 7.4.11
 # Define initial release of major version.
diff -r 0b7ebaf6942b -r fdd2907eb249 lang/php73/distinfo
--- a/lang/php73/distinfo       Thu Oct 29 23:58:07 2020 +0000
+++ b/lang/php73/distinfo       Fri Oct 30 07:12:37 2020 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.27 2020/10/04 03:06:28 taca Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2020/10/30 07:12:38 taca Exp $
-SHA1 (php-7.3.23.tar.xz) = 4253311bcbe469d37644a8c2d793e40cd3e8ef95
-RMD160 (php-7.3.23.tar.xz) = 648b20df10e8934ff22cbeb6ea4ec60d5e55ad7a
-SHA512 (php-7.3.23.tar.xz) = b5e318bd59951b470a22b2ef2db19cd542d42bed72cf4abe4344c0521eeba606eac31a38ff49d2ab0cb7ed17441655e029d5984584d86b935f576515179777af
-Size (php-7.3.23.tar.xz) = 12133616 bytes
+SHA1 (php-7.3.24.tar.xz) = f66e514ea8fa1c20db1be93a572aa7e65cbd53c6
+RMD160 (php-7.3.24.tar.xz) = 94247454b0bdc790ad6d7701790c1821179a93db
+SHA512 (php-7.3.24.tar.xz) = 0ebc2fb7d58ded231ff5f55e9e033ca5c7865a13cc496884082b126cf2b31fb4486f61ad93ac9fe3592433e43d652cac2add96b2ad276dad937d458fd186d633
+Size (php-7.3.24.tar.xz) = 12138212 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-configure) = 08b80528ba90c705398e8841c232382663479a3b
 SHA1 (patch-disable-filter-url) = 0a2c19c18f089448a8d842e99738b292ab9e5640
 SHA1 (patch-ext_gd_config.m4) = eaecfb31b18700dd642c067ed82748d4f6be2335

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