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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/graphics/gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme: Avoid rsvg...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 340518:63fb93c10316
user:      nia <>
date:      Thu Oct 03 23:43:04 2019 +0000

gnome-icon-theme: Avoid rsvg dep by pre-generating NetBSD logos.

Don't install the logos on non-NetBSD.



 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/Makefile                   |   17 ++--
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/distributor-logo.svg |   59 -------------------
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-16.png        |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-22.png        |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-24.png        |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-256.png       |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-32.png        |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-48.png        |  Bin 
 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-96.png        |  Bin 
 9 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diffs (113 lines):

diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/Makefile
--- a/graphics/gnome-icon-theme/Makefile        Thu Oct 03 23:32:27 2019 +0000
+++ b/graphics/gnome-icon-theme/Makefile        Thu Oct 03 23:43:04 2019 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.106 2019/08/11 13:17:49 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.107 2019/10/03 23:43:04 nia Exp $
 DISTNAME=              gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0
-PKGREVISION=           4
+PKGREVISION=           5
 CATEGORIES=            graphics gnome
 MASTER_SITES=          ${MASTER_SITE_GNOME:=sources/gnome-icon-theme/${PKGVERSION_NOREV:R}/}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=          .tar.xz
@@ -27,16 +27,15 @@
+.include "../../mk/"
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 16 -h 16 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/16x16/places/start-here.png
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 22 -h 22 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/22x22/places/start-here.png
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 24 -h 24 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/24x24/places/start-here.png
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 32 -h 32 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/32x32/places/start-here.png
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 48 -h 48 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/48x48/places/start-here.png
-       ${LOCALBASE}/bin/rsvg-convert ${FILESDIR}/distributor-logo.svg -w 256 -h 256 -o ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/256x256/places/start-here.png
+.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
+.  for s in 16 22 24 32 48 256
+       ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/netbsd-${s}.png ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/icons/gnome/${s}x${s}/places/start-here.png
+.  endfor
 BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.gettext-lib=       build
 .include "../../devel/gettext-lib/"
 .include "../../graphics/icon-naming-utils/"
-.include "../../graphics/librsvg/"
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/distributor-logo.svg
--- a/graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/distributor-logo.svg      Thu Oct 03 23:32:27 2019 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
-<!-- Created with Sodipodi ("";) -->
-   xmlns="";
-   xmlns:xlink="";
-   xmlns:sodipodi="";
-   version="1.0"
-   x="0"
-   y="0"
-   width="1499.81409"
-   height="1499.81409"
-   viewBox="0 0 1200 1200"
-   id="svg602"
-   sodipodi:version="0.34"
-   sodipodi:docname="/tmp/TNFlogo2.svg"
-   sodipodi:docbase="/tmp">
-  <sodipodi:namedview
-     id="base" />
-  <defs
-     id="defs605" />
-  <path
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482 C 575 479 608 465 645 448 C 716 416 777 375 858 372 C 858 372 868 371 868 371 C 868 371 878 372 878 372 C 893 373 908 374 922 378 C 914 371 887 362 876 359 C 832 347 786 349 742 357 C 742 357 715 
363 715 363 C 715 363 695 368 695 368 C 726 350 776 329 811 321 C 826 317 850 312 866 312 C 866 312 891 312 891 312 C 899 312 913 314 921 315 C 921 315 936 318 936 318 C 930 314 915 308 908 306 C 889 
300 862 293 842 293 C 842 293 825 292 825 292 C 825 292 805 293 805 293 C 794 293 771 296 759 298 C 701 309 646 330 589 343 C 564 348 539 352 514 352 C 514 352 503 353 503 353 C 503 353 487 352 487 
352 C 475 352 459 350 447 348 C 433 345 418 341 405 337 C 405 337 382 329 382 329 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#ff8125;"
-     id="path624" />
-  <path
-     d="M 488 552 C 488 552 470 517 470 517 C 470 517 454 485 454 485 C 454 485 428 434 428 434 C 428 434 400 380 400 380 C 400 380 390 362 390 362 C 390 362 379 339 379 339 C 376 334 372 327 365 
333 C 361 337 366 344 368 349 C 368 349 388 391 388 391 C 388 391 401 419 401 419 C 401 419 446 514 446 514 C 446 514 458 540 458 540 C 459 543 462 549 464 551 C 466 552 470 552 472 552 C 472 552 488 
552 488 552 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#666865;"
-     id="path625" />
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653 C 700 652 698 652 697 652 C 692 653 693 657 693 661 C 693 668 696 687 700 693 C 705 699 727 703 736 703 C 748 703 757 703 769 699 C 778 696 784 693 791 686 C 799 677 803 667 804 655 C 804 652 804 
649 803 646 C 800 624 785 612 766 602 C 753 596 733 586 731 569 C 730 556 742 546 754 545 C 764 544 773 551 778 558 C 782 562 783 565 786 570 C 787 573 788 576 791 577 C 794 577 797 576 798 573 C 798 
573 797 565 797 565 C 797 560 796 545 793 541 C 791 538 784 537 781 537 C 770 534 757 533 746 534 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#666865;"
-     id="path626" />
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-     d="M 260 575 C 260 575 334 666 334 666 C 334 666 353 690 353 690 C 355 693 360 701 362 702 C 364 703 367 702 369 702 C 380 699 377 691 377 681 C 377 681 376 666 376 666 C 376 666 376 602 376 
602 C 376 602 377 586 377 586 C 377 578 377 567 379 559 C 381 553 383 550 389 548 C 394 546 398 547 399 543 C 400 536 391 537 387 537 C 371 540 353 537 337 537 C 337 537 337 546 337 546 C 344 546 353 
548 357 554 C 361 559 362 577 362 584 C 362 584 362 621 362 621 C 362 628 363 636 361 643 C 361 643 314 588 314 588 C 314 588 285 552 285 552 C 283 549 278 539 276 538 C 274 537 265 538 262 538 C 262 
538 243 538 243 538 C 243 538 231 537 231 537 C 228 537 222 536 221 540 C 219 548 230 545 237 550 C 244 554 244 560 244 567 C 244 567 244 641 244 641 C 244 651 244 672 241 681 C 239 686 236 688 231 
690 C 228 690 224 691 223 693 C 220 700 227 700 231 700 C 231 700 243 699 243 699 C 243 699 261 699 261 699 C 261 699 274 700 274 700 C 274 700 278 700 278 700 C 281 700 284 700 285 697 C 286 690 278 
691 271 689 C 265 686 262 682 261 676 C 258 663 259 636 259 622 C 259 610 258 586 260 575 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#ff8125;"
-     id="path627" />
-  <path
-     d="M 519 615 C 519 615 536 615 536 615 C 538 615 542 615 544 614 C 547 612 548 605 545 603 C 544 601 541 601 539 601 C 539 601 519 601 519 601 C 519 601 519 582 519 582 C 519 579 518 576 514 
577 C 511 577 509 580 507 582 C 503 587 501 589 496 593 C 492 597 485 601 480 604 C 478 605 474 606 473 609 C 470 617 482 614 485 616 C 487 618 487 623 487 626 C 487 626 487 677 487 677 C 487 684 489 
691 493 696 C 503 706 524 703 536 698 C 540 696 547 692 548 688 C 549 685 548 683 545 683 C 545 683 537 685 537 685 C 530 687 524 682 521 676 C 519 671 519 667 519 662 C 517 647 518 630 519 615 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#ff8125;"
-     id="path630" />
-  <path
-     d="M 551 737 C 551 737 568 774 568 774 C 568 774 583 806 583 806 C 583 806 605 853 605 853 C 605 853 624 893 624 893 C 628 900 631 906 640 907 C 653 908 665 899 660 885 C 660 885 642 850 642 
850 C 642 850 602 771 602 771 C 602 771 590 748 590 748 C 588 745 586 740 584 738 C 582 737 578 737 576 737 C 576 737 551 737 551 737 z "
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#666865;"
-     id="path632" />
-  <path
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#666865;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;"
-     d="M 868 548 C 865 549 862 549 860 551 C 857 554 857 559 857 562 C 857 562 857 583 857 583 C 857 583 857 659 857 659 C 857 675 859 689 879 689 C 890 689 898 689 908 684 C 930 672 939 644 939 
621 C 939 587 926 557 890 550 C 884 549 874 548 868 548 z M 843 537 C 843 537 824 538 824 538 C 824 538 815 539 815 539 C 812 539 806 538 805 542 C 802 550 815 546 820 554 C 823 560 822 579 822 586 C 
822 586 822 671 822 671 C 822 677 822 684 816 688 C 810 691 803 689 801 694 C 800 699 804 700 808 700 C 808 700 827 699 827 699 C 827 699 839 699 839 699 C 839 699 851 700 851 700 C 851 700 878 701 
878 701 C 878 701 888 700 888 700 C 910 699 931 695 949 680 C 987 650 989 584 948 555 C 926 539 896 537 870 537 C 870 537 843 537 843 537 z "
-     id="path1075" />
-  <path
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#ff8125;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;"
-     d="M 431 609 C 424 611 420 614 416 620 C 415 622 413 626 416 628 C 417 630 420 630 422 630 C 429 631 432 631 439 630 C 447 628 448 620 443 614 C 440 610 436 609 431 609 z M 427 598 C 415 600 
404 605 396 614 C 375 638 377 682 408 698 C 414 701 424 703 431 703 C 445 704 458 697 468 687 C 470 684 476 677 475 673 C 474 671 472 669 469 670 C 468 671 464 675 462 677 C 458 680 454 681 449 682 C 
433 684 418 671 414 656 C 413 653 411 646 414 643 C 416 641 420 641 423 641 C 423 641 462 641 462 641 C 465 641 469 641 472 639 C 478 634 471 616 466 611 C 457 599 441 597 427 598 z "
-     id="path1099" />
-  <path
-     style="font-size:12;fill:#666865;stroke:none;stroke-opacity:1;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;"
-     d="M 610 548 C 602 550 602 554 602 561 C 602 561 602 599 602 599 C 602 599 602 603 602 603 C 603 608 607 608 611 608 C 622 608 630 608 638 599 C 652 582 642 544 610 548 z M 606 620 C 600 624 
602 635 602 642 C 602 642 603 667 603 667 C 604 680 607 688 622 689 C 641 690 651 676 651 658 C 651 651 651 647 649 640 C 644 626 631 619 616 619 C 612 619 610 619 606 620 z M 650 611 C 658 605 664 
607 673 597 C 686 581 680 555 662 545 C 644 536 614 537 594 537 C 594 537 582 538 582 538 C 582 538 570 538 570 538 C 570 538 552 540 552 540 C 551 540 551 541 550 542 C 548 551 560 547 565 552 C 568 
556 569 566 569 571 C 569 571 569 643 569 643 C 569 652 570 674 567 681 C 566 686 563 688 558 689 C 555 690 549 690 548 694 C 547 700 553 700 557 700 C 557 700 573 699 573 699 C 601 699 643 705 668 
691 C 691 679 697 646 680 626 C 671 617 661 615 650 611 z "
-     id="path1103" />
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-16.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-16.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-22.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-22.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-24.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-24.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-256.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-256.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-32.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-32.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-48.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-48.png has changed
diff -r ac84a31eb5a8 -r 63fb93c10316 graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-96.png
Binary file graphics/gnome-icon-theme/files/netbsd-96.png has changed

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