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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc *: Move SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configure

branches:  trunk
changeset: 310067:a098ff6ac79a
user:      jperkin <>
date:      Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000

*: Move SUBST_STAGE from post-patch to pre-configure

Performing substitutions during post-patch breaks tools such as mkpatches,
making it very difficult to regenerate correct patches after making changes,
and often leading to substituted string replacements being committed.


 archivers/dar/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 archivers/freeze/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 archivers/p7zip/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 archivers/rox-archive/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 archivers/sarab/Makefile                |  10 +++++-----
 archivers/zutils/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 audio/amarok/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 audio/daapd/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 audio/esound/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 audio/gramofile/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 audio/juke/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 audio/liblo/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 audio/libvisual/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 audio/moss/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 audio/mt-daapd/Makefile                 |   6 +++---
 audio/muse/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 audio/musicpd/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 audio/tap-plugins/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 audio/terminatorx/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 audio/timidity/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 audio/toolame/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 audio/wavesurfer/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 audio/wsoundserver/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 biology/cdhit/Makefile                  |   6 +++---
 biology/htslib/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 biology/ncbi-blast+/Makefile            |   4 ++--
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 cad/qcad/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 cad/solvespace/Makefile                 |   6 +++---
 chat/anope/Makefile                     |   6 +++---
 chat/bitchx/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 chat/ircd-hybrid/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 chat/ircservices/Makefile               |   8 ++++----
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 chat/psybnc/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 chat/quirc/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 chat/roxirc/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
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 chat/spectrum/Makefile                  |  10 +++++-----
 chat/telegram-purple/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 chat/tkirc2/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 chat/unrealircd/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 comms/asterisk/               |   4 ++--
 comms/asterisk13/             |   4 ++--
 comms/asterisk14/             |   4 ++--
 comms/asterisk18/             |   4 ++--
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 comms/conserver8/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 comms/minicom/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 comms/op_panel/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 comms/p5-pilot-link/Makefile            |   4 ++--
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 cross/nios2-gcc/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 cross/nios2-gcc41/            |   6 +++---
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 databases/mysqltuner/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 databases/openldap/Makefile.common      |   4 ++--
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 databases/poco-data-mysql/Makefile      |   4 ++--
 devel/ExmanIDE/Makefile                 |   8 ++++----
 devel/ProjectCenter/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 devel/adacurses/Makefile                |   8 ++++----
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 devel/glib2/Makefile.common             |   6 +++---
 devel/gnustep-make/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 devel/gnustep-make/           |   4 ++--
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 devel/rt3/Makefile.install              |   8 ++++----
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 devel/tcllib/Makefile                   |   6 +++---
 devel/tclreadline/Makefile              |   4 ++--
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 emulators/simulavr/Makefile             |  10 +++++-----
 emulators/ski/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 emulators/spim/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 emulators/tuxnes/Makefile               |   6 +++---
 emulators/xbeeb/Makefile                |  10 +++++-----
 emulators/xbeeb/              |   4 ++--
 filesystems/fuse-afpfs-ng/Makefile      |   4 ++--
 filesystems/fuse-gmailfs/Makefile       |   4 ++--
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 games/quakeforge/Makefile               |   4 ++--
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 graphics/djview4/Makefile               |   4 ++--
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 graphics/imlib2/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 graphics/netpbm/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 graphics/py-qrcode/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 graphics/tkpiechart/Makefile            |   4 ++--
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 ham/fldigi/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 ham/gnuradio-core/Makefile.common       |   4 ++--
 ham/trustedQSL/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 inputmethod/canna-canuum/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 lang/ccsh/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 lang/ecl/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 lang/erlang/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 lang/ghc/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 lang/mono2/Makefile                     |   8 ++++----
 lang/pear/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 lang/perl5/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 lang/rust/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 lang/scheme48/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 lang/snobol/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 mail/OSBF-lua/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 mail/akonadi/                 |   4 ++--
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 mail/courier-mta/Makefile               |   4 ++--
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 mail/gnus/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
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 mail/metamail/Makefile                  |   6 +++---
 mail/minimalist/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 mail/mush/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 mail/neomutt/                 |   4 ++--
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 mail/pfqueue/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 mail/pfqueue/                 |   4 ++--
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 mail/qmail/                   |   4 ++--
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 mail/sympa/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 mail/up-imapproxy/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 math/R-CGIwithR/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 math/R-nloptr/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 math/qalculate/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 mbone/beacon/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 misc/ansiweather/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 misc/ascii/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 misc/brs/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 misc/calibre/Makefile                   |   6 +++---
 misc/rox-memo/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 misc/screen/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 misc/send-pr/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 misc/vimpager/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 misc/zyGrib/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 multimedia/avidemux/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 multimedia/dvdrip/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 multimedia/ffmpeg010/Makefile.common    |   4 ++--
 multimedia/ffmpeg1/Makefile.common      |   4 ++--
 multimedia/ffmpeg2/Makefile.common      |   4 ++--
 multimedia/libmp4v2/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 multimedia/mediatomb/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 multimedia/mplayer-plugin/Makefile      |   4 ++--
 multimedia/sickbeard/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 multimedia/xine-lib/Makefile            |   6 +++---
 net/DarwinStreamingServer/Makefile      |   8 ++++----
 net/ORBit/                      |   4 ++--
 net/aget/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/aiccu/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/apollo/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/arpwatch/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 net/chrony/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/coilmq/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/dctc/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/ddclient/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 net/dgd/Makefile                        |   4 ++--
 net/ez-ipupdate/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 net/freeradius2/Makefile                |   6 +++---
 net/hf6to4/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/irrd/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/jftpgw/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/knot/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/libnipper/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 net/libquic/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 net/mono-nat/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 net/monotorrent/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 net/monsoon/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 net/mrtg/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/nagios-plugin-radius/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 net/ndiff/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/nipper/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/ocsinventory-agent/Makefile         |   6 +++---
 net/oinkmaster/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 net/p5-RPC-XML/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 net/pconsole/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 net/poptop/Makefile                     |   6 +++---
 net/pptp/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/proxytunnel/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 net/publicfile-run/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 net/py-pcap/Makefile                    |   6 +++---
 net/pygopherd/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 net/rinetd/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/rsync/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/ruby-stompserver/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 net/samba/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/samba4/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/scapy/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/sipsak/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/smokeping/Makefile                  |   6 +++---
 net/snort/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/socat/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/sysmon/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/twittering-mode/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 net/ucspi-tcp/                |   4 ++--
 net/vpnc/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 net/vpnc/                     |   4 ++--
 net/vsftpd/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 net/xymon/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 net/zenmap/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 parallel/ganglia-monitor-core/Makefile  |   8 ++++----
 parallel/gridscheduler/Makefile         |   4 ++--
 parallel/sge/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 parallel/slurm-wlm/Makefile             |   6 +++---
 pkgtools/dfdisk/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/libkver/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/pbulk/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/pkg/Makefile                   |   6 +++---
 pkgtools/pkg_filecheck/Makefile         |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/pkg_notify/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/pkgclean/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 pkgtools/pkgfind/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 print/apsfilter/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 print/cups-base/Makefile                |   8 ++++----
 print/cups15/Makefile                   |   8 ++++----
 print/foo2zjs/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 print/indexinfo/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 print/pdfmod/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 print/py-cups/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 print/xpdf-korean/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 print/xpdf/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 security/base/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 security/chkrootkit/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 security/dropbear/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 security/duo-unix/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 security/easy-rsa/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 security/gpgme/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 security/ike-scan/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 security/libprelude/Makefile.common     |   4 ++--
 security/nikto/Makefile                 |   8 ++++----
 security/opendnssec/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 security/openvas-server/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 security/p5-Crypt-GPG/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 security/p5-pcsc/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 security/pam-tacplus/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 security/password-store/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 security/pcsc-tools/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 security/pks/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 security/prelude-lml/Makefile           |   6 +++---
 security/prelude-manager/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 security/prelude-pflogger/Makefile      |   6 +++---
 security/py-prewikka/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 security/py-requests-kerberos/Makefile  |   4 ++--
 security/qca2-gnupg/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 security/qca2-ossl/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 security/qca2-qt5-gnupg/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 security/qca2-qt5-ossl/Makefile         |   4 ++--
 security/qca2/Makefile.common           |   4 ++--
 security/skey/                  |   6 +++---
 security/snortsnarf/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 security/softhsm/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 security/uvscan/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 shells/lshell/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 shells/xonsh/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 sysutils/accountsservice/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 sysutils/amanda-common/Makefile.common  |   4 ++--
 sysutils/bcmfw/Makefile                 |   4 ++--
 sysutils/cdrtools/Makefile              |   6 +++---
 sysutils/dbus-sharp-glib/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 sysutils/dbus-sharp/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 sysutils/dc-tools/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 sysutils/e2fsprogs/Makefile             |   4 ++--
 sysutils/gkrellm-server/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 sysutils/gkrellm/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 sysutils/gnometoaster/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 sysutils/grub/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 sysutils/grub2/Makefile                 |   8 ++++----
 sysutils/k3b/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 sysutils/mc46/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 sysutils/mcollective/Makefile           |   6 +++---
 sysutils/memtestplus/         |   4 ++--
 sysutils/ndesk-dbus-glib/Makefile       |   4 ++--
 sysutils/ndesk-dbus/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 sysutils/pfstat/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 sysutils/polysh/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 sysutils/puppet/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 sysutils/py-euca2ools/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 sysutils/rdiff-backup/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 sysutils/rox/Makefile                   |   6 +++---
 sysutils/su2/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 sysutils/xe-guest-utilities/Makefile    |   6 +++---
 sysutils/xfe/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 textproc/eb/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 textproc/fop/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 textproc/helpdeco/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 textproc/p5-Pod-Spell/Makefile          |   4 ++--
 textproc/p5-XML-Bare/Makefile           |   4 ++--
 textproc/rfcutil/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 textproc/robodoc/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 time/hamster-applet/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 wm/compiz/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 wm/fvwm-devel/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 wm/golem/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 wm/larswm/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 wm/oroborox/Makefile                    |  10 +++++-----
 wm/wmii/Makefile                        |   4 ++--
 wm/xmonad-contrib/            |   4 ++--
 wm/xmonad/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/SOGo3/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/SpeedyCGI/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 www/album/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/apache24/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 www/aws-demos/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 www/bannerfilter/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 www/crawl/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/cvsweb/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 www/drraw/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/drupal8/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 www/gallery/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 www/gallery2/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 www/mediawiki/Makefile                  |  14 +++++++-------
 www/mono-xsp/Makefile                   |   4 ++--
 www/moodle/Makefile                     |   8 ++++----
 www/nspluginwrapper/Makefile            |   4 ++--
 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session/Makefile |   4 ++--
 www/p5-libapreq2/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 www/privoxy/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 www/shibboleth-sp/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 www/siege/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 www/squidview/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 www/swiggle/Makefile                    |   4 ++--
 www/thttpd/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 www/viewvc/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 www/w3c-httpd/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 www/w3m/Makefile.common                 |   6 +++---
 www/wdg-validate/Makefile               |   4 ++--
 www/wordpress/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 x11/XaoS/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 x11/Xbae/Makefile                       |   4 ++--
 x11/avant-window-navigator/Makefile     |   6 +++---
 x11/gdm/Makefile                        |   4 ++--
 x11/gnome-desktop-sharp/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 x11/gnome-sharp/Makefile                |   4 ++--
 x11/gtk-sharp/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 x11/gtkada/Makefile                     |   8 ++++----
 x11/hyena/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 x11/kde-runtime4/Makefile               |   6 +++---
 x11/kde-workspace4/Makefile             |   8 ++++----
 x11/lxsession/Makefile                  |   4 ++--
 x11/ocaml-graphics/Makefile             |  10 +++++-----
 x11/p5-Tk/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 x11/pixman/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 x11/py-qt5/Makefile                     |   4 ++--
 x11/rox-session/Makefile                |   6 +++---
 x11/rox-wallpaper/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 x11/xf86-input-joystick/Makefile        |   4 ++--
 x11/xfstt/Makefile                      |   4 ++--
 x11/xorg-cf-files/Makefile              |   4 ++--
 x11/xosd/Makefile.common                |   4 ++--
 424 files changed, 941 insertions(+), 941 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 8344 to 300 lines):

diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/dar/Makefile
--- a/archivers/dar/Makefile    Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/dar/Makefile    Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.53 2018/01/26 13:38:17 jperkin Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.54 2018/07/04 13:40:07 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      dar-2.4.13
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 ## Build a static binary with threads is currently broken with glibc.
 .if ${OPSYS} == "Linux" && !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mthreads)
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                static
-SUBST_STAGE.static=    post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.static=    pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.static=  Changing -all-static to -static
 SUBST_FILES.static=    src/testing/
 SUBST_SED.static=      -e 's,-all-static,-static,g'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/freeze/Makefile
--- a/archivers/freeze/Makefile Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/freeze/Makefile Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.26 2014/10/09 14:05:51 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.27 2018/07/04 13:40:07 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      freeze-2.5
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                freeze
-SUBST_STAGE.freeze=    post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.freeze=    pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.freeze=    *.1
 SUBST_SED.freeze=      -e 's|@PREFIX@|${PREFIX}|g'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/p7zip/Makefile
--- a/archivers/p7zip/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/p7zip/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.65 2018/03/21 18:47:02 kamil Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.66 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      p7zip_16.02_src_all
 PKGNAME=       ${DISTNAME:S/_src_all//S/_/-/}
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                lib
 SUBST_FILES.lib+=      CPP/7zip/UI/Common/LoadCodecs.cpp
 SUBST_SED.lib+=                -e "s,getenv(.P7ZIP_HOME_DIR.),\"${PREFIX}/lib/\","
-SUBST_STAGE.lib=       post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.lib=       pre-configure
 .include "../../mk/"
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/rox-archive/Makefile
--- a/archivers/rox-archive/Makefile    Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/rox-archive/Makefile    Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2014/05/17 16:10:41 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      archive-2.0
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                lib
 SUBST_MESSAGE.lib=     Fixing hardcoded paths for ROX-Lib.
-SUBST_STAGE.lib=       post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.lib=       pre-configure
 SUBST_SED.lib=         -e 's,/usr/local/lib,${PREFIX}/share/rox,g'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/sarab/Makefile
--- a/archivers/sarab/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/sarab/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2016/05/14 21:06:11 mef Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      sarab-1.0.0
 CATEGORIES=    archivers
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
 CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/sarab.dcf        ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/sarab.dcf
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                dar
-SUBST_STAGE.dar=       post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.dar=       pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.dar=     Fix path to DAR utilities
 SUBST_FILES.dar=       etc/sarab.conf
 SUBST_SED.dar=         -e "s|/usr/local/bin/dar|${PREFIX}/bin/dar|"
 # archivers/dar disables building "dar_static"
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                nocopy
-SUBST_STAGE.nocopy=    post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.nocopy=    pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.nocopy=  Do not copy dar_static
 SUBST_FILES.nocopy=    etc/sarab.conf
 SUBST_SED.nocopy=      -e "s|COPY_DAR=\"yes\"|COPY_DAR=\"no\"|"
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                conf
-SUBST_STAGE.conf=      post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.conf=      pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.conf=    Fix path to SaraB configuration files
 SUBST_FILES.conf= etc/sarab.conf
 SUBST_SED.conf=                -e "s|/etc/sarab|${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}|"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 # NetBSD has /kern, and does not have /sys.  Other platforms might
 # differ.
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                prune
-SUBST_STAGE.prune=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.prune=     pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.prune=   Prune /kern instead of /sys
 SUBST_FILES.prune=     etc/sarab.dcf
 SUBST_SED.prune=       -e "s|--prune sys|--prune kern|"
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a archivers/zutils/Makefile
--- a/archivers/zutils/Makefile Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/archivers/zutils/Makefile Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2017/04/09 11:39:19 mef Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      zutils-1.6
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 CONF_FILES=            ${EGDIR}/zutilsrc ${PREFIX}/etc/zutilsrc
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                sysconfdir
-SUBST_STAGE.sysconfdir=        post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.sysconfdir=        pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.sysconfdir= zutilsrc
 SUBST_MESSAGE.sysconfdir= path of sysconfdir in example (zutilsrc)
 SUBST_SED.sysconfdir=  -e '/sysconfdir/s,$${sysconfdir},${PREFIX}/etc,'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/amarok/Makefile
--- a/audio/amarok/Makefile     Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/amarok/Makefile     Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.179 2018/04/29 21:31:25 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.180 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      amarok-${VERS}
 VERS=          2.8.0
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 REPLACE_PERL+= src/kconf_update/
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                mysql
-SUBST_STAGE.mysql=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.mysql=     pre-configure
 SUBST_MESSAGE.mysql=   Fixup paths for MySQL embedded
 SUBST_FILES.mysql=     cmake/modules/FindMySQLAmarok.cmake
 SUBST_FILES.mysql+=    src/core-impl/collections/db/sql/mysqlecollection/CMakeLists.txt
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/daapd/Makefile
--- a/audio/daapd/Makefile      Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/daapd/Makefile      Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.28 2016/04/20 12:10:25 nros Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.29 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=              daapd-0.2.4b
 PKGREVISION=           1
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                paths
 SUBST_MESSAGE.paths=   Fixing hardcoded paths.
-SUBST_STAGE.paths=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.paths=     pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.paths=     daapd.8
 SUBST_SED.paths=       -e 's,/etc/,${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/,g'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/esound/Makefile
--- a/audio/esound/Makefile     Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/esound/Makefile     Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.85 2017/09/03 08:36:49 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.86 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=              esound-0.2.41
 PKGREVISION=           3
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 .include "../../mk/"
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                oss
-SUBST_STAGE.oss=       post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.oss=       pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.oss=       configure
 SUBST_SED.oss=         -e 's,-lossaudio,${LIBOSSAUDIO},g'
 SUBST_MESSAGE.oss=     Fixing oss.
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/gramofile/Makefile
--- a/audio/gramofile/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/gramofile/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2016/04/20 12:10:26 nros Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      gramofile-1.6
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
        cd ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin && ${LN} -s bplay_gramo brec_gramo
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                snd
-SUBST_STAGE.snd=       post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.snd=       pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.snd=       bplaysrc/sndfunc.c
 SUBST_SED.snd=         -e "s,/dev/dsp,${DEVOSSAUDIO},g"
 SUBST_MESSAGE.snd=     Fixing harcoded audio device.
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/juke/Makefile
--- a/audio/juke/Makefile       Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/juke/Makefile       Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2017/01/04 16:50:31 roy Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      juke-0.7
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                paths
 SUBST_FILES.paths=     doc/juke.1 MANUAL src/conf.c
-SUBST_STAGE.paths=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.paths=     pre-configure
 INSTALLATION_DIRS=     ${EGDIR} share/doc/juke
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/liblo/Makefile
--- a/audio/liblo/Makefile      Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/liblo/Makefile      Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2016/09/15 13:56:58 wiedi Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      liblo-0.28
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 SUBST_FILES.conf=      configure src/
 SUBST_MESSAGE.conf=    Performing build-time configuration substitutions.
 SUBST_SED.conf=                -e 's,-lpthread,$${PTHREAD_LDFLAGS} $${PTHREAD_LIBS},'
-SUBST_STAGE.conf=      post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.conf=      pre-configure
 LDFLAGS.SunOS+=                -lsocket -lnsl
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/libvisual/Makefile
--- a/audio/libvisual/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/libvisual/Makefile  Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.26 2016/04/20 12:10:28 nros Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.27 2018/07/04 13:40:08 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      libvisual-0.4.0
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=        rtlib
-SUBST_STAGE.rtlib=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.rtlib=     pre-configure
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/moss/Makefile
--- a/audio/moss/Makefile       Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/moss/Makefile       Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.29 2018/07/03 05:03:02 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.30 2018/07/04 13:40:09 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      moss-0.1.13
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                path
 SUBST_MESSAGE.path=    Fixing hardcoded paths.
-SUBST_STAGE.path=      post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.path=      pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.path=      moss.conf.sample
 SUBST_SED.path=                -e 's,$${PREFIX}/var,${VARBASE},g'
 SUBST_SED.path+=       -e 's,$${PREFIX}/share,${PREFIX}/share,g'
diff -r 59e14c8d9a9b -r a098ff6ac79a audio/mt-daapd/Makefile
--- a/audio/mt-daapd/Makefile   Wed Jul 04 13:27:41 2018 +0000
+++ b/audio/mt-daapd/Makefile   Wed Jul 04 13:40:07 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2018/01/28 20:10:42 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2018/07/04 13:40:09 jperkin Exp $
 DISTNAME=      mt-daapd-
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 .include ""
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                conf
-SUBST_STAGE.conf=      post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.conf=      pre-configure
 SUBST_FILES.conf=      contrib/mt-daapd.conf
 SUBST_SED.conf=                -e "s,@PREFIX@,${PREFIX},"
 SUBST_SED.conf+=       -e "s,@VARBASE@,${VARBASE},g"
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 SUBST_CLASSES+=                paths
 SUBST_MESSAGE.paths=   Fixing hardcoded paths.
-SUBST_STAGE.paths=     post-patch
+SUBST_STAGE.paths=     pre-configure

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