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Re: pkgsrc 2018Q2 NetBSD 8.0/powerpc 2018-06-27 17:39

> pkgsrc 2018Q2 bulk build report
> ===============================

I started with what was built for 2018Q1, and if nothing changed,
the old package was re-used...  Still took slightly more than a
month on a single 1.5GHz single-CPU G4 Mac Mini.

...and here are some comments to the "worst offenders" list:

> lang/spidermonkey52                      674

Undefined __atomic_fetch_add_8 during linking of C++.  Our
powerpc ports don't have native 8-byte atomic ops, and we don't
try to emulate them either.  (This isn't the only package which
runs into this, e.g. rsyslog wants to do atomic ops, IIRC on a
time_t variable, and fails with

../runtime/.libs/librsyslog.a(librsyslog_la-action.o): In function `doSubmitToActionQNotAllMark':
/usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/rsyslog/work/rsyslog-8.35.0/runtime/../action.c:1882: undefined reference to `__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8'


> databases/mysql57-client                 218

As mentioned before, 37% into the build it manages to discover
that it can't find our atomics support:

/usr/pkgsrc/databases/mysql57-client/work/mysql-5.7.22/include/my_atomic.h:65:4: error: #error Native atomics support not found!
 #  error Native atomics support not found!

The build log is extremely noisy because mysql insists on
redefining bzero().

> devel/ocaml-findlib                      126

Fails during install because three .cmxs files are missing,
probably due to ocaml being configured without "shared library"
support.  While ocaml's own PLIST has been fixed to deal with
that via an option, that's however not taken into account for all
the module packages for ocaml.

> textproc/ruby-nokogiri                    75

pkg-config could not be used to find libxml-2.0

> x11/modular-xorg-server                   59

Package dependency requirement 'randrproto >= 1.6.0' could not be satisfied.
Package 'randrproto' has version '1.5.0', required version is '>= 1.6.0'

> lang/mono                                 32

MCS     [basic] basic.exe

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

Any attempt to run the built mcs results in this error, and it's
downhill from there.

> lang/nodejs                               26

g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-msse2'
g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mfpmath=sse'
g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-mmmx'

Silly options for powerpc.  IIRC, I tried delving into this a few
pkgsrc branches ago, and dealing with the configure issues this
just next reveals that powerpc support is nowhere to be found,
and the closest thing supported is 64-bit powerpc, and from
bringing this up it seems unlikely 32-bit powerpc will ever be
added upstream.

> ham/gnuradio-core                         23

[ 54%] Building CXX object gr-blocks/lib/CMakeFiles/gnuradio-blocks.dir/
/usr/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-core/work/gnuradio-3.7.11/gr-blocks/lib/ In member function 'void gr::blocks::message_strobe_impl::run()':
/usr/pkgsrc/ham/gnuradio-core/work/gnuradio-3.7.11/gr-blocks/lib/ error: no matching function for call to 'boost::date_time::subsecond_duration<boost::posix_time::time_duration, 1000ll>::subsecond_duration(float&)'

This seems like a C++ type error, but why isn't anyone else
seeing this issue?  (Or are they?)

> x11/p5-Wx                                 22

PropertyGrid.c: In function 'void XS_Wx__ColourProperty_SetPlValue(PerlInterpreter*, CV*)':
PropertyGrid.c:27130:49: error: call of overloaded 'wxVariant(wxColour&)' is ambiguous
                 wxVariant value = wxVariant(*col);

More fun C++ type errors...

> www/webkit24-gtk                          21

./Source/JavaScriptCore/assembler/MacroAssembler.h:66:2: error: #error "The MacroAssembler is not supported on this platform."
 #error "The MacroAssembler is not supported on this platform."

Missing powerpc support in the JavaScript jit implementation.


- Håvard

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