Subject: pkg/36617: security/PAM from pkgsrc-2007Q2 fails to build
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: pkgsrc-bugs
Date: 07/08/2007 23:35:00
>Number:         36617
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       security/PAM from pkgsrc-2007Q2 fails to build
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Jul 08 23:35:00 +0000 2007
>Originator:     Dave Vollenweider
>Release:        Linux i386
Linux kensuke #7 Mon Dec 11 14:02:05 CST 2006 i686 pentium2 i386 GNU/Linux
security/PAM (LinuxPAM) fails to build the library and, if libcrack is enabled as an option, library. not being built seems to come from a problem with the security/db4 package.  These are the variables that were used by pkgsrc before I applied the workaround:

The following variables will affect the build process of this package,
PAM-0.77nb5.  Their current value is shown below:

        * BDB185_DEFAULT = db4
        * BDB_DEFAULT = db4

Based on these variables, the following variables have been set:

        * BDBBASE (defined, but empty)
        * BDB_LIBS = -ldb4
        * BDB_TYPE = db4

The build process says that pam_userdb is going to be built, but it isn't.  This is what happened instead:

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM/work/Linux-PAM-0.77/module
This module will not be compiled on this system
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM/work/Linux-PAM-0.77/modules

And, despite me putting in the libcrack option for this package, pam_cracklib wasn't built:

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM/work/Linux-PAM-0.77/module
This module will not be compiled on this system
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM/work/Linux-PAM-0.77/modules

As a result, these two files are missing and the build process stops when trying to create a binary package:

pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/lib/security/'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/lib/security/'
=> Registering installation for PAM-0.77nb5
pkg_admin: PAM-0.77nb5: File `/usr/pkg/lib/security/' is in +CONT
ENTS but not on filesystem!
pkg_admin: PAM-0.77nb5: File `/usr/pkg/lib/security/' is in +CONTEN
TS but not on filesystem!
PAM-0.77nb5 requires installed package db4-
PAM-0.77nb5 requires installed package libcrack-2.7nb1
===> Building binary package for PAM-0.77nb5
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/lib/security/'
pkg_create: can't stat `/usr/pkg/lib/security/'
tar: Unable to access lib/security/ (No such file or directory)
tar: Unable to access lib/security/ (No such file or directory)
tar: WARNING! These file names were not selected:
pkg_create: /usr/pkg/bin/tar command failed with code 1
Creating package /usr/pkgsrc/packages/pkgsrc-2007Q2/All/PAM-0.77nb5.tgz
Using SrcDir value of /usr/pkg
Registering conflicts: openpam-[0-9]*.
ERROR: pkg_create -K pkg failed (2)
*** Error code 1

bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM
*** Error code 1

bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM
*** Error code 1

bmake: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/security/PAM
Try building the package again with the libcrack option enabled and without the workaround for the pam_userdb below.
For the pam_userdb problem, installing a package containing db1 for the Linux distribution seems to work.  For my installation, which is Slackware, I used a package provided to me by someone who responded to my inquiry on the pkgsrc-users mailing list:

Installing this package and trying to build it again resulted in these variables:

The following variables will affect the build process of this package,
PAM-0.77nb5.  Their current value is shown below:

        * BDB185_DEFAULT = db1
        * BDB_DEFAULT = db4

Based on these variables, the following variables have been set:

        * BDBBASE = /usr
        * BDB_LIBS = -ldb1
        * BDB_TYPE = db1

the pam_userdb module was compiled and installed successfully.  As for the problem with libcrack, I do not have a fix or workaround for it other than to not enable the librack option.