Subject: Re: Web design contest
To: None <>
From: Michael Watters <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/15/2007 14:49:04
Andreas Pettersson wrote:
> We at have redesigned some times, but never
> got really satisfied with the design. We are now looking for a new design
> for We want it to look more modern than our current and be
> cleaner. These are our desires:
> - The site should not be made for fullscreen web browes, although, not
>     to small either. 
> - Dynamic (xhtml, div, css ...)
> - Light and soft colours and shapes
> - Easy navigation combined with a good structure that allows much 
>    information on limited amount of space.
> - Our mascot should be integrated in some way (only the deamon, 
I may have a few ideas, does it matter what language the back-end uses?  
Are you using a database?

Python/SQLite would probably work great and it would be very fast.

Here's some examples of stuff I've done. - Entire page is dynamically generated with some 
javascript thrown in. - Python/SQLite driven. - This site uses perl, it's not finished however.

Also, have you considered using a CMS like joomla?