Subject: Re: NetBSD and Google SoC 2007, a question
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/12/2007 10:13:31
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Jordan Gordeev <> wrote:
> In the Google Summer of Code 2007, NetBSD has only 6 accepted SoC=20
> projects, FreeBSD - 25 and Plan 9 - 13.
> Do you have and reasonable explanation?

Unfortunately it is not up to to determine the number of projects we get
assigned.  Google determines how many slots each project will be given.
I believe that one of the criteria of how many slots a project is given
is the number of students who applied for the given organization.

This is where we may have somewhat hurt ourselves:  based on our
experience form the previous years, we have put more effort into the
suggested projects page, with very precise levels of difficulty assigned
and our expectations expressed.  As a result, we have received fewer
applications than in previous years -- we may have scared off a few

On the other hand, I'd like to point out that this year the *quality* of
applications received was *far* higher than in the previous two years.
That is, we had a significantly higher number of high quality projects
that we had mentors ready for and that sounded like they would be
successfull in the timeframe than we did in previous years.

The ranking of the proposals was more difficult as a result, and while
it's too bad that we weren't able to accept more of the great proposals
we received, we are still quite happy with the 6 projects that were
selected.  In the end, we prefer quality over quantity.


P.S.: A more formal announcement regarding this year's SoC will likely
be made in the next couple of days.

--=20 -
         Multiarchitecture OS, no hype required.

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