Subject: Re: Repairing the damage (was Re: History of the NetBSD Foundation)
To: Timo Schoeler <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/06/2006 00:55:30
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On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 09:45:46PM +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:
> Without full disclosure of these agreements it is impossible to
> determine if the NetBSD source tree is legal.  We, as users and
> developers not included in these secret agreements, have no idea if the
> code in the tree came directly from the legal owners of the code or
> through some "secret" agreement by people that did not own the code.  We
> have no idea if continuing to use NetBSD will leave us liable in case
> the code turns out to be illegally obtained.

You're trying to spread the exact same FUD SCO has repeatedly tried to
unleash on Linux.  You have the right not to trust the NetBSD Foundation.
Somehow I wonder how you can trust any code you didn't write doesn't
make you liable.  But that doesn't give you the right to make random
and slanderous to some level assertions.

I'll give an example:  I've recently worked on porting OpenBSD's mpi(4)
which is a replacement of mpt(4).  There are obivous signs of
copy/pasting from mpt(4) in it.  Do I see the relevant copyright notices
in the source file?  No.  That tells.

For the first time I feel like giving up on the open source stuff.  I
mean, sharing my code, sure, but to people like *you*?  Hell, now that's
something to reconsider.

Quentin Garnier - -
"When I find the controls, I'll go where I like, I'll know where I want
to be, but maybe for now I'll stay right here on a silent sea."
KT Tunstall, Silent Sea, Eye to the Telescope, 2004.

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