Subject: Re: The future of NetBSD
To: <>
From: davide zanon <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/31/2006 18:04:41
On Aug 31, 2006, at 6:06 PM, Miod Vallat wrote:

>> BSD is about an operating system, not about a kernel.
> This is a common misconception.
> BSD is about people pissing each other, because they don't want to  
> admit
> that other people can have different needs, goals, or ways of  
> designing
> code, than themselves.

I'm noone to talk about this, but this is *one* of the problems that  
seem to
emerge in every project I've heard of, and surely it affects lots of  
more than the BSDs.
Everywhere there are people pissing each other because
they don't understand that the Truth is never on the same side, if  
called truth even exists. According to my experience as dumb user, I've
never found such a helpful community as the NetBSD one, so I think that
what stated is excessive and unfair.

> This is why all this talking about BSD projects needing to merge is  
> complete
> bullshit.

The reason why merging is impossible or stupid has been said some  
times... Different goals. It's only a positive thing that there is  
more than one
project, also because of what you said above, although exaggerating.
Do you think it would be better if everyone pursued the same things,  
that users won't ever be a faceless mass of identical robots?

> Miod

davide zanon