Subject: Re: Logical Volume Management for NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Christoph Kaegi <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 08/24/2006 09:57:09
On 17.08-12:18, Louis Guillaume wrote:
> I'm sure the differences are mainly with naming, but there are some 
> features on the AIX version that are really important:

Just to mention my interest:

I've been an AIX admin before and I always missed LVM and mksysb
on NetBSD.

These would be features that would set NetBSD quite a bit ahead of
the other BSD's and make life much easier (well, after the
steep LVM learning curve for those, that didn't know the LVM 
concepts before).

I'd be willing to help with testing :-)


Christoph Kaegi                                 