Subject: Proposal to include a game to the base system
To: None <>
From: Claudio M. <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/25/2006 10:38:59
   i've googled a lot of times to find a game like an old version
   of snake for C64 called The hermit worm (at least, in italian)
   but without results. Nobody seems to know this game and i did'nt
   know where to find it, so i've decided to write my own version.

   NetBSD already have a Snake game but really don't be as i like.

   Both the Nokia(R) and the old C64 version are different from the
   NetBSD game and my version is (probably) more similar to the "real"

   I thought could be funny to include it to the base system and allow
   the users to modify it and fix all they need to make the game more
   playable and comfortable. Surely, there are several bugs to fix and
   some missing feature but i've implemented the pause, a check for the
   window (terminal?) resize and a little trick to "block" the worm and
   move it cell by cell. It is curses-based and don't need any library
   (except curses, of course). There is a status bar with the points and
   other informations, etc. Oh, there is a problem: i have written it on
   X11 and i've defined MINROW (21) and MINCOL (81) so you'll probably
   get an error like this:

      This game require a terminal size of 21x81 pixel.
      Your terminal size is: NxN.

   Changing that value you will be able to play the game but probably
   your status bar will not be symmetrical anymore.
   I hope this is not a problem, it should be fixable :-)

   Anyway, if you are interesting on play my game or (hopefule)
   to include it that game to the system, please for the source
   refer to .

I hope my english could be a bit understandable.

Best regards,

Claudio M.

Version: 3.1
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