Subject: Re: video cards
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/19/2006 14:35:44
Mark Weinem <> writes:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
>> A cheap pair of cards that seems to work well are:
>>   Asus ATI Radeon 9200se   (PCI)  $50 
>>   Asus ATI Radeon ax300sex (PCIe) ~$60
> That's Xorg, but are are there any well supported PCIe grahic cards for
> XFree86?

I didn't want to jinx any other replies you might have gotten.  The
only XFree86-usable cards I know that are still on sale are the old
Matrox series g450 and g550.  The price, if you can even find them, is
over 2x the Radeon prices above and you only get a card with limited
memory and a slower RAMDAC.  The frustration of finding a new card for
XFree86 convinced me it was time to install xorg and not look back.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht      
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