Subject: Re: mountd fails
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 09/04/2005 13:02:12
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Andy Ruhl <> wrote:
> On 9/3/05, Jan Schaumann <> wrote:

> > I have a problem with mountd that I simply can't figure out:
> >=20
> > I have a file /etc/exports consistin entirely of the following line:
> >=20
> > /hold   -maproot=3Droot
> >=20
> > When I start mountd, I get a message saying
> >=20
> > /hold     -maproot", line 1: Can't export /hold: Invalid argument
> >=20
> > /hold is a directory, under which a partition is mounted.
> >=20
> > What could cause mount(2) to return EINVAL on /hold ?  According to the
> > manual page, EINVAL should be returned if ``The super block for the file
> > system had a bad magic number or an out of range block size.''  I've
> > fsck'd the filesystem (with an alternate super block to make sure), and
> > still I get the same error.
> >=20
> > Does anybody have any ideas what's going on here?
> I suppose it could still receive "bad" values for either one of those
> reasons, if what it got was something it wasn't expecting? Maybe it's
> a filesystem that it isn't expecting or something? Or you newfs'd it
> with some options NFS doesn't like for some reason?

Well, the thing that really gets me is that this is a system that has
been working fine for the longest time.  The filesystem hasn't changed.

I just can't make any sense of this.


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