Subject: Re: [sun-jdk15] Weird file permissions
To: None <>
From: Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/22/2005 21:03:21
>     NetBSD slab 2.0.2_STABLE NetBSD 2.0.2_STABLE (SLAB)
> #4: Thu Apr 21 15:33:39 PDT 2005 
> bsd@slab:/usr/src/src-2.0/sys/arch/i386/compile/SLAB i386

bash-3.00$ uname -a
NetBSD phoenix.domain.invalid 2.0.2 NetBSD 2.0.2 (GENERIC)
#0: Wed Mar 23 08:53:42 UTC 2005

This is my machine.

Hi Brian. I've been thinkin' of it all wednesday and thought
(at first) that it might be something related to the linux
emulation. I thought that perhaps the emulation layer was
trashing my /home (ffs), because Linux can't write to ffs
(or ufs, I don't really know). But then I realised that the
virtual machine would only make syscalls to the (emulated)
Linux kernel, which would be properly translated to the
NetBSD kernel. After that, I discarded this theory.

Then I tried something a little more basic. I though it
would be helpful to follow the build.xml in a step by step
basis. I created the "temp" dir, which end up gettin' the
same permissions from the ant-created dir. But the "unjar"
procedure, which I simply translated into "jar xf FILENAME",
went through flawlessly. So, I think chances are that the
problem is with the "unjar" target. I'm downloading the ant
source distribution (1.6.2, which is what is installed
here). I'll e-mail any conclusions or whatsoever that may
arise from this "research" / hack / [call what you may :-)].

Thanks again,
Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont
(... XMMS's playing "On The Virg - Malfunction" ...)