Subject: Re: Welcome to netbsd-users
To: Simeon Nifos <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/27/2005 15:51:43
On 5/27/05, Simeon Nifos <> wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> I am a new user migrating from FreeBSD, where I had
> hardware troubles with AMD64 archs. I would like a
> little
> help to begin!
> 1:) Please send me a sample .cshrc.
>     up down keys do not work, delete key doesn't work
> and
>     neither does tab key. Couldn't netbsd people make
> our
>     life easier with that?

Like Jeremy said, we use "real" csh. Install tcsh or bash or whatever
you prefer.

> 2:) Please let me know where can I download a cd iso
>     image with precompiled packages for i386.

Then follow the appropriate links to what OS you are using. The iso is

Best to just use pkgsrc though, most  of the time.

> 3:) Are there any Nvidia drivers available?

The correct question is if X supports Nvidia. Probably. I've used
older Nvidia cards with no problems.

> 4:) Suppose I have a Linux Library
>     And I want to link it with my main.c compiled
>     in NetBSD. How can I achieve that?

Ummm... I don't know what you're trying to accomplish. We have a linux
emulation layer you should probably figure out how to use before you
try hacking stuff together.

> 5:) Some simple tunings I can apply on the fly
>     (memory,disk,net)?

Ummm.... What for? That's way to general to answer.

Use NetBSD for a while, read the excellent guide, and enjoy it. You'll
probably have to change your thinking a little. Don't try to make it
work like Linux or FreeBSD, just figure out the NetBSD way and see if
that's OK. Most of time, it is.
