Subject: Re: Migrating from FreeBSD to NetBSD: general questions
To: Andy Ruhl <,>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/27/2005 13:11:30
In article <> you wrote:
> 2. I've searched on this one and I'm not sure if it's possible. I'm
> looking for a sysctl or some other way to disable inet6 without
> recompiling. I don't use inet6 at this point, and it's good practice
> to not enable what you don't use (and it muddys up some of my output I
> use to watch the network). An unacceptable answer for this would be
> "You shouldn't disable inet6".

ifconfig ifX inet6 down ?

With ip6mode=host in /etc/rc.conf, it shouldn't pick up an Router
Advertisements anyways, and when you shut the (v6) interfaces down, it
should be pretty close to "no IPv6". As an alternative, you can try to 
"ifconfig ifX inet6 -alias <v6adr>" (untested).
 - Hubert