Subject: Re: cvs checkout upon ftp snapshot
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 05/08/2005 01:01:09
In article <>,
	Hanspeter Roth <> writes:
> an initial cvs checkout takes awfully long.
> Is it possible to do some kind of cvs update or cvs checkout upon an
> tree which was expanded bye the tar files of a snapshot retrieved by
> ftp? If yes how?

Yes.  The CVS directories have been included in the tarballs for a very
long time now, for exactly this reason.  You might want to redirect the
"CVS/Root" files to your preferred mirror...

	cd /usr/src
	find . -name Root \
	| while read Root
	    echo > $Root

... and then you can do the update normally.  E.g.:

	cvs -z3 update -A -I! > /var/tmp/src.cvs.log &

(I would definitely use "-I!" for the first update, and also
review the saved output for evidence of corruption, though neither
is strictly necessary.)
