Subject: GIMP from pkgsrc, can't read some TIFF images.
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/30/2005 08:57:27
I've used my digital camera before to produce uncompressed TIFF images.
I was able to read them with no problem.

However, now the GIMP cannot display some pictures that I just downloaded
from the camera.  (But it can read the JPEG images from the same transfer.)

The first error that it complains about is being unable to read the
"directory count" of the TIFF image.  (A "tiffinfo" program that was
part of some pkgsrc package also gives that error.)

Two things which I would not expect to cause the problems, but which
may be worth mentioning, are:

 1) I just rebuilt the GIMP.  Maybe it's somehow pickier than in the

 2) Because NetBSD's USB port can't talk to digital media card readers
    (well, not unless you plug them in at boot---I wound up having the
    kernel disable a USB port when I forgot about that), I first
    grabbed the files to a MonopolySoft system---from there, I made
    a bzip2ed tarball.  (I wouldn't put it past MonopolySoft to try to
    munge the TIFF images some way, but it just doesn't seem likely to
    have happened.)

So, what I'm looking for is some kind of TIFF-manipulation program
that can deal with these files.  (I vaguely recall that some digital
cameras do not respect exact image format specs in some cases...)

If it helps any, this is an Olympus 360-D or 320-D or so.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."