Subject: /etc/exports/mountd question
To: None <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/14/2005 22:46:46
---- from export(5)
The export options are tied to the local mount points in the kernel
must be non-contradictory for any exported subdirectory of the local
server mount point. It is recommended that all exported directories
could you translate it to english please ? :)
look at this
/usr/local/XterminalBSD -ro -maproot=nobody -network 10/8
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek -maproot=root wojtek-term2.dom
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek2 -maproot=root nowy.dom
it works - contrary (i think) to what export(5) says.
/usr/local/XterminalBSD -ro -maproot=nobody -network 10/8
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek -maproot=root wojtek-term2.dom
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek2 -maproot=root nowy.dom
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek3 -maproot=root nowy.dom
works too
/usr/local/XterminalBSD -ro -maproot=nobody -network 10/8
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek -maproot=root wojtek-term2.dom
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek2 -maproot=root nowy.dom
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek3 -maproot=nobody nowy.dom
Apr 14 22:45:10 chylonia mountd[21776]: "/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek3
-maproot", line 4: Can't change attributes for
/usr/local/Xterminals/wojtek3 to nowy.dom: Operation not permitted
until there are 3 lines i can change -maproot freely, with 4 lines i
all mountpoints are on local filesystems.
any ideas?