Subject: Re: Resource needs
To: None <>
From: Zbigniew Baniewski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/01/2005 15:13:27
On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 12:44:38PM +0000, Martijn van Buul wrote:

> Comparing the resource usage of NetBSD with a FreeDOS isn't really useful

And because of this I wrote that... "of course, I can install a system less
resource-hungry - getting in return less possibilities". Wasn't that clear?

I would to know answer to the questions: "NetBSD 2.0 seems to want much more
memory than Linux with kernel 2.2.26. 1) Is is true - or perhaps I need to fix
something? 2) If is it true - what I'm getting in return?"

That's all.

I don't have neither time nor lust for any "trolling", I'm not a teenie
anymore - I just need some information
				pozdrawiam / regards

						Zbigniew Baniewski