Subject: Packages database somewhat broken
To: None <>
From: Zbigniew Baniewski <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/31/2005 22:47:45
Hallo again,

thanks to Zafer I've installed ready-made mplayer series of packages, but
- unfortunately - while installing my package database got spoiled. When
I run "pkg_info", several times I can see on the screen something like:

==================== cut ==================================
tar: WARNING! These patterns were not matched:
pkg_info: extract of /root/mplayer/./p5-perl-headers-2.0nb1.tgz failed
pkg_info: error during unpacking, no info for 'p5-perl-headers-2.0nb1'
tar: WARNING! These patterns were not matched:
pkg_info: extract of /root/mplayer/./mplayer-1.0rc6.tgz failed
pkg_info: error during unpacking, no info for 'mplayer-1.0rc6' available
============================== cut =====================================

Of course "pkg_info -e mplayer" reports, that it's installed - and it's
really alive and working.

Searching the Web I've found, that it's related to a bug in pkgsrc system:!+These+patterns+were+not+matched&hl=pl&lr=&ie=UTF-8&inlang=pl&

...but the link above clears some reasons, and I'm looking for the cure.
Does there exist a way to repair the package database? How can I prevent
such things in the future?
				pozdrawiam / regards

						Zbigniew Baniewski