Subject: Re: raidframe and disklabel
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 01/22/2005 17:12:58
Patrick Welche writes:
> I just had one of 2 mirrored disks die. Luckily this time the raidset was
> autoconfigured :-) Anyway, I wonder if I was too hasty: I just swapped
> the dead disk, 
> raidctl -a /dev/wd1a raid0
> raidctl -F component0 raid0
> and I now see
> imap# raidctl -S raid0
> Reconstruction is 5% complete.
> Parity Re-write is 100% complete.
> Copyback is 100% complete.
> Should I have disklabeled wd1 first? 

Yes, although it seems that RAIDframe was happy enough with the size 
of wd1a, so things should be OK for now.  However: you'll still need 
to mark wd1a as being of type RAID in the disklabel, otherwise the 
autoconfig bits won't find it.  You'll want to fix that before 

> (I just grabbed it and threw it in)
> imap# disklabel -rt wd1
> disklabel: Invalid signature in mbr record 0
> disklabel: no disklabel
> imap# disklabel -rt wd2
> disklabel: Invalid signature in mbr record 0
> 250G|Automatically generated label:\
>         :dt=ESDI:se#512:ns#63:nt#16:sc#1008:nc#16383:\
>         :su#490234752:\
>         :pa#490234752:oa#0:ta=RAID:\
>         :pc#490234752:oc#0:\
>         :pd#490234752:od#0:
> ? (It all seems to work though..)
> Cheers,
> Patrick


Greg Oster